Audio recordings in contact do not work. Reasons for not playing music on VKontakte. Low Internet speed

The social network “Vkontakte” holds one of the leading positions in RuNet. People communicate there, post their photos for everyone to see and appreciate, unite in communities of interest, watch videos and listen to music. Very often, VK users go to the social network not so much to chat as to enjoy the songs of their favorite artists, but this is not always possible. And they are tormented by one single question: “Why doesn’t VKontakte play music?” However, their disappointment knows no bounds. But don’t despair, as in most cases this can be fixed.

Why doesn't VKontakte music play?

For most users, this malfunction is worse than the end of the world. After all, they always listen to music from VK: while working, at home after work, during lunch breaks, while completing projects and while writing a report. Each user necessarily has his own playlist of favorite songs that can be listened to at any time. And here on you - for some reason they don’t play. And on the face there is a frozen grimace, which reads “Why doesn’t VKontakte music play and what should I do?”

There may be several reasons for this unpleasant situation:

  • problem with flash player;
  • driver problems;
  • the browser is to blame;
  • sound card malfunction;
  • audio recording is blocked or deleted.

First thing

Before you panic and delve into the system, let’s check the most basic thing: whether the sound is turned on at all. We look at the volume slider in VKontakte itself and on the toolbar. It is also worth checking the speakers: whether they are connected to power and whether the on/off button is turned on, and whether the volume is increased using the switch or not. If the PC has recently been disassembled, then it is worth checking that the speakers are connected to the computer correctly. It's also quite common problem in terms of why VKontakte does not play music. Most often, speakers are connected to the sound card through the green connector, and if it is mixed up and plugged in the wrong way, there will be no sound.

You also need to check if you have an Internet connection, since without a connection nothing will be played.

Sound problems

If there is no music playing on the computer, then it is completely understandable why VKontakte does not play music. Most likely these are driver problems. You can see if this is the case in Device Manager. Open properties in my computer, click “Device Manager”. We find there the section “Sound, video and gaming devices”, where we find the required audio driver.

If there is some problem with it, then there will be an exclamation mark on its icon. This problem can be solved by updating or reinstalling the driver. This can be done on the official portal of the motherboard manufacturer (if it is a PC) or laptop.

It also happens that there is no sound and you can’t add it, because error correction opens, and there is a red cross on the icon on the toolbar. This time, the reason why Vkontakte does not play music on the computer is a malfunction of the sound card itself. This can only be solved by replacing it with a working one. You can also buy a portable sound card that connects via USB.

If everything is fine with the sound on the computer, we look for the reason in network resources.

Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player is a specialized player designed for playing audio and video recordings on the Internet, downloading games in the browser, advertising, and more. And it may be the answer to the question why VKontakte does not play music and videos. Therefore, to correct the situation, it needs to be reinstalled or updated, but first you need to uninstall old version. This can be done using the “Uninstall a Program” function, which can be found in the “Control Panel” or using special utilities. Download Adobe Flash Player is available from the official Adobe website completely free of charge.

When it is downloaded, you need to install it, unchecking the option to install Yandex elements in preparation for installation.

If the songs do not start again and it is not clear why VKontakte music does not play in Yandex, you should not stop.

Checking the browser

There may be a problem with the browser. In this case, updating the online utility may help. We do the following: open the settings and click on “About the browser”. A new window will open, which will indicate its version, as well as whether it can be updated or not. If possible, then update and try again.

Also, if everything has been done and it was not possible to understand why the VKontakte music does not play in Opera, you need to go to your VK page through another browser and turn on the song there. If everything works fine in another program, then you need to reinstall the non-working browser. We remove it through the dispatcher or utilities, then go to the official website of the utility, download and install.

If there are many necessary bookmarks there, the synchronization function will help you save them. All you need to do is create an account and synchronize. You can find out more about this directly in the browser.

Audio recording blocked

On VKontakte, many audio recordings are added illegally, which is why copyright holders lose considerable amounts of money, as people listen to their new tracks and albums completely free of charge, instead of buying the album. Therefore, performers are slowly withdrawing their works from the free public access. This will be indicated by a notification window with the following inscription “The audio recording was withdrawn from public access due to an appeal from the copyright holder.” Therefore, you will have to look for it elsewhere.

