Adb enum failed what to do. Apply update from ADB what does this mean? (and translation into Russian). Installing applications on Android

I found out that this Apply update from ADB is included in the developer toolkit software, being one of the components Android SDK. Using Apply update from ADB, installing the necessary drivers, and switching the device to direct interaction with the computer via the USB interface, you get full control over it.

Possibilities console utility Apply update from ADB allows you to perform the following operations:

  • Installing and uninstalling any applications, including pre-installed ones;
  • Transfer files to the device and retrieve them;
  • Creation backup copies operating system;
  • Installation of new, including custom, firmware;
  • Android recovery in case of damaged system files.

If you don’t yet know about the existence of a bulk folder on your smartphones, I recommend visiting the corresponding article.

Installation methods Apply update from ADB

There are several ways to use ADB. The easiest and most suitable for most users will be to install the ADBKit package. It contains the utility itself and dynamically linked libraries necessary for its interaction with the Windows operating system. A set is installed separately universal drivers for Android devices. You can download the necessary files on the ADB Shell project website. The page is in English, but the Commands section contains detailed description management teams.

The Apply update from ADB utility is a console application, so you use the Windows command line to work with it. The recommended installation location for the Android Debug Bridge package is the root directory. The folder into which ADBKit is unpacked should not contain Cyrillic characters. All these recommendations ultimately simplify the user's work on the command line, minimizing possible errors when entering control commands by shortening the path to files.

To work in console mode, an Android device must be switched to “USB debugging” mode. After connecting the cable to the computer, select the “Charging only” option. This way you prepare the device to interact with the computer. I hope you understand what Apply update from ADB is. The sequence of the described actions is well shown in this video.

In it you will learn how to install and run the utility in the Windows Management Console. Additionally, it provides the syntax main commands required when flashing the device. How the Apply update from ADB c utility works Android smartphone, after switching to the console interaction mode, are clearly shown in the following material.

For more advanced users, we can recommend installing the Software Development Kit designed for Android developers. The SDK receives regular updates necessary to create applications that support new devices. Thanks to this, the set of drivers for your Android devices will always be kept up to date. The best way to download the Development Kit is from official page, without confusing it with the full set of Android Studio utilities.


What is Apply update from ADB? Variety of device models running under Android control OS, a modified version of Linux, does not allow us to provide universal recommendations for setting them up. This material is intended to point you in the right direction and provide the basics of using the Android Debug Bridge toolkit. Using these recommendations, you can connect any mobile device and perform actions with it that are not available through the manufacturers’ official utilities.

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Many of you have more than once encountered a situation where getting root rights on an Android tablet or smartphone, installing new firmware, restoring the system and other things, you had to connect it to the computer and run a series of adb or fastboot commands through a command line (terminal) window.

Most people enter these commands without understanding what they mean, simply following instructions found on the Internet. And if you want to get a better understanding of what happens when you execute them, today we'll take a look at the top ten commands that every advanced Android user should know.

But before you start getting acquainted with these commands, let me remind you that before your tablet or smartphone can execute them, you must make sure that your computer has Android SDK, and on the tablet or smartphone itself, the option “ USB Debugging ».

How to install the Android SDK, which contains the adb and fastboot programs, read this material.

Let me also remind you that in Android 4.2 and higher, the “USB Debugging” item is hidden, and you can read how to access it.

For those who have forgotten how to launch a command line window in Windows, let me remind you that the easiest way to do this is by clicking on “Start”, after which you will need to type cmd in the search window and press the “Enter” key.

After all the preparatory work is completed, you can connect the device to the computer using USB cable and start learning the commands.

1. adb devices command

This is probably the most important of all ten teams that will be discussed. Using it, we can find out whether the computer sees your Android device, and if it does, then whether it can communicate with it through terminal commands.

If everything is fine, then after entering adb commands devices in the Windows Command Prompt window or Linux terminal, you should see a line with the text List of devices attached, after which there will be a line consisting of the serial number of your device and its status - offline or online:

The offline state means that the device is in sleep mode. The online state signals that the tablet or smartphone is ready to carry out your commands.

