Download the background for the cover on YouTube. The best ways to make a beautiful background for your YouTube channel. Can't do it nicely

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. It was with great difficulty that I forced myself to sit down and write this article today. It's not that the topic is too complex. Moreover, I already wrote a similar publication.

It is difficult to maintain discipline. I've been writing on my blog almost every day for over a year now. I teach you how to make money on YouTube, make your own sites on WordPress, work with WebMoney, and so on. During this time, I learned so many new things in all these areas that I can take on the most incredible orders with peace of mind.

It was these thoughts that created in me the desire to begin our dialogue precisely by advising you to subscribe to my blog’s mailing list. You, just like me, can every day get one step closer to popularity and stable earnings on the Internet.

Today, we will talk about how to make a background for YouTube. I'll show you 5 options, I'll give you a lot useful tips and I will provide some useful video instructions.

I would like to immediately warn you that we'll talk not about the background. Recently, it has become prohibited to change it. You won't see channels like this anywhere else.

We will learn to insert beautiful picture in the channel header. I have already written about this and some parts of this article will overlap a little with what I wrote earlier. However, in both publications you will find additional information.

For example, in the article “” there is a list online services, helping to cope with the task without programs, and a training video on creating an animated header is provided.

In this publication you will find 5 videos, some new useful tips and my own video. But first, I will briefly describe the process itself to you.

How to create your own design

At the end of this article, you will understand what tools and how to make your channel more beautiful. We'll be working on the header. What it looks like, for example, here.

About sizes

I advise you not to bother and download a template with guides from my website, which you can open through Photoshop to work on the header accurately and in detail. The fact is that the official YouTube website is adapted for mobile devices. He will change.

If you are viewing it from a phone screen, you will only see the part that is shown as number 1 in my screenshot. 2 is the display for tablets, 3 is the laptop screen, and 4 is the TV. By the way, do not neglect this permission.

More and more often, Russians have televisions with Internet access. We recently visited a friend who bought her child her own Samsung TV with Internet access via wi-fi. The little girl is only 4 years old, but she is firmly hooked on Peppa Pig and watches it exclusively from YouTube.

How to create a picture

So you open this file. Let's start with filling the background (I recommend an interesting article about how to quickly). You can use one color, for example black. But it seems to me that gradients look much more impressive. I also already wrote about that.

First, select a tool in the panel on the left, then click on the color block.

Change shades. At the bottom there are control points with color display. Click on them and change the color to the one you need. Watch the video below if something doesn't work.

As a result, this is what I ended up with.

Now I take the pictures prepared in advance. From my blog you can also learn about where to get pictures for free and without legal consequences. I also already told. You can read detailed explanation on my website or limit yourself to only the information that they need to be dragged from the folder.

If you need an image with transparent background, like mine, then look for the PNG extension.

I press right button mouse to flip the image. And select “Flip Horizontal”.

This is the final result I got.

All that remains is to subscribe your channel. I select the text tool.

I purposely move the title to the top left corner to make it easier to select the font.

Now, using the move tool, I place it where it should be.

You can add a stroke so that the inscription is clearly readable on a black background.

This is how it worked out for me. All that remains is to save the picture and upload it to YouTube.

We will need Jpg format.

How to upload an illustration

Now let's open the channel. I drew this picture when I wrote the previous publication.

Select the pencil in the upper right corner and click “Change channel design.”

Drag a new image here.

Let's see how the channel will look like various devices.

You can also watch a video in which I do the same thing so you don't get confused and achieve the same effect.

5 videos on how to achieve excellent results

Well, now, as promised, I will give you 5 videos on how to create an incredible hat. So. Here you will be taught how to create an incredibly beautiful background, in the style of one popular video blogger EeOneGuy.

In this video I really liked not only the result, but also the life hack for creating a template using notebook sheet. I think I will use it not only to work on the channel.

Another interesting lesson on how to work with styles and add effects.

OK it's all over Now. Improve yourself, learn more about Photoshop, learn to make beautiful pictures yourself, invent, develop your talent. Very soon you won't need any lessons. You yourself will be able to gush with creative ideas.

And if you make your own screencasts, I also advise you to pay attention to the course “ Screencast Master ", which contains all the secrets of creating your own lessons.

A cap- This channel face. Users who go to your channel immediately pay attention to the header. The hat should be bright, rich, and at the same time understandable. If the header is bad or absent altogether, then people are likely to show less interest in the channel. Therefore, each channel must have its own unique header.

