Eliminate automatic Internet connection. Automatic Internet connection. I. Using the program autorun feature

Almost every user sooner or later wonders how to enable automatic connection to the Internet Windows 7.

This instruction is intended to answer all possible questions related to this topic. We hope you find it useful.

All actions, examples and screenshots in this material are relevant for Windows 7, as it remains the most popular today. But most of the operations, taking into account minor amendments, are also applicable to Windows 8 and 10.

Why start the Internet automatically

This setting greatly simplifies the process of using your PC. Precious time is not wasted on unnecessary actions. Plus, there are often situations when a person can miss important messages or letters for a rather annoying reason - he forgot about the Internet when turning on the computer.

Of course, installing a router will solve all these problems. The advantage of this solution is that after this not only desktop devices, but also other mobile gadgets will be combined into single network. All logins, passwords and other information are recorded in the memory of the router itself. In this case, even when changing a PC, most often there is no need to change anything.

Creation methods

There are many installation options. Still, the seventh and subsequent versions of the OS have a lot of different settings that allow you to adapt them to the most popular requirements.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves which method to choose. The user proceeds from his requests and capabilities. Also, a lot depends on the version of the update and the installed software. These factors can also influence the choice of option. But in any case, any of the methods listed below will work for you.

Video: Setting up automatic connection

Using Network Connections

Before starting all actions, check that your names are written with Latin letters. In any case, it is undesirable to use the Cyrillic alphabet in everything related to network settings. It’s better to fix everything right away and rename it than to later wonder why something doesn’t function as it should.

To check, open Network and Sharing Center shared access" Next – “Changing adapter parameters”. To rename the desired connection, click on it twice, but with some interval.

All actions assume that you have already created a working connection.

If not yet, then the following steps will be useful to you:

File with extension .bat

It’s quite easy and quick to set up everything using a special bat file placed in “Startup”, which will perform all the actions for automatic connection.

For this:

Write the name of your file in any Latin letters without spaces and change its extension to “.bat”. You should end up with something like "internet_autostart.bat".

If you cannot change the extension, then follow these steps:

Please note that if you search for this folder manually, some of your names may be translated into Russian and, accordingly, look slightly different.

You need to move your bat file here. Be sure to reboot and check if this method works. If something doesn't work, then simply delete the file and try another option. The fact is that it does not work on all computers.

Network Sharing Center

Using only the “Network Sharing Center” you can achieve the desired result, but with one caveat. In this case, the computer will connect only at the moment when an application requests it. But, as practice shows, this suits the average user quite well.

So, go to “Change adapter settings” and open the properties of our connection. In the “Dialing Options” we put only one checkbox – “Request name, password, certificate, etc.”, and uncheck the rest.

Then it is advisable to make the following changes:

Some time after the reboot, a window will pop up asking you to select the desired action. Check the “Connect automatically” checkbox here. And the problem should be solved. If you want more advanced methods, then read on.

Setting up an automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 with Task Scheduler

Before creating a task in the scheduler:

Actually, after this you can move on to the next step - open the “Task Scheduler”.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. in the “Control Panel” open “System and Security”, then – “Administration”, there will be the “Task Scheduler” we need;

  2. press two keys on the keyboard: Win and R, in the window that opens simply enter: “taskschd.msc”;
  3. Next, in the “Action” menu item, select “Create a simple task” and enter a name with a description. You can enter any values ​​here;

  4. in the “Trigger” item, check the “When the computer starts” checkbox, in the “Actions” - “Run the program”;
  5. a window will open in which you will need to indicate the location of the desired system process"Raspidal". You can manually type “C:Windowssystem32rasdial.exe”, or you can specify it through “Browse”;
  6. Please note that the paths to the necessary files may differ for you. It all depends on where the operating system you are currently on is installed. But the principle for the most part remains the same.

  7. in the “Add arguments” field you need to enter the name of your connection, login and password received from your provider. These must be entered strictly in this order, separating them with only one space. There shouldn't be anything superfluous there. You will get something like this: “INTERNET login password”;

  8. At the end, check the box “Open the Properties window after clicking the Finish button.” Check “Run for all users” and “Run with highest rights”. And here at the very bottom you need to select your operating system. At this stage, you will have to enter the user password, if you have one.

That's basically it. Try restarting your computer. If you did everything correctly, the computer will connect automatically.

Autorun using Registry Editor

Alternatively, you can set up an automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 through the registry.

