Irbis automated library system. The library automation system Irbis Irbis is as necessary as being able to read, and as simple as taking a book from a shelf. How to install the Irbis library system

MBUK TsBS Divnogorsk

Central City Library

Information and bibliographic department

Workshop on working in the Irbis-64 program

AWS "Cataloguer"

Analytical list of articles

from periodicals

Practical guide

Divnogorsk 2013

Compiled by:

Solovyova Elena Sergeevna,

Shvets Olga Vladimirovna


Bondarchuk Margarita Genrikhovna

Responsible for release:

Gridina Lyudmila Kuzmovna

From the compiler

IRBIS is a modern library automation system designed for use in libraries of any type and profile. Allows you to describe all types of publications. The system interfaces are as close as possible to the user’s needs and are easy to learn. The “Catalogizer” workstation is an automated workstation of a library employee who performs the functions of creating and maintaining databases.

This practical guide is intended for organizing work in the automated workplace “Cataloguer” of the IRBIS 64 library automation system.

The purpose of the manual is to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of creating an analytical bibliographic record in the “Cataloguer” module.

The manual is designed for specialists just starting to work in this program, specialist librarians, bibliographers already working in the “Cataloguer” workstation of the library automation system “IRBIS 64”.

Registration of periodicals in the Irbis-64 program

1. Before creating an analytical bibliographic record, you must register the periodical. To do this, select the “Newspapers and Magazines” database. (We register only if the publication is new and has not been previously registered)

2. Then select the worksheet “OQ51 Description of the journal and entering information about the first receipt.”

3. Then open the dictionary on the left and select the position “Title - magazines”.

Open "Settings", the “Set Personal Options” window appears. In the column “Stage of work”, press the button

And select RJ - log registration. Click “Apply”.

5. In the dictionary, in the “Key” field, enter the title of the magazine, for example: “Technology for Youth.”

We draw your attention to the obligation to check the periodical!

We check the registration of the previous issue of the periodical in the window
, press the “numbers” button, and a window with the registered numbers opens, then, making sure that the journal is not registered, press the “cancel” button and begin registration.

7. In the window, click the “registration” button, a window opens and in the “936: Number, part” field, enter the journal number.

8. Then, in the “910: INSTANCE INFORMATION” field, click the button, the “Element: 910: Instance Information” window appears. We set the status to “0”, set the “Date” field in the “No.” field - hold down the alt button and press the letter D on the keyboard. In the “Storage Location” field, indicate where the copy is stored. Press enter and the “Save” button! We check the bibliographic record and other elements of the description.

Creation of analytical

bibliographic record

1. Open the workstation “Catalogizer”. Select the database (database) in which the records will be saved.

2. Then select RL (worksheet) ASP42 – Analytical description of the article (full), format – optimized.

3. The “Duplicity” page is intended for checking a newly entered document for duplication. Therefore, if you need to enter another record in place of the detected doublet, you need to:

    delete or change the data value in the field on which the cursor is located (this, of course, removes the doublet message);

    “empty” the document;

    enter new data. After checking for duplication, on the same page, fill in the following fields:

This field is intended for entering information about the author if the article was written by one author. For articles written by two or three authors, field 700 The first of these authors is given. Information about the second and third authors is reflected in field 701.

In the underground 700 press the button, after which a window opens.

5. In the window that opens, fill in the Last name, Initials, Extension of initials, Additions to names, except dates (ranks, epithets, positions), etc.

6. Field 200: Title

This field is required. Enter the main title of the article. The title proper is given in full as it appears in the publication. We fill in the subfield “Information related to the title” - this is information explaining the content of the article.

If it is not clear from the title of the article what the article is about, we formulate the content of the article ourselves and enclose it in square brackets.

For example: [About the bibliographic search methodology]

First information about responsibility - the subfield is filled in automatically from the field 700 And 701.

Since we initially registered the publication, all necessary information about the magazine or newspaper is transferred automatically.

In this field we enter only pages, on which the article is printed, we enter without the letter “c”. A hyphen is placed between the numbers in the page designation; there are no spaces.

The digital designation of the magazine is given in Arabic numerals.

“Main BO” page

There is a small button at the end of the field
, when clicked, a window appears where the required fields are filled in. A unit opposite the field means that the field is repeated if necessary.

