How to view hidden folders. How to show hidden folders or show hidden files. How to enable hidden folders on Windows

It happens that the Windows operating system hides some of its folders from users by making them hidden. For example, having picked up a virus in the Host file, it happens that it becomes invisible. More precisely, the Host file itself is visible, but its duplicate, which, as it were, complements it, is hidden from view. And to view it you need to configure the display of hidden files.

In this article, we will look at 3 ways to open hidden folders and Windows files 7 or vice versa to hide them. This is done very simply.

METHOD 1. Open some window with folders, and in the upper left corner we find the "Organize" tab. In the menu that opens, select the line "Folder and search options"

In the folder settings window that opens, select the "View" tab at the top. We find the item "Show hidden files, folders and drives" and mark it with a dot

Click the "Apply" and "Ok" buttons. All is ready.

METHOD 2. Again, open some kind of window in Windows Explorer with folders and files. Press the "Alt" key. An additional panel will appear in the upper left corner.

AT additional panel select the "Tools" tab and then in the drop-down menu select the line "Folder Options"

And again we get the settings window, where we first select the "View" tab and then "Show hidden files"

METHOD 3. This view method is suitable for those who have Total Commander installed

So let's open Total program commander.

AT top panel select the "Configuration" tab

In the settings window in the left panel, select "Panel Content"

On the right side, tick the item R12; Show hidden/ system files(only for experienced)

Click the "Apply" button and "Ok"

Here are three easy ways to browse folders!

The settings in both Windows 7 and Mac OS hide certain files, that is, make them unavailable for display when you view them on your computer. The files that the system hides are usually system files. If incorrect changes are made to them, this may cause problems with the correct operation of the PC. However, hidden files may also appear when loading some types of software- sometimes during installation, some files are automatically saved as hidden. The user can also create hidden files at their own discretion.

It may be useful from time to time to be able to see such files that are stored on your computer.

So, in order to show hidden files in Windows 7, you should follow the steps below:

Close all programs completely when you are on the desktop. Select the Start button (it's a small round-shaped button located in the lower left corner of the screen that has a Windows flag). Click on the control panel option in the menu.

When it opens, click on the Appearance and Personalization tab.

Now click on the "Files and Folders" tab and select the item about displaying hidden drives, folders and files, and enable this item. Then uncheck the checkboxes under the items about hiding extensions for registered file types and protected system files. Then click Apply or OK. Once this is done, the hidden files should be viewable.

To solve this problem in computers and Apple laptops should be done in a slightly different way:

Go to the system address / Applications / Utilities /;

Then enter the commands below and you will be able to view hidden files.

The default command should be AppleShowAllFiles TRUE, type Killall Finder. This will help show hidden Mac files.

What happens when you type the above command?

When you simply use the default entry above, it simply shows all files, including hidden files, no matter what settings were used. After entering Killall Finder a second time, the settings are reloaded, the changes take effect. Don't worry if all desktop content disappears and reappears when you run this command.

In order to hide them back, you need to make small changes to the above command. After that, you can hide the system files again and continue your work.

By default, the entry should look like this: AppleShowAllFiles False, then type Killall Finder.

Hidden files are returned back to their original position without any problem.

As you can see, all these tips are extremely simple and do not require any special knowledge. By performing this procedure from time to time, you can see the status of your computer and get rid of unnecessary and unused files. Just remember that it is advisable to hide these files after viewing and studying, since inadvertent deletion of certain data may lead to incorrect work computer. Also, be careful when installing new programs - this will help to avoid unnecessary information appearing on your PC.

In the process of exploring the possibilities and easy use pages of modern social network VKontakte, users have a large number of questions. One of the most common is solving the problem of how to view hidden photos on VKontakte. Quite often, users hide their profiles in whole or in part, so it is not possible to see their photos.

Before considering the issue of the possibility of viewing hidden photos, it is worth briefly considering the topic of hiding them. To hide your photos, you will need to follow these steps:

  • You need to go to the VK page;
  • On the left, find the line "My settings" and activate it;
  • Open the "Privacy" subsection;
  • Special privacy settings will appear. They can be installed as you wish.

You can hide not only photos, but audio recordings, posts and friends. After selecting the row that reflects who can see the photo, you need to determine who will be allowed to see personal photos. Here you can choose to be completely hidden by setting "only me" or allowing viewing only for friends. The installed functions take effect immediately after the settings have been made.

How to view saved photos in VK if they are hidden?

So, how to see hidden photos of VK users? There is no official scheme of action here, as the developers of the social network respect the desire of users to maintain their privacy. If you want to view hidden VK photos, you should follow these steps:

  1. You need to go to the profile of the user whose photo you want to see.
  2. A click is made on free space with a normal mouse button.
  3. The section "View source pages".
  4. Ctrl+F is pressed.
  5. In the search, "albums" is entered, only without quotes.
  6. Numbers appear in the line after the given word, they need to be copied. This is the page code.
  7. You need to go back to the user's profile and enter "?z=albums" in the address bar after the ID, also without quotes.
  8. The previously copied fragment is inserted.
  9. Enter is pressed, and enjoy the sight of hidden photos.

