View the table of sar radiation of sigma phones.

Settings Controversy continues over the impact cellular communications
on human health. Research is constantly being carried out around the world, the purpose of which is to somehow clarify the situation and experimentally prove whether there is a harmful effect on the human body.

Let's try to look at the problem objectively.
In order to somehow assess the amount of radiation from a cellular device on the human body, the indicator “Specific Absorption Rate of Electromagnetic Energy” - SAR was invented.
SAR is a measure of the rate at which RF energy is absorbed by body tissue, measured in W/kg.

It is worth noting that the SAR values ​​indicated in the instructions for cell phones imply that the transmitter is operating at full power, for example, when you are in an area of ​​poor reception.
Scientists have conducted a number of studies that have found no evidence of direct effects of mobile phone radiation on human tissue, leading to the destruction of DNA molecules or ionization of tissue.

However, since the human body is 70% water, and water molecules are able to “absorb” radiation energy in the HF range and convert it into thermal energy, research has focused on this fact.

It has been experimentally proven that during life, the temperature of brain tissue can change up to 1 degree Celsius, without any consequences. An increase by a large amount can affect health.
The SAR coefficient was calculated based on these indicators. In Europe, a level of 2 W/kg for the head and 4 W/kg for other parts of the body is considered safe. With this indicator, the temperature in the tissues increases by no more than 0.3 degrees Celsius, which does not harm the body. However, already at 0.3 degrees, destruction of protein chains was detected, but scientists do not connect this fact and the impact on health.

For the USA, the SAR is 1.6 W/kg.

For comparison, SAR values ​​that can cause negative consequences are given.
How about us
In Russia, safe radiation standards are regulated by the SaNPiN decree. Permissible radiation is measured in W/cm2 and is 10 μW/cm2. The SAR value cannot be transformed into Russian standards; this is done in the laboratory.
Experts admit that the Russian Federation has even more stringent requirements for radiation standards than in Europe and the USA.
In Finland there is a CENTER for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK), which, among other things, studies radiation from mobile phones and their impact on humans.
Every year, the CENTER tests 15 random phone models for compliance with standards.

The essence of the research is as follows. The shape of the human body is filled with a substance whose parameters are close to human tissue. The phone, at maximum radiation power, is positioned near the “head” of the form. The robot's hand describes a certain trajectory, changing the position of the phone and at different frequencies. The radiation results are converted into SAR values ​​and stored. Measurements are taken separately for the head and separately for the rest of the body.

That's how it is looks on video.

Detailed research results for different phone brands can be found on the center’s website.
Similar research centers also exist in other European countries and America.

As a conclusion
It is worth noting that the temperature effect strongly depends on the position of the phone relative to the head, biological parameters of the body and age.
Conducted studies on the possible interaction of mobile phone radiation and the growth of cancer have not come to a clear conclusion. Since the active use of cell phones lasts about 10 years, it will take much longer to reach a final conclusion.

In addition, drawing conclusions only on the basis of thermal effects is not entirely correct, because the effects of HF radiation on the moral and psychological component and other components of health have not been fully studied.

In any case, indirect harm to health is scientifically proven. As a result of the experiments, it was revealed that cell phone radiation initiates interference in the operation of pacemakers, which can lead to negative consequences.

As a recommendation, it should be recalled that the radiation power decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the distance, that is, if the distance increases by 2 times, the radiation exposure will decrease by 4 times. Centers researching the problem recommend that you do not hold the phone close to your body unnecessarily and, if possible, use wired headsets.
Whether or not to use such recommendations is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

PS: Interesting results can be found when studying the problem

What's happened SAR level?

Among the characteristics of the phone you can often see the category “SAR level”. Many people do not know what this means, although for others this parameter means a lot.

During operation, a mobile phone inevitably creates a weak electromagnetic field around itself - it receives and sends a radio signal at a certain frequency. The electromagnetic field affects the human body, but this influence has not yet been fully studied - which is why there are many rumors and speculations associated with it.