To start:

We hope that in this article you found the information you were looking for. In fact, there is nothing complicated here; even a novice user can easily figure it out.

Do not miss a single point, read carefully all the notes and comments, and then the result of your work will please you without errors or failures for a long time.


Use for Internet access and organization home network routers has already become a standard, but not everyone has the opportunity to install it for various reasons. There are still cases of connecting a computer to the network directly. To connect to the Internet, you need to manually launch the dialer. This is terribly inconvenient, but you can automate the process so that an automatic connection to the Internet is carried out.

Organizing an automatic Internet connection using a scheduler

In Windows 7, setting up an automatic Internet connection when using the task scheduler is done as follows:

  • You can launch the scheduler in the “Task Scheduler” menu, or simply by typing the program name in the search bar.
  • After the scheduler is launched, you must select “Create a simple task” to launch the scheduler wizard.
  • The dialog will ask you to fill in the task name.
  • The next step is to select when to run the task. Because Windows 7 needs to automatically connect to the Internet when turned on, then select the appropriate switch.
  • Next, select the planned action, namely “Run the program”.
  • For the “select program or script” field, you need to write the command exe, which comes standard Windows any versions. You can specify the full path: “C:\Windows\System32\rasdial.exe” for the 32-bit version, or “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rasdial.exe” for the 64-bit version.
  • You must specify Extra options, which are indicated separated by a space: connection name, user name and password. The connection name can be viewed using the Network Connections program or by calling rasphone.exe (an alternative built-in program). It should be noted that the connection name is indicated only in Latin letters.
  • When the task is created, it is enough to reboot the computer for the changes to take effect and the Internet to connect automatically when loading.

Setting up automatic connection to internet windows 10 happens in a similar way. How to disable automatic Internet connection should also not cause problems, just remove the task from the list.

Automatic connection by making changes to the registry

It is possible to configure an automatic connection to the Internet when you turn on the computer by adding data to the registry. This is done by calling the “Registry Editor” with the command “Run - regedit.exe”, you can also press the key combination Win + R where you must also enter regedit.exe. It is not necessary to type the *.exe extension, because Since this is a service component, the axis will find it on its own.

In the Registry Editor window, you need to go to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Run”, where a string type value is created.

When the line is created, you need to fill it out accordingly and enter the values ​​to launch: “C:\Windows\System32\rasdial.exe” or “C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rasdial.exe” as already written above for the corresponding OS version, and, separated by a space, enter the connection name, user name and password.

You can use another alternative command, which is also included in standard set Windows deliveries: “rasphone.exe -d connection name”.

When all changes are made, the registry must be saved and the computer restarted. If all parameters are entered correctly, the connection will occur automatically. How to disable automatic Internet connection in Windows 7 if the registry is changed, you just need to delete the corresponding entry in the branch.

Alternative methods for automatic connection

There are a few more alternative options how to make an internet connection automatic windows 7, which are a little more difficult to understand, but correct from the point of view of the operating system, is to launch using a batch *.bat file and create a Windows service.

To create an executable file, you need to open notepad and create any text file. It is advisable to name it in Latin letters and without spaces. Then you just need to assign the extension to the batch file *.bat. This is done through the file manager settings, which should show file extensions. You can enable this display by clicking the “Tools” menu, selecting “Folder Options” and deselecting the option “Hide extensions for known file types” on the “View” tab. Now you just need to change the extension to *.bat and fill the file with the contents:

cd %systemroot%\system32

start rasdial.exe connection_name user_name password

Now you just need to copy and paste the file into the startup folder “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp” or simply drag it with the mouse through the “Start - Programs - Autorun” menu.

The service is created by running the following command, executed as administrator:

sc create startVPN start=auto binPath=”rasdial “connection name” “username” “password”” DisplayName=”Some name” depend=lanmanworkstation obj=”NT AUTHORITY\LocalService”

Next, it is set so that the connection starts at system startup and the parameters for the “Recovery” tab are changed, where the behavior of the service after an emergency termination is selected. This way the service will start when the system starts and will be restarted in case of errors.

These are all the main ways to make your Internet connection automatic. The choice of connection option is chosen by the user according to his taste.

Connecting to the network manually every time you log in is tedious and quickly becomes boring. Therefore, it is important for the user to know that in all Windows versions There are methods that allow you to configure your computer so that it automatically connects to the Internet.

Why activate auto-connection

The only reason why you should activate an automatic connection to the Internet is to speed up the process of transitioning to working with the network. It's possible that some programs you use start when you turn on your computer and require an Internet connection to continue working. Auto-connection will allow them to immediately access the network rather than waiting for it to be activated manually.