How to make a header for a youtube channel?

In order to make yourself a header on YouTube, you just need to create a file with a resolution of at least 2560 (width) x 1440 (height). This can be done in a graphic editor - photoshop. Personally, I use this particular program.

After creating the file, you will see a blank white sheet in front of you, which can be filled with various elements, be it pictures or text.

But before you do this, you should know about “ visibility zone” on various devices. On each device (phone, tablet, TV) your header will be displayed differently. And therefore you need to find the zone that will be as adaptive as possible for all devices.

I advise you to stick to this zone (where 1546 x 423 centered):

Below you can download this file (picture) to your computer. After downloading, open it in an editor (in our case, Photoshop) and place it on top of your empty white sheet of paper and make the transparency around 40-50%

In the center (bottom of the photo) you see a white area that needs to be filled with content. It is in the white zone (see photo below) that you need to design your hat. I also added a simple background below:

After all operations, do not forget to delete the template (“visibility zone”) that you applied. Otherwise it will be ugly :)

Your hat should show everything you have There is on your channel.

For example, let's take this one:

Looking at this hat, I understand that the person plays Counter-Strike Go. And the videos on the channel will be about this game.

If you shoot various vlogs, then your face should most likely be on the header. And if you have a channel about cars, then there should actually be cars in the header. Thousands of examples can be given, so I think you get the point.

Does not work? You can turn to a specialist who will make a cool hat, but for money. But that is another story..

Download template for YouTube header:

On the Internet you can find dozens and even hundreds of publications devoted to the design of a YouTube channel.

It would seem that all the delicious tricks on this issue have already been revealed, but specifically We have prepared a lot of goodies for you dedicated to this issue .

So, below we will look at how to make a beautiful banner for a YouTube channel, where to find high-quality graphics, software and much more.

An unforgettable image is the key to success

Among the main ones on YouTube are playlists, avatar, logo and background.

Each element has an important role on the target audience.

→ For example, a logo increases the number of subscribers, and playlists improve usability. But the banner should rightfully be considered the face of the project.

This is the top part of your project that contains original graphics, captions, links, etc..

When you create a personal account, the system prompts you to choose one of the standard header options, but in this case the background is not unique.

To introduce yourself to the audience and prove that your channel claims to be the best, it is advisable to make a high-quality banner. Please note that the graphics and effects are not as important as the original style of the header.

For example, take a look at the header of the PewDiePie channel or the Russian blogger Ivangay ↓↓↓

Why do we need him?

In fact, many bloggers don’t bother asking themselves how to create an interesting account background. The question arises: is it worth working on this design element at all? ???

This must be done for the following reasons:

  1. Uniqueness. With help original background you can stand out among millions of bloggers and attract attention.
  2. Promotion. Your banner is a brand that viewers will soon recognize.
  3. . Using the background, you can tell users about the specifics of the project.

All methods for creating an original header design

It’s very easy to highlight the originality of your project with a header.

For these purposes you can use the following methods:

  1. YouTube Gallery. The system offers you to choose one of the standard options background image. This method is considered the simplest, but it deprives the channel of its uniqueness.
  2. Search engines. Go to the “Pictures” section and enter the desired query (for example, the game Minecraft). Now, using the tools, select the resolution 2560x1440 px.
  3. Ready-made backgrounds. There are dozens of groups, forums and channels where you can find ready-made PSD sources that you can use at your discretion (for example,,, etc.).
  4. Order. On the Internet you can find private performers who can create any banner for a YouTube channel (for example, performers can be found on the website
  5. Make. If you have basic skills in working with photo editors, then you can make a banner for your YouTube channel yourself.

Development Tools

Surprise your subscribers and make a unique banner for your YouTube channel. This is available to everyone, even if you do not have relevant experience.

For these purposes you will need any graphics editor (desktop or online version).

The following programs are optimal: ↓↓↓

You can also use various online software to work with graphics.

In particular, services such as,,, etc. are suitable.

What background is suitable for the channel?YouTube: Main settings

It is very important to use such a background for the banner and such an arrangement of elements so that viewers can see all the details.

  • The banner size on YouTube should be 2560x1440 px;
  • The weight of the image is no more than 4 MB.

This is not all, because you need to consider how the background will look on different devices.

For this purpose, there is the concept of “visibility zone,” that is, part of the image that will be viewed on a particular device.

For example, on a TV, the view of a banner on YouTube is 2560x1440 px, and if we are talking about mobile devices, then this zone is 1855x423 pixels.

