Types of television channels. Types of broadcasting: differences, advantages, disadvantages. Basic principles of television

Terrestrial television distributes the signal using terrestrial repeater stations.

This type of television is most common in Russia today.

Advertising on terrestrial television today reaches such a number of potential buyers that no other medium reaches - neither radio, nor newspapers and magazines, nor the Internet, nor street advertising, etc. The number of people watching television is in the millions. U digital terrestrial television high quality pictures and sound. Increasing the number of transmitted channels in the same frequency range(when transmitting an image, not every frame is transmitted (this is the principle of analog television), but only those elements of the frame that have changed their characteristics (color, brightness, etc.) in relation to the previous frame. As a result, instead of one analog channel you can use 5-7 digital channels. Third feature.

digital television

– this is the availability of related services. Cable TV Cable television is the opposite of broadcast television in terms of audience selectivity. Cable TV is not aimed at a mass audience, but at meeting the diverse needs of viewers. In this regard, there is a huge variety of specialized cable channels: sports, entertainment, information, films, children's, family, etc. All of them exist, to a greater extent, due to

paid subscription

their viewers.

How does satellite television differ from cable television, digital from analogue and how to choose the type of broadcasting? Let’s try to understand the intricacies of this issue. First, let's look at the types of broadcasting. There are only three of them:- broadcasting. In this case, the channels are broadcast using television towers. To accept

this type

Broadcasting requires an antenna to receive the signal.- cable broadcasting. It is delivered to the consumer by companies - cable operators. In this case, the signal is transmitted via a cable, which must be installed by specialists in your apartment, if you contact them, of course.

There are two types of terrestrial and cable television – analogue and digital. They differ in the way the signal is transmitted. An analog signal is significantly inferior in image and sound quality to a digital signal, which, by the way, also increases the number of broadcast channels. Due to its clear advantage, the latter is gaining more and more popularity. In the case of satellite television, digital has completely replaced analogue broadcasting.

In order to work with a digital signal, the TV model must be suitable. If this is not the case, you can use a receiver. This device converts digital signal into another format that is understandable to this technology.

It is important to know that digital broadcast formats for broadcast, cable and satellite will be completely different. European standards look like this:

  • DVB-T– broadcasting
  • DVB-C— cable broadcasting
  • DVB-S And DVB-S2— satellite broadcasting standards. The latter is more modern and promising.

What are the criteria for choosing a broadcast model?

Subscription fee. Today, this is provided for by cable and satellite TV; terrestrial TV will join them immediately after the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting. Satellite operators have a size subscription fee depends on the number of TV channels and their topics. This approach is gradually being introduced among operators cable television, and in the future it will certainly extend to the ethereal model.

Necessary equipment. Each type of signal delivery requires certain technical equipment - an antenna for reception and a TV or TV tuner that supports desired type broadcasting Prices for these devices vary - this point also needs to be taken into account when choosing.

Conditions of admission. In order for the signal to be transmitted without interference, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the type of broadcasting and the conditions for its reception. That is, if you watch TV in a country house far outside the city, then the best option There will be satellite TV. If you live in the city on one of the top floors of a high-rise building, then you can safely choose broadcasting.

If your house, on the contrary, is low-rise, then the method of transmitting the signal via cables is suitable (if your house is connected to cable television).

Your preferences. For some, a few public channels are enough, while others want access to a wide variety of them. Each satellite and cable television operator has a different set of platforms offered, so you should focus on your interests.

There is an opinion that satellite television is of better quality than others, but such a statement is controversial. If the broadcast is digital, then, regardless of the method of signal transmission, the image can have very high clarity.

Terrestrial television
Today, terrestrial television remains the most common means of delivering broadcast programs to viewers. Electrical vibrations are used to transmit programs on the air. high frequency, which, unlike low-frequency audio and video signals, can freely propagate in the surrounding space over significant distances in the form of radio waves.

digital television
Along with terrestrial television, the transmission of television signals via cable networks is widely used. Using a cable allows you to reduce the influence of external interference on the useful signal and, therefore, transmit it with better quality than over the air. At the first stage of cable television development, signal transmission was carried out mainly between television stations. Currently also widely used local networks cable television, designed to deliver programs directly to television viewers. Local is a cable network located most often within a small settlement, microdistrict, and sometimes within a single building, for example apartment building or hotels.

Satellite television
Satellite television, or STV for short, is today the most dynamically developing method of transmitting television signals over long distances. The idea underlying STV is simple: the higher we place the transmitting antenna, the greater the distance and over a larger area the emitted signal can be received. Theoretically, a satellite located at an altitude of about 36,000 km can cover an area with a radius of approximately 9,000 km with its signal. After launching the first artificial satellite Earth in 1957, the opportunity arose to bring the theory to life.
The use of television via satellite is especially relevant for countries with large, underdeveloped territories, such as, for example, the Soviet Union. Transmitting a signal over many thousands of kilometers using repeaters or cable is much more expensive than using a system satellite television.