Hello dear visitors of my blog. Now the social network VKontakte for many is not only an opportunity to communicate with friends, but also a huge storage of music and videos. I am writing this because I am like this myself and so are all my friends. I have a huge number of tracks stored on my computer, but for the last few years I only listen to them when there are problems with the Internet. But basically I have Contact open only because music is played from there. 🙂

I think you have the same situation. But sometimes it happens that after reinstalling the operating system, a system failure, or buying another computer, music and video refuse to play, and the music from Contact does not play and the video does not show. Now I'll tell you how to solve the problem with playing music and videos from the social network VKontakte. In principle, music and videos will not be played not only on VKontakte, but also on other sites and in any browser. And all this is most likely because you Adobe Flash Player is not installed.

I don’t remember exactly if this is reported music player, but the video player will tell you about this and offer to install a flash player.

Indeed, this whole problem can be cured by a simple installation Flash player, after which the video on the Internet shows normally, and the music plays.

How to install Flash Player to play VKontakte music?

Everything is very simple as always :). Follow the link and uncheck “Yes install Google Chrome, if you need this browser, then you can leave a checkmark. Then click “Download”.

After the file is downloaded, its installation will begin immediately. If this window appears:

Then click “Yes” and continue installing the Flash player. The installation is very simple as always, you just need to click “Next” several times, and at the end “Finish”.

After the installation is complete, close (although the Flash installer itself should have closed all browsers), and reopen the browser you are using. and try to turn on music or video on Vkontakte. Works? Great! No? So write in the comments, we’ll figure it out. By the way, another very important feature is the ability to download music from Contact to your computer, I wrote about how to do this and.

But Contact has another positive feature, which is why this social network is incredibly popular in our country. It's about about the gigantic music collection, which is collected on the personal pages of users. We will not talk about the legality of using musical works, but will simply talk about some problems that may arise when playing them.

Simply put, why doesn’t VKontakte music play? Let’s try to analyze the main reasons for such “shameless” behavior of the popular social network.

Internet connection speed

How many times have people been told that to work normally on the Internet you need high-quality and fast channel, but they stubbornly continue to step on the same rake again and again. Why doesn’t VKontakte music play if your connection to the network is provided by a barely live GPRS or even EDGE connection? Of course, due to constant packet losses, long response times and other reasons that almost every user is well aware of.

Even if you have a channel from a normal provider that doesn’t work every once in a while, bother checking the speed through specialized resources. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to contact your operator’s technical support. This is especially useful if you are absolutely sure that there are no problems on your end.

Internet connection type

Of course, we won’t talk about Dial UP, since rare users of this terrible anachronism already know why VKontakte music doesn’t play. The effect is extremely low speed, and there is no connection stability as such. But why doesn’t the music play if you are “sitting” on a pretty decent satellite channel?

Nowadays, this type of connection is not very common, but to this day it can be found in those cities and villages where telecom operators cannot reach even banal ADSL.

It's all about the principle of operation: first, an outgoing request must be received from the user. As a rule, in 99% of cases, users do not buy expensive equipment that allows bidirectional requests, and therefore the same mobile phone with stunted GPRS.

The result is still the same: giant pings, losses of 80% of packets and similar “delights”. This is why the VKontakte music does not play, although the network speed seems to be normal.

Mobile Internet

Even if you use high-speed mobile Internet (3G), it’s too early to relax. Until now, no honest people have appeared in our country. unlimited tariffs, and therefore, after a certain resource is exhausted (from 1 to 30 GB, depending on the operator and tariff), the speed is reduced to 64 Kb/sec.

Therefore, if you were unable to enjoy the work of your favorite musical group, check the remaining traffic. Perhaps it has long been exhausted.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt to check the coverage area: even in large cities it “jumps” from time to time, so the speed may well not be enough. Do not forget also that in many cities the canal is completely clogged during peak times. In such conditions, only a music download program can help you hear your favorite song.

In addition, it doesn’t hurt to check the modem: it happens that some models (ZTE, for example) have such low characteristics that when using them, the channel speed may be significantly lower than the declared one. This is especially true for .nix systems, where equipment from some manufacturers can generally behave completely unpredictably.


After a long epic of checking the quality of communication, we begin to consider the most fundamental reasons why music on VKontakte plays poorly. Since we listen to it through a browser, we should look for the roots of the problem in this program.

Google Chrome and other browsers built on its code cause the least trouble. The fact is that it is automatically updated, it includes its own analogue of a flash player, and therefore beginners do not have to configure almost anything.