The most obvious effect is the energy that is released in human tissue under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. That is, they heat up slightly. In particular, a similar principle is used in a microwave oven, but there is no need to confuse a microwave oven and a mobile phone. They are designed differently, operate at different frequencies and are intended for different purposes. The power of any stove is hundreds of times greater than the power of any mobile phone, finally.

What is the SAR level? In strict terms, this is the amount of energy released by human tissue at the maximum signal level and, accordingly, radiation from mobile phone in one second. This level is specially measured in the laboratories of large mobile phone manufacturers so that the devices are approved for sale. There are websites where you can check the SAR level of any mobile phone. Many manufacturers include it in the technical documentation. The permissible SAR values ​​in Europe and the USA are very low, such radiation is safe even for a child. This permissible value was specifically set with this in mind.

Much more worrying may be caused by various unexplored aspects of electromagnetic radiation, which may act detrimentally over time, that is, it is a hidden source of some diseases and ailments that will only appear over time. Unfortunately, research on this topic has so far did not give reliable results. That is, there seems to be a danger, but no one has yet been able to “catch” it or understand its nature. In this case, a simple logic applies - if the effect on the body is constant and intense enough, then it will have some consequences.

So, we can conclude: The electromagnetic field of a branded mobile phone is not dangerous to the human body with moderate use of the device.

If you have to so many talk on a mobile phone ( 2-3 or more hours a day), That Negative influence can be minimized by following these tips:

  • Buy a device with low level SAR (Philips X501, Samsung GT-I8000, Nokia 6600i Slide, Samsung GT-S3100, Sony Ericsson W760i, LG GW620, Alcatel One Touch 806);
  • Most high level radiation is recorded at the moment the connection is established, so after dialing the number, do not rush to put the phone to your ear, wait a few seconds;
  • Buy a wired or Bluetooth headset;
  • If you are in an area of ​​uncertain or relatively weak reception (less than half the scale on the phone), you should reduce the duration of calls to a minimum and, if possible, replace voice communication to SMS;
  • If you often make calls from your car, install a remote car antenna. Metal body a passenger car significantly worsens the conditions for signal transmission from the phone to base station, so the power increases.

Scientists around the world are busy searching for the dangers posed by mobile phones.

This is due to the fact that the number of cellular users is growing, and operator equipment is being placed in public places. Among experts, opinions are divided: some believe that technology and progress are good, others believe that the more gadgets there are, the better for people’s health and the environment.

Radiations in life

Scientists see a particular problem in the fact that, unlike other electrical appliances, the telephone is located in close proximity to a person’s head, so the impact of gadgets is considered to be more negative than, for example, radiation from a microwave oven. According to experts, Bluetooth headsets do not save the situation, since wireless interface also carries a certain amount of radiation.

In addition to smartphones, devices that are potentially hazardous to human health include microwave ovens, radios, modems, routers and much more. All of these devices emit radio waves to a greater or lesser extent, but scientists see less danger in these items due to their distance from the user during operation.

What is the SAR level?

Due to the way it works, the phone certainly emits non-ionizing radiation. To classify the danger level of radiation, the SAR system was introduced. It shows the level of impact on the human body per second of use of the gadget. The value is measured in watts per kilogram.

All phones that are officially available for purchase in Russia must comply valid value SAR - up to 1.6 W. This value is 2.5 times lower than the one that made changes to the DNA of animals during experiments.

Smartphones do not emit radiation as such, but non-ionizing radiation is still observed. It does not change the DNA structure and does not harm the user’s body. The effect of non-ionizing radiation can be observed in the form of heating of the ear after a long conversation.

Precautionary measures

For those who seek to minimize the impact of gadgets on the body, experts advise using mobile phones on the street, connecting a headset if possible, and reducing call time to 1-2 minutes. It is also recommended to limit the daily use of mobile phones by children and people with weak immune systems. It is better to leave the device on charge away from the bed, and in everyday life, carry the smartphone in a bag rather than in a pocket.