Please note that if your traffic is limited, then automatic connection may negatively affect its consumption. For example, if you turn on your computer, a connection is established, and some program starts downloading the components it needs without notifying you about it.

Activating automatic connection

There are several ways to force the system to establish a connection automatically every time it starts. The instructions below will work as Windows users 7 and Windows 10 users. Some steps may differ, but any discrepancies will be noted.

Using task scheduling

  1. Expand Task Scheduler. You can find it through the system search bar.

    Find and open the task scheduler to begin activation

  2. Proceed to create a simple task by selecting the appropriate item in the list of actions.

    Click on the “Create a simple task...” button to start the process of the same name

  3. Write any name in the appropriate box. It will be better if it describes the action that is performed by this task.

    Set the task name (it is better if it describes the action that is performed by this task)

  4. In the "Task Trigger" stage, select the start time "When you log on to Windows."

    We indicate that the task is executed when Windows startup by checking the appropriate box

  5. At the action selection step, select “Run program”.

    We indicate that the task launches the program by selecting the item of the same name

  6. In the script name line, write rasdial. In the argument field, enter the sequence as follows: “Network name” login password. The name must be enclosed in quotation marks, all values ​​separated by spaces.

    In the script field we enter the string rasdial, and in the arguments we indicate the network name, login and password

  7. Check that all data has been entered correctly and complete the procedure. Done, you can restart your computer, and when you log in, the Internet will connect automatically.

    We check whether the data is specified correctly and complete the creation of the task

Creating a bat file

In any folder, create a normal Text Document and write the following lines into it:

  • cd %systemroot%\system32;
  • start rasdial *connection_name* *username* *password.

Create a text file and enter the command to convert it into a bat file

The network name, login and password are written without quotes, but with spaces.

Change the name of the resulting file to “Network name_autostart”, but it must end in .bat. That is, you should change the file format from txt to bat. After that, copy it to the final StartUp subfolder using the following path:

  • C:\ProgramData;
  • Microsoft;
  • Windows;
  • Start Menu;
  • Programs;
  • StartUp.

Move the bat file with the command to the StartUp folder to activate automatic connection

Changing the registry

Video: activating auto-connection in Windows 7, 10

Starting the service

  1. Use system search to find command line, click on it right click mouse to open context menu, and select Run as administrator.

    By calling the context menu with the right mouse button, open a command prompt with administrator rights

  2. Run the command: sc create startVPN start= auto binPath= “rasdial *connection_name* *username* *password*” DisplayName= “StartVPN” depend= lanmanworkstation obj= “NT AUTHORITY\LocalService”. All values ​​are indicated without asterisks, separated by spaces.

    Run the command sc create startVPN start= auto binPath= “rasdial *connection_name* *user_name* *password*” DisplayName= “StartVPN” depend= lanmanworkstation obj= “NT AUTHORITY\LocalService”

  3. Expand the “Run” window by holding down the Win+R combination, and then enter the service.msc command in it.

    Run the command service.msc to open the list of services

  4. A list of available services will open. Find the process you created and go into its properties. Set the startup type to Automatic.

    In the “Startup type” column, select the value “Automatic”

  5. In the “Recovery” tab, for all cases of failure, specify the “Restart service” function. Done, after restarting your computer, you will see that the system automatically connects to the Internet if the network you specified is available.

    We indicate that in case of any failure it is necessary to restart the service

Setting up a password-protected network and using the Startup folder

If you use PPPoE connection, L2TP or any other that requires you to enter a password every time you try to connect, you can use the following method:

  1. While in Control Panel, select the Network Connections (Windows 7) or View network connections"(Windows 10).

    Among the control panel elements, find and open the “View network connections” section

  2. By right-clicking the context menu of the connection you are using, select “Properties”, and in the window that opens, click on the “Properties” button.

    Open the connection properties and click on the “Properties” button

  3. Going to the “Options” tab, uncheck the “Request name, password...” function. Save your changes.

    Uncheck the option “Request name, password, certificate, etc.” and click OK to confirm the changes

  4. Return to the list of available networks, select the one you just configured, right-click on it and select the “Create shortcut” action.

    Place the created shortcut in the Startup folder

  • C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp - Windows 10;
  • C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup - Windows 7.

Done, the shortcut is responsible for connecting to the Internet, and since it was moved to the Startup folder, the task launched by it will begin to run immediately after the user logs in.