Technology Page

Fill in fields 907 – Cataloger, date and 902 – Document holder. IN 907 field the dates of stage-by-stage processing of the document and the full name of the performer are indicated. This data is an important element of accounting for the work of catalogers, both from the point of view of assessing the quantity and quality of work performed.

On the "Technology" page in Field 905 – Settings. Circulation KK... you can specify how many main and/or additional QCs (circulation) need to be generated when batch printing QCs. Specified as two numbers separated by a “/” character (no spaces). For example, 6/2 (a package can process a circulation of no more than 10 main CCs and no more than 5 additional ones).

Organize page

We sequentially fill in the fields we need.

This field is required. Repeat if necessary. Only one BBK index is entered in one field. BBK indices, separated by a “+” sign, are written into re-created fields by pressing 1.

Field 606 – Subject Heading

This field is required. Repeat if necessary. Optionally, geographical, chronological, and thematic subheadings can be added.

Field 610 – Keywords

This field is strictly required. Repeats for each keyword field 610. Keywords are formed by the bibliographer independently. Used to expand search capabilities.

Field 600 – Person’s name as a subject heading (Personality)

The field is repeated. This field is required. Information about persons is entered in the field when they are the subject of consideration in the article. Initials are entered in field 600a separated by a comma and a space after the last name. If there are several personalities, then a new one is added to enter information about each person field 600.

Field 331 – Abstract

An abstract of the article is entered in the field.

Once the entry is complete, you will see an index card in the right corner. It is necessary to check the correct sequence of elements of the bibliographic description. Edit if necessary. Save your entry by clicking the "Save" icon in the top left corner

“Print QC” mode

When you finish working with a document, you can print index cards of all types (in the required number of copies). First, before switching to the “PRINT QC” mode, it is recommended to look at the document in the “Set of Index Cards” format in order to determine whether additional and/or reference cards are being generated for it. Program correctional work ... AWS ... 64 By school... workshops By improving pedagogical professionalism and personal qualities teaching staff; - was carried out Job By ...

  • L. A. Eliseeva © Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of RAS (GPNTB with RAS), 2013


    ... works By interdepartmental regional scientific program... Kemerovo: KREOO " Irbis", 2006. – 238 pp. – ... 30 00. 370. Workshop By botany: textbook. ... battles of the Red Army in Belarus... vol. 63, no. 1–6. 2005, vol. 64 , No. 1–6 1306. News of the Russian Academy...

  • IRBIS 64- for Windows 2000/XP and higher in client-server architecture - for medium and large libraries - integrated automation system consisting of a TCP/IP database server and seven workstations

    Databases of classification systems on CD-ROM in the environment of the Universal Automated Workstation of Systematizer

    UDC table databases

    Databases are presented in the search interface of the IRBIS Library Automation System.

    Each database record contains an index, category name, links and guidelines. Abridged version entries have representative rubric extensions.

    Searching in databases can be carried out both by the graph at full depth, and by indexes of individual tables and by keywords. In the full database, a search for excluded indexes has been introduced, with information about replacement indexes provided.

    Database of complete UDC tables

    The database is a complete electronic edition of the UDC tables, corresponding to the complete 4th printed edition of the UDC tables - Universal Decimal Classification / VINITI RAS. – Complete 4th ed. in Russian language – M., 2001-2009, including Changes and additions. Vol. 1-6 – M., 2001-2013, as well as the Universal Decimal Classification. – 4th ed. in Russian language, corr. and additional Volume 1. – M., 2011.

    Database of abbreviated tables UDC

    The database is an abbreviated electronic edition of the UDC tables, corresponding to the abbreviated printed edition of the UDC tables - Universal Decimal Classification. Bookkeeping Worksheets. – M., 2002, updated in accordance with the full tables of the UDC, issued after 2002. The tables are an abbreviated version of the UDC, equipped with comments and links, and are intended to provide a unified approach to the systematization of publications as an intellectual product in publishing houses, libraries and bookselling enterprises and to facilitate the process systematization, which causes difficulties due to the large volume of complete UDC tables. Compared with full version UDC simplified the main and auxiliary tables, methodological and reference apparatus, emphasis was placed on comments that reveal the content of divisions and their terminological content.

    BBK table databases

    Databases are presented in the search interface of the IRBIS Library Automation System.

    Each database entry contains an index, heading name, links and guidelines.

    Searching in databases can be carried out both by a full-depth graph, and by indexes of individual tables and by keywords.
    The interface is equipped with convenient tools for selecting table indexes and constructing an index for a publication with its subsequent transfer to a bibliographic record created using any automated library system. information system.