To make things easier for you, you need to find a channel banner template that has the appropriate layout.

Adding a header to your personal channel

So, you have already downloaded or created a banner for your YouTube channel and now it’s time to find out how to add it to your project.

For this case, we have prepared several instructions.

Add a banner to the header from your computer:

  • log into your account and go to the “My Channel” section;
  • hover the cursor over the “pencil” and click “Change channel design”;
  • add an image;
  • use the crop function to determine the correct position;
  • save.

Add background to header from mobile:

  • log into your account and go to the channel;
  • click on the project icon;
  • you need to click on the “camera” icon and “Load channel background”;
  • save.

Thus, you can easily create a high-quality banner without extra costs and add it to the channel if you strictly follow the recommendations.

What should a YouTube header look like?

Every person who purposefully creates a channel on YouTube to attract the maximum number of subscribers wants his page to look beautiful and interesting. There are many video blogs created every day on similar topics, so it is extremely important to not only have a pretty design, but also to stand out from others. This does not mean that you need to make the hat too unusual; the ideal option would be a laconic, clear and bright design. Some visual design tips at the top of the page:

  • Do not choose a background with big amount details, this will dazzle users' eyes. In addition, it is important that the text is readable.
  • The picture should be bright, but not flashy. Acid colors are usually unpleasant to look at for a long time.
  • Avoid a lot of text information. In order for future subscribers to get the right impression of the channel, a blog title and a description of a few words will be enough. For example, if a page talks about the intricacies of wedding preparations, then it might look like this: “Wedding from A to Z: planning, preparation, celebration!”
  • The image should reflect the theme of the channel. If we're talking about about teaching, stationery, photos of students are suitable, for a blog about handicrafts - images of relevant tools.

Knowing the intricacies of hat design, it’s much easier to create it, but it’s still worth considering specifications Images. Remember that the picture must be in high resolution, which youtube requests is 2560 by 1440 pixels. This requirement is due to the fact that the image Low quality may appear blurry. If this happens, the header will look ugly and will not attract proper attention to the channel. Also take into account that different devices the picture will be displayed differently. What devices are the fields intended for? different sizes in the header:

  • 1546 by 423. This part will be seen by users who view YouTube through their phone.
  • 1855 by 423. This rectangle will display information for tablet users.
  • 2560 by 423. This is how owners of large high-resolution monitors will see the picture.
  • 2560 by 1440. Full picture will be visible to those viewing the channel through a large TV.

Knowing the features of header display on different devices, it becomes obvious that it is desirable to place text information within a 1546 by 423 rectangle. This ensures that it will be seen by both phone users and subscribers viewing the channel through a widescreen TV screen. The “weight” of the image chosen for the page should not exceed two megabytes, and the ideal format for it is jpg. Pictures in this resolution will not lose quality when loaded into the header, which will ensure beautiful view channel for youtube.

Where to find a beautiful picture for a YouTube channel

Finding a beautiful picture that can become a design for a channel is not difficult; there are many on the Internet free images. If you want no one else to have such a background, you can buy it in a special photo database. Another a good option– order the production of a custom hat from professional designer. You can read more about these methods below.

Download ready-made templates on the Internet for free

To download ready template, you need to use search engine. To do this, go to its page, select the “Pictures” section, and in the “Search Tools” column under the input line, find the “Size” tab. Click on it, enter the desired size of the background you are looking for, it should be 2560 by 1440. You will be given many search results, among which you will find an image you like. If you need a specific header theme, enter its name in the search bar. Upload the image you like and add text.

Buy ready-made pictures made in Photoshop

On the Internet there are special databases of photographs and images that are protected by copyright. To use such a picture for your header, you can buy it on one of these sites. Examples include sites such as, There you can buy stylish, high quality image, which will decorate your channel and attract users.