2. adb push command

Using the adb push command, you can copy files to your tablet or smartphone. In this case, you must specify the path to the folder where you want to place the file on the device and the folder on the computer from where the file will be copied. The second path is not necessary if the file is located in the same folder where it is located adb program.

Here is an example of copying a video file superfreak.mp4 from a computer to a device, to the /sdcard/Movies folder using the adb push superfreak.mp4 /sdcard/Movies/ command

For Windows users I would like to remind you that in Android, when specifying the path to files and folders, a forward slash - / is used, and not a backslash, as you are used to.

3. adb pull command

If the adb push command is used to transfer files to an Android device, then adb pull is used to copy files from the device to the computer. Just as in the previous case, you must indicate the path where you want to get the file on the device and the path where you want to place this file on the computer. The second path is not necessary if you want the file to go to the folder from which you ran the adb program.

Here is an example of copying the superfreak.mp4 file from the /sdcard/Movies/ folder of your tablet or smartphone to your desktop Windows table 8 user Jerry, C:\Users\Jerry\Desktop

If you want the file to go to the folder you ran adb from, just enter the command adb pull /sdcard/Movies/superfreak.mp4

4. adb reboot command

This command is often used during the retrieval process root rights or installing new software when we need to accept the changes we have made to our device. After you enter the adb reboot command, your tablet or phone will reboot.

This command is also important because it can be placed inside scripts, which allows you to reboot the device automatically after completing all the necessary operations.

5. adb reboot-bootloader and adb reboot recovery commands

Using adb, you can not only reboot your Android device, but also reboot it into the bootloader. This mode is needed so that we can unlock the bootloader, which is necessary to obtain root rights and further installation alternative firmware.

Some devices can be bootloaded using certain combination keys when they are turned on, but often the adb reboot-bootloader command is the only way access the bootloader.

Similarly, the adb program can be used to access the recovery menu of a tablet or smartphone or recovery. This can be done using the adb reboot recovery command

6. Fastboot devices command

If you rebooted your tablet into bootloader mode, it will stop accepting adb commands. In this mode, we can communicate with the device using the fastboot program.

Using the fastboot devices command, you can find out if your device can accept commands from this program in bootloader mode. Since fastboot is very powerful tool, some Android device manufacturers do not provide access to this program in bootloader mode.

Just like with adb, after entering the fastboot devices command you should see serial number your device.

Often the reason fastboot does not work is the lack of necessary Windows drivers your device.

7. Fastboot oem unlock command

Some manufacturers (for example, HTC or Asus) produce special utilities, allowing you to unlock the bootloader of their tablets and smartphones, after which they can install alternative recovery, such as ClockworkMod or TWRP and firmware from independent developers (custom firmware).

However, in many cases, unlocking the bootloader Android devices You can use the fastboot program. This is very easy to do - when your tablet or phone is in bootloader mode (step 5), just enter the following command in the command line window: fastboot oem unlock.

After this, you will need to follow the instructions that will be displayed on the screen of your tablet or smartphone.

Attention! After executing the fastboot oem unlock command, your device will be completely cleared of any programs you have installed and your personal data will also be deleted.

8. adb shell command

The adb shell command often confuses some novice users.

There are two ways to use this command. If you simply type adb shell in the command line window and press the Enter key, you will be taken to terminal mode, or the command shell of your Android device, where you can perform any Android commands shell.

Below you can see the output of running the ls command in Android environment shell

This mode is well known to Linux users and Mac computers. If you are familiar with bash shell commands, you will have no problems working in this mode. Otherwise, I do not recommend using adb shell mode until you understand the purpose of all its commands, since in this mode you have full access to files on your device and may accidentally cause irreparable changes to the operating system.