What to do if a password-protected network does not work

If, after following the above steps, you are faced with the fact that the network is not working, that is, there is no Internet connection, you need to re-configure:

  1. With Control Panel open, go to Network and Sharing Center.

    Enter the network name, login and password

You can force your computer to connect to the network yourself in several ways: through a bat file, the registry, network management, creating a service or task. The only thing you need for this is knowledge of the connection name, as well as the login and password from account, allowing you to log in to the network.

Just ten years ago, the Internet was kind of just one of those things that we could do on our PC. After playing games and working with applications, you could connect to the Internet - find out what’s going on in the world, check your email, and look for some necessary information.

Perhaps some people still live by these rules, but for most today, accessing the network is business number one, immediately after turning on the PC.

Therefore, it would be quite logical to make the Internet connect automatically immediately after turning on the PC and loading the Windows operating system.

If this doesn’t happen to you initially, and simply moving the connection shortcut to startup doesn’t work, then this material is for you.

So let's take a look at what you've had to do manually so far.

First, you had to open the network connections menu from the system tray.

Secondly, there it was necessary to select and activate one of the connections.

And finally, thirdly, you must at least click the “connect” button in the login entry window and .

Let's start with the fact that you can get rid of the third point - the window for entering your data without any tricks, simply by turning off its display in the settings.

This is true if the connection is used only by you or those people who, for some reason, without any questions asked, can be trusted to connect to the network from the PC on which you work.

In such a situation, seeing a window in front of you every time with entering your login/password is simply pointless.

To fully make an automatic connection to the Internet, you will have to briefly look into the registry editor.

Press “Win” and “R” on your keyboard at the same time (Win is the key with the Windows logo), after which the system “Run” window will appear in front of you.

Enter “regedit” there without quotes, press “Enter”, then confirm your action for the security system.

Here is the registry editor. Follow the following path in it: HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Run.

Here you can find almost (see note) all those applications that launch immediately after loading the operating system.

It is through the registry editor that we need to write a command into the system that would automatically connect to the global network as soon as you turn on your PC.

To do this, right-click on any free space and select "create" -> "string parameter".

Its name can be completely arbitrary; by default, the editor will offer you the name “ New parameter#1”, which can be accepted or replaced with anything of your own.

Here you need to write the following sequence, consisting of four components: the “rasdial” command (it performs the procedure), the name of your connection, as well as the login and password for it.

In the end, everything should look something like this (with the only difference being that, of course, everyone has their own login/password combination):

You can always see the name of the connection in the connections menu, which is activated from the system tray. Everyone also comes up with their own name, although some, like us, agree to the default option “High-speed connection”.

Please note: in the registry this name is always written in quotation marks. If you don't install it, it won't work.

Next, click “Ok” and close the editor. After restarting your PC, you no longer have to connect manually. At the same time, so that you know that there is an Internet connection, Windows will display a special message at the very beginning, which, after appearing on the screen for a few seconds, goes away by itself.

Note. If at the very beginning you follow exactly the same path, but starting not with “HKEY_CURRENT_USER”, but with “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, then you will set up an automatic connection to the Internet not only for your Windows 7 account on this PC, but also for the accounts of other users ( if there are any, of course).

Aren't you tired of clicking on the connection icon every time, entering your username and password in order to connect to the Internet? One fine day I got tired of it. That's why I asked the question: How to automatically connect to the Internet when you turn on the computer? Fortunately, setting up automatic connection was quite simple.

I want to make a reservation that I currently have Windows XP, and I configured everything on my home computer with this system. My Internet is also not connected via a modem, but a wire is simply connected to the apartment from a box in the entrance, to which, in turn, a fiber-optic cable from the provider leads. If your connection is via a modem, then there are some special features.

When I had a modem, I had to constantly type a difficult-to-remember login and password into the connection window when connecting. If you have the same problem, then you should simply check the box next to “Save username and password” the next time you connect, so that the program will enter them automatically later.

2. Don't ask for username and password

3. Create a shortcut to connect to the Internet in the Startup folder

The last thing that technically needs to be done in order to automatically connect the Internet when you turn on the computer (at least in the operating system Windows system XP) is to create a shortcut to connect to the Internet in the Startup folder located at:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Main Menu\Programs\Startup

In your case, the only difference will be that instead of the folder that I call “admin” you will have the user name under which you logged into the system.

After you create the shortcut, restart your computer. After starting, the machine should automatically connect to the Internet without your participation.