    BBK Average Table Database

    The database is an electronic edition of the LBC Average Tables, corresponding to the following printed editions of these tables: Library and bibliographic classification: Average tables: a practical guide / Russian. state b-ka, Ros. national b-ka, b-ka Ros. acad. Sci. Vol. 1. 60/63 S/T Social sciences in general. Social science. Story. Historical sciences. – M.: Liberea, 2001. Additional. issue Tables of typical divisions of general use. – M.: Liberea, 2003. Issue. 2. 65/68 U/C Economics. Economic Sciences. Policy. Political science. Right. Legal sciences. Warfare. Military science. – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2005. Issue. 3. 4/5 P/R Agriculture and forestry. Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Healthcare. Medical Sciences. – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2007. Issue. 4. 7 H Culture. The science. Education. – M.: Pashkov House, 2011. Issue. 5. 80/84 Ш Philological sciences. Fiction. 85 Ш Art. Art history. 86 E Religion. 87 Yu0/8 Philosophy. 88 Yu9 Psychology. – M.: Pashkov House, 2012. Issue 6. 3 F/O Technology. Technical science. - M.: Pashkov House, 2013.

    BBK Abbreviated Tables Database

    The database is an electronic edition of the Abbreviated LBC Tables, corresponding to the printed edition of these tables - Library and Bibliographic Classification: Abbreviated Tables: A Practical Guide. – M.: Pashkov House, 2015.

    Database of BBK tables for children's and school libraries

    The database is an electronic edition of the LBC tables for children's and school libraries, corresponding to the printed edition of these tables - Library and Bibliographic Classification: Tables for children's and school libraries. – 4th ed., rev. and additional – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2008.

    OKSO database (All-Russian Classifier of Specialties by Education)

    The database was prepared on the basis of OK 009-2003. All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO). Adopted by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated September 30, 2003 No. 276-st. Entered into force on January 1, 2004. As amended by Amendments 1/2005 OKSO, approved by Rostechregulirovanie and introduced on October 1, 2005, Amendments 2/2010 OKSO, approved by Order of Rostechregulirovanie dated March 31, 2010 No. 48-st and introduced on June 10, 2010 The All-Russian Classification of Specialties by Education (OKSO) covers higher and secondary vocational education and is based on the lists of areas of training and specialties of higher and secondary vocational education approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

    The objects of classification in OKSO are specialties of higher and secondary vocational education. Three levels of hierarchical classification of objects are distinguished: enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training; areas of training; specialties. The block of additional classification characteristics contains information about the qualifications assigned in the field of training and/or specialty.

    SRSTI database

    The database is a complete electronic publication of the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (GRNTI).

    Each database entry contains a heading code, heading name, links, UDC index and VAK code corresponding to the SRNTI heading.

    A search in the database can be carried out using the full depth graph of the State Scientific Research Institute, as well as by heading codes, UDC indexes, HAC codes and keywords. The interface is equipped with convenient means for selecting SRSTI heading codes and then transferring them into a bibliographic description created using any automated library and information system.

    Special software - IRBIS64 connector - XEROX DocuShare

    Library automation system IRBIS Works in any networks without limiting the number of users; Full integration into corporate library systems and technologies based on: means of supporting Web technologies and the Z39.50 protocol; full compatibility with the international formats UNIMARC, USMARC and the Russian communication format RUSMARC;

    Support for an arbitrary number of databases that make up the electronic catalogue; Technology for automatic generation of dictionaries with the implementation of quick search for any elements of the description and their combinations; Tools for maintaining and using authoritative files, an alphabetical index to the UDC/BBK and a thesaurus; Support for traditional paper technologies: from printing a summary book to printing all types of index cards; Library automation system IRBIS

    Support for technologies using barcodes on copies of publications and library cards; Support for full texts, graphic data and other external objects (including Internet resources); Translation Tools user interfaces into other languages; Using multilingualism based on UNICODE Library automation system IRBIS

    Formal and logical data control, including spelling; A wide range of service tools that provide convenience and clarity of user interfaces, simplify the input process, eliminate errors and duplication of information; Wide possibilities for adaptation to the operating conditions of a particular library, including tools for creating unique work profiles for all categories of users; Openness – allowing the user to independently make changes within a wide range: from changing input and output forms to developing original applications.