Order from a professional designer

A great option is to order a header for your YouTube channel from a professional designer. To do this, you can contact a freelance exchange or find an image creator’s website on the Internet. On freelance resources, the cost for such work can vary from several hundred to thousands of rubles - the final price will depend on the professional experience of the designer, reviews and the quality of his work.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a YouTube header in Paint

Paint is standard program For operating system Windows that doesn't need to be downloaded from the Internet. With its help, you can create a nice header for your channel, which will help increase its popularity and the influx of new subscribers. Step-by-step instructions will help you easily cope with this task. How to use standard service make a beautiful background for a youtube page:

  • Go to “Start”, open the “All Programs” tab, then “Accessories”. Launch Paint.
  • In the upper left corner, click on the arrow, a menu will appear where you need to select the “Create” tab. A new document will appear. At the top you will see the “Resize” button, in the window that appears, select the “Pixels” tab, and then specify the size – 2560 by 1440.
  • Use the wheel to scroll down the new document, click the arrow in the lower right corner so that the future image is reduced and displayed completely in the working program window.
  • In the upper left corner, select the "Insert" button, then click on the background you downloaded. It must be the same size as the document.
  • Using Google, find the flamingtext service, which will help you create a channel logo. On the site, find the font you like, click on the button with it. Select a text style (you will see the options on the screen). Click on the selected font design, in the window that opens you can enter words that will reflect the theme of your channel. Click the “Create logo” button, then “Personal use” (“ Personal use"). Download the picture.
  • Return to the Paint program, click “Insert”, select a logo from the pictures. Place it in the center of the document. In the “Select” tab, select “Transparent Selection”.
  • Save the resulting image and then decorate your channel with it. Ready! Step by step instructions look at the video again:

Video tutorials: how to make a YouTube header for your channel

If you want to create a beautiful header for your own channel, you can use different tools. Images taken with using Photoshop, look high quality, and an animated picture created in this program will help to attract the attention of page guests. If you do not have high requirements for the design of the channel, then, for example, a simple Paint editor will be an excellent assistant. In addition, you can always create a header for a YouTube channel without using any additional tools. For more information about all the methods, watch the video below.

Designing a header in photoshop

Photoshop is a professional program and, using it, you can create a stylish, beautiful and high-quality header, which will be the key to an influx of new subscribers. Thanks to the following video, you will not only learn how to make an original picture for a YouTube channel, but also master collaging - combining two or more pictures into one. Such an image will look interesting and will appeal to site users, and the process itself will take the presenter no more than fifteen minutes.

How to make an animated hat

By installing Photoshop, you can create not only beautiful and clear images, but also make animated, that is, moving, pictures. This option is ideal for channels related to games, movies, and cartoons. However, do not forget that not all users may like a picture that changes or moves - especially after frequent visits to the page, such an image may become boring. For information on how to make an original animated header, see below:

How to create a header for a YouTube channel without Photoshop

There are situations when it is not possible to use Paint programs or Photoshop to create a channel design. Then online editors come to the rescue, thanks to which you can make great picture. One of them is Photo editor online, whose tools are similar to professional Photoshop program. Thanks to a convenient editor, the end result will be a stylish, beautiful and original image. Video instructions:

Designing a cover for YouTube using an online program

Online programs will help you create a channel header without much effort. In the following video, the presenter describes in detail the stages of preparing the image that will decorate the top of the page. To do this, you do not need to download and install professional editors; you only need an Internet connection and a little free time. The picture comes out simple and concise. Watch video instructions:

Cover for YouTube channel without programs

You can create your channel's main image without using any additional programs, downloaded or found on the Internet. Youtube gives page owners the opportunity to create a header directly on the site. To do this, you only need to download an image that will decorate the top of the page, and then you need to place it in the appropriate fields and add text. Watch the video tutorial below:

One of the important properties for the popularity of your YouTube channel is its quality and beautiful design, especially if you want to get to the top of YouTube or have a lot of views, likes and comments. It is very important for memorability and recognition to have an original logo and channel header.

By the way, if you want to quickly promote your video or entire channel, use our video service. You can also make any quantity.

The logo is a small square picture that appears in the background of the header and on the side of your comments. But every visitor who comes to your channel immediately sees a header, and it is desirable that it be stylish. The simplest and easiest option to make a channel original is to find, download and install the ones you like ready-made hats for the channelYouTube. There are many methods, services and websites for this, where there are beautiful hats for every taste. Similar sites can be found through Search by entering a phrase, for example, “ download ready-made hats forYouTube" Let's look at a few examples of how to do this.

First, on the YouTube video hosting itself, enter the phrase “youtube banner template” in the search. The result of the search results will, of course, be videos from the creators, under which they often post a link to download a header or template (usually a psd format for Photoshop), which you can change to suit your needs. You can experiment with the search phrase, but the method works.

Remember, if your drawing skills are not very good, then chasing animation fashion can lead to even worse results. It is unlikely that you will be able to download a ready-made animation that would be suitable specifically for your channel, since they are often tailored to a specific topic. It’s better to make a header for the channel yourself, or even put a simple but stylish picture on the header.