Important! See this option closed photos, if access is closed, not entirely legal, the VK administration does not approve of it.

For this reason, you should not be surprised if the ability to view saved photos, if they are hidden, will be closed.

Site for viewing hidden photos VKontakte

This method can be used in the case of an already obtained code fragment, which can be obtained in the manner described above. To view hidden photos, you must return to desired page, on the social network site in the browser search bar, enter a link built according to the type - ... .., where the page identification number follows the ID. Next, the cursor is placed at the very end of the address and immediately entered special signs"?z=".

As a result of such actions, an inscription will appear in the line of the working browser -……?z=albums….., where the ellipsis is the user ID. After pressing Enter, all the photos of the person of interest will automatically open to your attention.


Presented to attention are quite simple ways you can easily study the photos of users in private albums. The main advantage of such techniques is the ability to see photos in the albums of those people who are no longer friends on VK and completely unfamiliar users.

Are you interested in the question, how to view hidden files and folders in Windows 7?

If yes, then you are at the right place. In this lesson, we will discuss with you how to see on your own hard drives all hidden files and folders inWindows 7. In fact, it is very simple, I already touched on this topic once, I wrote,. Well, today we will do all this in the Seven.

So let's go. Enable viewing hidden files and folders in Windows system 7.

We go to " Start - Control Panel».

In the folder that opens, change the view to Small Icons.

Now we find the item Folders settings" and open it.

In the window that opens, go to the tab " View", Then we go down to the very bottom and put the switch on the item" Show hidden files, folders and drives Then save by clicking OK.

Now we check. I go to the drive (C:) and already here I see showing hidden folders.

This is how we made hidden folders and files visible in Windows 7 with a few clicks. But, in general, I recommend enabling this feature. only when needed.

If we have any hidden folder inWindows 7 and we need to access it, we have enabled the ability to view hidden files and folders. As they did all their business, they immediately turned off this opportunity.

That's all for me!

Many users, when they try to clean their computer of unnecessary information, are perplexed: why in system partition when checking the amount of occupied space, it shows one number, but when viewing individual directories, in total, a completely different result comes out. The fact is that the developers deliberately hide certain folders, which are very important for the normal functioning of the operating system. But in some cases, you need to know how to see hidden folders in order to view their contents.

The most important reason for being able to view is virus attack. If the system has been infected with viruses, as a rule, almost all malicious files are in a disguised form. And although the treatment of individual viruses must be approached individually, the display of hidden folders will almost always be required.

Also, some users deliberately make files and directories hidden so that information on the computer is not publicly available. This step is especially important if multiple users have access to the computer at once. Of course, with a targeted search, this will not solve the problem of confidentiality, but it will save you from accidentally reading some documents.

How to make folders hidden

There are several ways to hide directories from prying eyes. The simplest of these is to use Windows Explorer:

  • click on the object that you want to hide with RMB;
  • select "Properties";
  • in the "Attributes" column, check the box for "Hidden";
  • click "Apply" and then "OK".

This method is the simplest and least secure, because with the help of Explorer, absolutely all folders can be displayed. A reliable way is to use the command line:

  • call the command line using the key combination Win + R or in standard program"Run" type cmd and press Enter;
  • type the script: attrib +s +h path to the location of the hidden object (pay attention to the spaces between the tags, they must be required).

Thereafter necessary information will be hidden from prying eyes. It is impossible to show them with the standard tool for displaying hidden objects. It will be possible to display only by entering the command line of the script: attrib -s -h path to the location of the hidden object.

How to see hidden folders in Windows

In any of the versions of Windows that are presented in the Microsoft line, the same window is responsible for displaying hidden folders. You can call it using the "Run" window (this window is called up by pressing Win + R or you open "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories") by typing the command in it: Control Folders (two words are written separately).

In the "View" tab, you need to move the slider to the very bottom and click on the bullet: "Show hidden files, folders and drives."

In order not to call the window, execute and display this window, for each of the versions operating systems You need to do a few different things:

1. for . Open any folder, click on "Properties", and then select "Folder Options".

2. for Windows 7. Go to the "Control Panel", select "Appearance and Personalization", click on the line "Folder Options".

3. for Windows 8 and Windows 10. Display any folder, click "View", and then "Options".

How to see hidden folders on a flash drive

Some users are faced with a situation where hidden information on removable media, or moved from another computer is not available even when correct installation explorer options. In this case, you can create an executable file that will solve the problem of displaying hidden objects in a matter of seconds:

  • open a notepad (click on any free space on the desktop with RMB, move the cursor to the item "Create" and in the pop-up window click on the line "Notepad");
  • in the displayed text document enter text: attrib -s -h -r -a *.* /s /d;
  • click on "File", select "Save As" and instead of txt extensions enter bat.

After running the created file, you will have for a few seconds command line, after which it will disappear and all hidden folders and files from removable media will become available to you, or information that was copied from another computer in a hidden form will be displayed.

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