    Library automation system IRBIS Composition of products of the IRBIS32 family 1. Mini-IRBIS Administrator Cataloger Reader 2. Six basic delivery modules Administrator Kittener Cataloger Reader Book lending Book supply 3. Web-Reader – A module that provides remote search via the Internet 4. Web-IRBIS – A module that provides remote search via the Internet with component Z Universal interface for classification systems

    Library automation system IRBIS Composition of products of the IRBIS64 family 1. Five modules of the basic delivery + server Administrator Accumulator Cataloger Reader Book lending TCP/IP server 2. Special modules for full-text databases Administrator Reader 3. Web-Reader – Module that provides remote search via the Internet 4 . Web-IRBIS – A module that provides remote search via the Internet with the Z39.50 component.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Administrator Performing operations related to maintaining IRBIS databases in an up-to-date and safe state, As well as: Setting up and creating user profiles based on special tools.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Completer Preliminary description and execution of order documents; Order fulfillment tracking; Registration of receipt of literature; Automated transfer of descriptions for cataloging; Subscription of periodicals for library departments (subscription cards and order sheets); Transferring descriptions of periodicals to the Electronic Catalog after receiving the first issue of the issued publication with subsequent registration of the next receipts in the Cataloger workstation; Automatic subscription for the next subscription period; Writing off literature; Typical output forms.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Cataloger Processing and description of any types of publications; Original technology for describing periodicals; Automated technology linguistic processing of publications; Special technology for copying data, eliminating the need for re-entry; Formal-logical data control system; Original technology for automatic verification of doublets; Output forms; Technology for entering and representing any symbols.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Reader Comfortable, user-friendly interface; Accounting different levels user preparation; Wide range of search tools providing quick search in the database for all the main elements of the bibliographic description and their combinations; Working with multiple databases; Paperless technology for placing an order for issuing literature; Sorting search results (when viewing and printing) according to various criteria.

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Book lending Technology for forming and maintaining a queue of electronic orders for issuing literature and recording their execution; Current information about available copies, issued literature and readers; Technology for recording the return of literature; Technologies for issuing without an order, issuing without EC, extension; Maintaining all information about issuance/return in reader records; Obtaining statistical information; Special technology for book distribution based on barcoding of copies and library cards;

    Library automation system IRBIS ARM Book supply Designed for automation collaboration electronic catalog databases and databases containing data about the university: Maintaining a special database containing data about the educational process: disciplines, student populations, structural elements of the university. The interface displays the current state of the databases in their relationships. Search tools in each database, display of connections of one database with others, display of tables of book supply coefficients, tools for transferring data from one database to another, database control tools. Modules for input/correction, generation of tabular forms, execution of batch jobs, logging of work.

    Library automation system IRBIS Full-text database subsystem 1.Extended workstation “Administrator”, including additional modes for working with full-text databases. 2.Workstation of the end user (reader) for searching and viewing full-text databases with the implementation of special search algorithms: Search by request in natural language. Ranking of found documents according to their relevance. Search for similar texts in a user-specified thematic context.

    Library automation system IRBIS Web-IRBIS Unified technology for servicing local and remote users; Use of a single bibliographic array for technological operations and for servicing local and remote users; Availability of a system for automatically recognizing the encoding of an incoming client; Ability to work with any number of databases; Possibility of forming a request in fixed and free form using operations information retrieval; Ability to use any user-defined output formats; Z - component.

    Library automation system IRBIS Deliveries and system versions Version for running under MS DOS Demo version Mini-IRBIS Modular delivery Basic delivery Expanded delivery Full delivery Special supplies for medical libraries New versions of the system - every 6 months

    Library automation system IRBIS Price policy Component Cost (excluding VAT) (USD) IRBIS system (basic delivery)2800 AWP Administrator 500 AWP Completist 600 AWP Cataloger 600 AWP Book circulation 500 AWP Reader 600 AWP Book supply 600 AWP MBA 600 Mini-IRBIS 700 Web-Reader120 0 Web-IRBIS1800 TCP/IP server (10 users) 600 Modules for full-text databases 1400

    Library automation system IRBIS Pricing policy (different if) IRBIS32 If you have IRBIS under MS/DOS - 50% If you have Mini-IRBIS - its cost is deducted IRBIS64 If you have IRBIS32 - only the cost of the TCP/IP server Full text subsystem If you have You IRBIS64 – the cost of the Administrator workstation ($500) is deducted