"Cellular" television
At the junction modern technologies digital and satellite television, wireless telephone communication, is developing dynamically new way air delivery television programs- cellular television. It got its name because of the principle of signal coverage of the service area, similar to the principle underlying cellular telephone communications.
The presence of many network cells makes it possible to offer users in each of them their own set of TV programs, which distinguishes the cellular TV network from existing terrestrial systems. According to foreign experts, in urban conditions the cost of building cellular TV is 3...5 times less than traditional broadband cable networks.
Within the cellular television network, it is possible to organize Internet access.

Interactive television
Recently, in developed countries, experts have noted a decrease in interest in television. Manufacturers of television equipment and programs are sounding the alarm: more and more viewers, “turning away” from television screens, spend their leisure time and receive necessary information in Internet. The emergence of this widely available, containing a huge amount of information, computer network clearly demonstrated the main drawback of traditional television - the inability for the viewer to receive the information he needs at a time convenient for him. "Interactive" means "providing two-way interaction." That is, it makes it possible not only for television to act on the viewer, but also for the viewer to have an active influence on the form and content of television programs.
The first steps of television interactivity include attempts to conduct surveys of television viewers by measuring electricity consumption during transmission. The host of a TV show (usually a very popular one, which attracted the maximum number of viewers) addressed viewers with a request: if the viewer wants to give a positive answer to the question asked by the host, then let him turn off the lights in his apartment for a short time. Using equipment installed in the central control room, changes in energy consumption were measured. If several hundred thousand viewers responded to the presenter’s request, the devices recorded a significant reduction in energy consumption. At this moment, television ceased to be a one-way source of information, allowing the viewer to become an active participant in the program, feedback with a television studio.
Systems that work with each viewer individually include the later interactive television systems Near-Video-On-Demand, Video-On-Demand, Teleshopping:

1. The Near-Video-On-Demand system (video almost on demand) allows the viewer to watch one or more popular programs from the daily repertoire at a time convenient for him. At the same time, programs are transmitted in parallel on many television channels with a certain time shift, so you can get to the beginning of any program within 15-20 minutes.

2. Video-On-Demand (video on demand) - the viewer can select the programs he is interested in from the proposed list, and the program will be transmitted from the video library of the television station directly to the viewer’s TV.

Teleshopping or Homeshopping - in specialized programs, the viewer is offered the choice and purchase of goods “without leaving the TV” with subsequent payment.

Types of television

According to the form of transmission TV signal Modern television can be divided into terrestrial, cable and satellite. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of information impact on consumers.

Essential television distributes the signal using terrestrial repeater stations. This type of television is most common in Russia today. When people talk about television in general, they most often mean terrestrial television.

Television reaches an audience that no other medium reaches - neither radio, nor newspapers and magazines, nor the Internet. The number of people watching television is in the millions.

Television can cover a specific region, the entire country, and even the whole world.

Television acts quickly, affecting all viewers at once.

Although television does not allow reaching narrow target groups, it can still be used to “reach” a specific audience. Children can be reached through cartoons. Farmers - through agricultural transfers. Housewives through afternoon soap operas and talk shows. Men - through sports broadcasts. Etc.

Due to the fact that television immediately affects a person’s vision and hearing, it can not only tell, but also show with sound, in motion, and in color. Television offers ample opportunities for creativity. With a camera you can take your audience anywhere and show them a lot. Thus, television information gives a person the opportunity to independently, with the help of his own eyes (and ears), evaluate what is offered to him. In this regard, the viewer can get a fairly broad idea of ​​the company, its product or service. Television has proven its powerful influence on human behavior.

Television has a certain prestige. After all, it usually shows famous people and talks about their most significant achievements. People easily remember faces they see on television.

It should be borne in mind that for all the advantages of television, it also has certain disadvantages. Due to limited information space It's very difficult to get on television.

The television audience is not particularly attractive for many companies, since consumers of television information are mainly children, housewives, and pensioners; young people often prefer radio, while serious businessmen get their basic information from newspapers. The illiterate and unemployed spend the most time watching TV.

On television it is very difficult to send information to target audience. The same programs can be watched by a very wide range of people.

With all this, there are great difficulties in effectively reaching television viewers. People often switch channels trying to find something more interesting. And there are more and more channels.

Cable television is the opposite of broadcast in terms of audience selectivity. Cable TV is not aimed at a mass audience, but at meeting the diverse needs of viewers. In this regard, there is a huge variety of specialized cable channels: sports, entertainment, information, films, children's, family, etc. All of them exist, to a large extent, due to the paid subscription of their viewers.

It is much easier to get on local cable television than on terrestrial television. But because the signal travels over wires and not everyone subscribes to cable TV, it cannot reach everyone in the desired area. Cable television, compared to terrestrial television, has a smaller overall audience.

Often, despite the fact that people have cable television at home with a huge selection of programs, they prefer to watch the main channels of terrestrial television. In this regard, the ratings of cable television programs, as a rule, are significantly lower than the ratings of broadcast television programs.

Satellite Television broadcasts using a satellite suspended in low-Earth orbit. The signal is received by TV viewers on an individual dish antenna.

The advantages of satellite television include reaching an audience that, for geographic, economic or technical reasons, cannot be reached by terrestrial and cable television. It is also worth noting that the cable television audience is a solvent audience. After all, not everyone can afford to buy a set for satellite television.

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