The second way to use adb shell is to execute a single Android shell command using this construct: adb shell<команда>. For example, you can change file permissions using a command like “adb shell chmod 666 /data/filename”

9. adb install command

With the adb program, you can do more than just copy files to and from your device. This program also allows you to install applications on Android devices in the form apk file ov. There is an adb install command for this. It's a bit like the push command: you have to specify the path where the file with the application you want to install is located. Therefore, the easiest way is to first copy the apk file to the folder with the adb program, after which you can install the program using the command adb install ApplicationFileName.apk

If you need to update the application, then in this case you need to use the -r switch and the command will look like this: adb install -r ApplicationFileName.apk.

Using the -s switch you can install applications on the memory card (if your firmware allows this). The -l switch allows you to lock the application during installation (by installing it in the /data/app-private folder). There are other keys for more advanced functions, but their description is the topic of a separate article.

10. adb uninstall command

Lastly, you can remove apps from your tablet or phone. To do this, use the command adb uninstall ApplicationFileName.apk

This command has the -k switch, which allows you, when deleting an application, not to delete its data and cache, but to leave them on the device.

Bonus: adb sideload command

This command will be very useful for tablet owners and Nexus smartphones– with the help of it they will be able to update official firmware on your devices. In other words, if your smartphone or tablet has not received an update over the air, you can download new firmware from the official website, and update the device manually.

After you download the firmware file to your computer and connect your tablet or phone to it, you will need to reboot your device into recovery mode, select "Apply update from ADB", and then enter the following command in the command line window on your computer: adb sideload, where is the name zip file with firmware.

More detailed instructions on how to update Nexus firmware devices manually you will find in this material.

Related materials:

Apply update from ADB is one of the recovery menu items on smartphones with Android based. This item raises a lot of questions among users - its name for the most part does not say anything. But in reality, everything is not so difficult.

Apply update from ADB translates roughly as “apply update using ADB.” It is clear that we're talking about about an update, but which one exactly? ADB or Android Debug Bridge is a debugging bridge with which a user can gain control of their smartphone by connecting it to a computer or laptop. Management is carried out using the command line. If the connection is correct, using this item you can update the firmware or, say, install an application.

Apply update from ADB item in the recovery menu:

In order to connect to your smartphone and install the update, you will need to download the ADB archive from the official Android website and unpack it to the root of the disk.

Then the connection occurs using the command line, and as an administrator:

The user needs to connect to the device and then enter commands to flash the firmware or install the application.

Undoubtedly, this method Some may find it convenient, but it’s easier and more convenient to download updates via a memory card (item Apply update from SD card), of course, if it is supported by the device.

Hello everyone We are studying the Android smartphone further, today we will think about what apply update from ADB is. So, after rummaging around on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that apply update from ADB is an item in Android menu system recovery. But what does this item do? I went looking... So the apply update from ADB item is needed to install the firmware

Well, what is the translation into Russian, this is how apply update from ADB is translated? Hmm, let's explain! The first word apply, translates as apply or use. I think the word update is already clear, it is the update itself, in our case the firmware. Well, from ADB is like from ADB. In short, the apply update from ADB item is translated as apply an update from ADB, well, sort of like that

By the way, I found a picture of what this item looks like in the menu:

So look what else I learned about apply update from ADB. There is such a command as adb sideload, well, this command is for updating the firmware. It works like this: you go to your smartphone Recovery mode, then select apply update from ADB with the volume button, confirm with the power button and then enter the following command:

adb sideload

Where is, then you indicate the name of the firmware. Well, is it a little clear? The Apply update from ADB item is needed to install firmware from ADB. True, there is one incomprehensible moment here, on another site I found information that this command needs to be entered into command line. But where is the command line itself? On a smartphone or on a computer? This question remains unclear to me for now. Yeah, I dug up a picture, look here, everything seems clear:

Apparently the command still needs to be entered on the computer! And I thought it was in the smartphone... It’s good that I found out, I was just very interested..