Only a small number of mobile phone users pay attention to the sar coefficient when choosing a new gadget. What is the sar level and how does it affect the security of a mobile phone, we will learn in this article.

Radiation from the phone - a myth or a real danger

There is still a lot of debate about the effect of a mobile phone on the human body. It is no secret that such an influence exists, but how harmful one is - opinions differ. Some groups of scientists argue that radiation from the phone can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the human body. Others argue that cell phone radiation is no more dangerous than radiation from a microwave oven, refrigerator, TV and other electronics.

It is difficult to say which of them is closer to the truth, so each user himself must take one of the sides. And yet, be that as it may, to modern man it is difficult to give up a mobile phone, since this small gadget is the main communication tool, which you cannot do without, both at work and in your personal life. That is why you should choose the safest smartphones and adhere to the rules for their use. In this case, the negative impact of radiation on the human body can be minimized.

What is the SAR level of phones and smartphones

To characterize the maximum amount of electromagnetic radiation that a particular cellular telephone, there is a SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) indicator. The sar level is measured in Watts per kg.

Low sar phones

There is a wide choice on the market today modern smartphones with a low sar coefficient. When choosing a gadget, you should pay attention Special attention at this indicator in order to protect yourself from excess radiation. So, the rating of smartphones with the lowest SAR indicators includes the following models:

The first conclusion that comes to mind when reading this list is that Samsung smartphones are among the safest. Indeed, the Samsung sar level in almost all of the manufacturer’s models is significantly lower than the acceptable level. Of course it's not full list And secure phones you can name many more, the main thing is not to forget to pay attention to the sar indicator when purchasing the model you like.

Our online phone store GSM-ka offers its customers a wide selection of modern and safe gadgets from the world's best manufacturers! Choose only proven gadgets from reliable manufacturers who will take care of your safety!

Articles and Lifehacks

It is well known that a mobile device can affect our body. However, not everyone knows what is sar level in phone. This information is completely redundant for those who only know how, but is still quite useful.

It is believed that certain radiation can cause significant damage to human health, and therefore there has been a lot of controversy about this for several years now. It is in order to determine the maximum permissible degree of radiation that an indicator such as SAR is used.

What is the SAR level in a phone?

On a mobile device, the SAR indicator characterizes the maximum amount of radiation that is absorbed by the human body. This indicator may vary depending on the device model used.

Understanding what the sar level in a phone is, let’s add that it implies a unit of measurement of the degree of radiation absorption by the human body. Competent international organizations have already studied this question, and have an established opinion regarding what value of this unit is acceptable. Similar indicators have been approved by health care institutions of various countries. Let us add that the SAR value is calculated with a significant margin. It takes into account the safety of completely different categories and segments of the population.

Acceptable levels of phone SAR and tips for reducing its impact

The mobile device is also certified for a certain SAR value. In order for it to pass such certification, this value should not be greater than the established value. Thus, in the USA and Canada the accepted value is 1.6 W/kg per 1 gram of body tissue, and in the European Union - 2 W/kg per 10 gram of body tissue.

Please note that the above figure is the maximum allowable value. In other words, in practice it should be much lower. The SAR indicator depends on many factors - for example, on the strength of reception, or on the availability of a connection at the current moment. The process does not affect its value.

To reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on the body, it is recommended to wear mobile device as far as possible from the body, especially from those organs that are most important for life. This is especially true for conditions poor reception(for example, inside a car).

During a conversation, it is best to use speakerphone or a headset, especially if we often communicate with other subscribers. At the same time, you should also try to improve reception - for example, go to the window.

Specific models of mobile devices have an individual SAR indicator. You can find it in the instructions for our device. It's no secret that modern phones are actively used for web surfing. It is still recommended to try to use your device as little as possible unless absolutely necessary.