    Library automation system IRBIS Maintenance and training -- Warranty support - within the scope of delivery cost -- Post-warranty support - 12% of the catalog price per year -- Support includes: Delivery of new versions Answers to questions and consultations on all types of communications -- Open forum for all users and non-users -- Permanently operating “IRBIS School” (full-time and remote) with the issuance of a Certificate of the established form for a licensed course “ Computer techologies in libraries" -- Regular consulting sessions at International conferences"Crimea" and "Libcom" -- Traveling scientific and practical seminars

    Library automation system IRBIS Numbers and geography -- More than 1200 users; -- The system works in libraries of various levels and types in: Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Great Britain Georgia Israel Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Russia USA Uzbekistan Ukraine -- The system is distributed by 31 representatives Automation system bib 26

    In the Central Library Software The IRBIS library automation system has been installed since 2006.

    IRBIS is a standard integrated solution in the field of automation of library technologies and is intended for use in libraries of any type and profile. The system fully meets the international requirements for such systems and supports all domestic bibliographic standards and formats. The system allows you to describe all types of publications.

    Under this program, new arrivals of books are processed, in addition, an electronic catalog of periodicals is maintained. And annually 1.5 thousand descriptions are written for the systematic catalog of articles, as well as 500 entries for the local history catalogue. Electronic catalogs are being promoted for readers of the Central Library. Individual and group consultations are provided. Individual consultations are very often carried out for students of the Minusinsk Pedagogical College (MPC), and a bibliographer of the Central Library works with them. Electronic catalogs are especially in demand by students when writing their dissertations, coursework. In 2010, 12 consultations were held. In addition, within the framework of the “Information Navigator” training center, which works for the school scientific society, group classes for schoolchildren were held, called “Search in the IRBIS system.” A review-workshop “Local history resources of the library” was conducted using the search method in the IRBIS database “Local history”. 11 lessons on search methods in the IRBIS system were conducted for IPC students.

    Main Feature:

    The system is focused on working in local computer networks of any type without limiting the number of users, provided that the client platform is Windows 95/98/2000/NT and access to the file server is provided.

    The system is fully compatible with the international UNIMARC and USMARC formats based on a two-way data conversion tool. The system also supports the Russian communication format RUSMARC.

    The system allows you to create and maintain any number of databases that make up the Electronic Catalog (EC) or are problem-oriented bibliographic databases (DBs).

    The system offers technology for automatically generating dictionaries, on the basis of which a quick search is implemented for any description elements and their combinations.

    Cataloging tools allow you to process and describe any type of publications, including non-traditional ones, such as audio and video materials, computer files and programs, cartographic materials, notes, etc.

    The system supports traditional "paper" technologies, providing the ability to obtain a wide range of output forms: from order sheets and summary books to indexes and all types of index cards.

    The system offers tools for maintaining and using Authoritative Files, Alphabetical Subject Indexes to UDC/BBK and Thesaurus.

    The system includes technologies focused on the use of barcodes on copies of publications and library cards.

    The system includes tools that allow you to use any objects external to the bibliographic document as illustrative material, such as full texts, graphics, tables, audio and video materials, as well as Internet resources.

    The system provides tools that allow you to enter and display characters that are not included in the standard (selected) code set, in particular, diacrites of European languages, Greek letters and other special characters.

    The system offers a large set of service tools that provide convenience and clarity of user interfaces, simplify the input process, and eliminate errors and duplication of information.

    The system has ample opportunities for adapting it to the operating conditions of a particular library, i.e. When transferring and installing the system, it can be configured in accordance with the specific requirements of the user - from the structure of the bibliographic description to custom modes work.

    The system is sufficiently open, which allows the user to independently make changes within a wide range: from changing input and output forms to developing original applications.

    As independent products that expand the capabilities of the local version of the IRBIS system, there are tools to support telecommunication technologies, namely: Web-IRBIS - a solution that provides access to IRBIS databases via a WWW server, and a database server for the Z39.50 protocol (Z- IRBIS). These tools fully ensure the integrability of the IRBIS system into corporate library technologies.

    The system implements all standard library technologies, including technologies for acquisition, systematization, cataloging, reader search, book lending and administration, based on the interconnected functioning of five types of automated workstations (AWS): “Collector”, “Cataloguer”, “Reader”, “Book lending” ", "Administrator".

    Thus, access to IRBIS is unlimited for readers. And it's easy to learn.