By the way, after the command has been entered, the entire firmware process may take about 15 minutes, which is somehow a bit long.. When everything is over, use the volume button to select reboot system now (this is a reboot) and press the power button. And the power down item is like turning off the smart, well, it’s like that

Most Android users don't know anything about ADB. The full name is Android Debug Bridge, which stands for “Android Debugging Bridge”. ADB is part of the Android SDK. With ADB you can perform various actions on your Android tablet or a smartphone, such as: flashing, copying files from a computer to Android and vice versa, system recovery and others.

ADB for Android - what is it?

You probably know that the operating room Android system based on a modified Linux kernel. Therefore, there is a need to use the command line with it. It is the adb program that helps establish communication between the computer and Android. She is part of the environment Android development SDK, so to install Android Debug Bridge you need to download Android SDK from official website. There are versions for all popular ones operating systems: Windows, Mac OS and Linux. That is, simply put, adb allows you to control your phone or tablet using a computer.

Connect your device to your PC via USB. Make sure all drivers are installed and USB debugging is enabled.

The best way to work with Android Debug Bridge is through the command line Windows string. To do this, in Windows XP, click " Start" and in the input field " Find programs and files" enter " cmd", then click " Enter" If you have Windows 7 or higher, click " Start" and in the field " Execute" enter " cmd" and press the " key again Enter».

  • How to Open Command Prompt in Windows 8
  • How to Open Command Prompt in Windows 10

adb devices

The most common adb command. Using it, you can determine whether your PC sees the connected device. If you did everything correctly, the following line will appear: “ List of devices attached" After it you will see the serial number of your smartphone or tablet and its status: “ online" or " offline».

If it says “offline”, this means that the device is in sleep mode, if “online”, then the device is ready to execute your commands.

Thanks to this command you can install applications on your smartphone or tablet. To do this, you need to specify the path where the APK file is located:

adb intsall D:\papka_s_faylom\nazvanie_prilogeniya.apk

To avoid writing long paths, copy the file to the android-tools directory. Then the path will be like this:

adb intsall nazvanie_prilogeniya.apk

adb uninstall

You need to enter it in the same way as the previous command. This will remove the application.

This team has an interesting feature. If you add the key -k, then when you delete a game or program, its data and cache will not be deleted, but will remain on the Android device.

Thanks to this command, you can transfer files from your computer to Android. To do this, you need to know the full path where the file is stored and where to move it.

adb push D:\papka_s_faylom\nazvanie_fayla/sdcard/Android

To avoid writing long paths, copy the file to the android-tools directory. Then you need to enter:

adb push nazvanie_fayla/sdcard/Android

This command copies files from Android to computer. You need to know the path where the file is located on your smartphone or tablet and indicate the location where you want to save the file. If you do not specify the latter, the file will be saved in the android-tools directory.

adb pull /sdcard/nazvanie_fayla\D:\papka_gde_sohranity

This command will reboot your Android phone or tablet.

With this command you can directly boot into bootloader mode.

adb reboot recovery

Not all devices support this command. Using it you can get into recovery mode.

adb connect

Using this command you can connect the device to Wi-Fi networks. To do this, you need to know the IP address and port of the device.

adb connect ip:port

With this command you get full access to all files on your device.

The second way to use adb shell is to execute a single Android shell command using this construct:

adb shell<команда>

If you put your Android phone or tablet into bootloader mode, the adb commands will no longer work. Here you need to use fastboot commands.

To check whether PC and Android can see each other, use the command:

After entering it, the serial number of your device should appear.

By entering this command, you can unlock the bootloader of your phones and Asus tablets and HTC. When your device is in bootloader mode, enter:

Also all yours installed programs and personal data will be lost.

Using this command you can display the contents of a log file: changes, errors, etc. The data will scroll too quickly, so the right solution would be to save it in one TXT file. To do this, enter:

adb logcat > filename.txt

adb sideload

The command will be useful for owners of devices of the line Google Nexus. Using it you can update the firmware of the device. Download it to your computer, connect your Nexus to it, go into Recovery mode, select " Apply update from ADB" and then enter the command:

adb sideload– this is the name of the zip file with the firmware.

adb backup and adb restore

Team adb backup creates a backup and adb restore restores from backup.