With IE and Firefox, things can be a little more complicated. The fact is that these Internet browsers do not have a built-in Flash player, and therefore inexperienced users suffer for a long time trying to play tracks on their computer. The music program itself on this social network is based on this technology, so without it you won’t be able to hear your favorite artist.

Install Flash player

This is not difficult to do. Download the installation kit from the official website, run the installation program, click the “Install” and “Finish” button a couple of times. The browser should be closed at this moment. After this, you can restart the Internet browser, go to the social network and listen to music.

Some settings

How to set up music in Contact? Of course, the question may seem surprising, but everything is not so simple. Yes, there are no complex player settings in the social network itself, but you can configure Flash Player itself so that problems with playback occur as rarely as possible.

To begin, click on the “Start” button, go to the “Control Panel”, and then look for the Flash Player item there. Click on the link with the left mouse button. A dialog box will open in which you should be interested in the “Storage” item. In it you need to check the box next to the option “Allow sites to save information...”.

In this case, VKontakte will be able to cache all the necessary data on your computer’s hard drive.

Setting up Firefox

Since we have already talked about many aspects of setting up Flash, it wouldn’t hurt to talk about the browsers that the VKontakte music program uses directly. Let's start with "Ognelis", since it traditionally has wide possibilities for creativity.

Since in latest version(29.0.1) the interface has been seriously modified, we will talk specifically about the features of its configuration. First, click on the button in the upper right corner. It looks like an icon with three lines, which is well known to Chrome users.

A small menu will open in which you need to select “Settings”. In it you should go to the “Network” tab. In it you need to uncheck the “Disable automatic control cache." This will avoid unnecessary excesses associated with their overflow.

By the way, it is the latter circumstance that often leads to the fact that you cannot listen to music in real time.

By the way, is it possible to configure the browser so that music from Contact can be saved directly to the hard drive? Considering it's Firefox, this is extremely easy to do.

There is more than one program for downloading music from Contact, but in this case we would advise installing the Flash Video Downloader extension. Don't be confused by the word Video in the name: this wonderful plugin easily downloads not only video, but also audio files.

Using it is as simple as possible: immediately after installation and restarting the browser, the “Download using..” button appears under the compositions. Click on it, select a location to save the clip, and then click on the “Download” button.

Setting up Google Chrome

Since Chrome is the most common browser today, it is necessary to talk about its correct configuration.

If your VKontakte music constantly stops playing, you need to do the following:

  • click on the icon in the form of three lines in the upper right corner;
  • select “Settings”;
  • click on the “Show additional settings” link;
  • look for the “Personal Data” item, click on the “Content Settings” button;
  • In the window that opens, you must check the “Allow sites to save local data” checkbox.

After these settings, your Chrome should begin to work more reliably with music collections from Contact.

As for IE, no special settings are required. Pay attention only to some features of flash settings that we have already described earlier.

If you need a program for downloading music from Contact, we can recommend Internet use Download Manager. This amazing app quickly grabs music links so you can quickly expand your local music collection.

What else could cause problems?

What to do if all of the above did not help? First, you can try using a different browser. If we talk about Firefox, then very often the VKontakte music does not play due to an incorrectly configured NoScript extension.

This wonderful plugin prevents almost 100% of computer infections by malware when attackers use specially prepared scripts for this purpose.

But there is one problem. Inexperienced users who heard from more experienced colleagues about the benefits of this extension install it, but they know absolutely nothing about banal settings. As a result, music doesn't play, buttons don't press, and upset people blame "viruses" for everything.

To avoid this, click on the plugin icon and select “Allow everything on this page.” The site will reload and all blocked functions will become available.


Surely, you are surprised that we remembered such a popular reason last. There is nothing strange here: practice shows that music on a social network is least dependent on viruses. In any case, not every malicious program can block it. “VK” music may not work only if some virus specifically blocks access to social networks.

This occurs very rarely, and to eliminate this problem it is best to use boot disks With antivirus programs. In this case, scanning the OS from under an infected system is completely useless.

They posted a funny or educational video on a social network, but it doesn’t load or play. It's a shame. What to do if the video in VK does not play?

There are many reasons why video in VK does not work:

  1. when rebooting or updating the social network server, problems do not appear on every video (not all are uploaded to one);
  2. low Internet connection speed does not allow downloading video tracks;
  3. there are difficulties with the PC or mobile device through which you are trying to watch the video;
  4. cache is clogged;
  5. network settings limit the use of VK;
  6. caught a virus that affects the operation of the site;
  7. the browser is outdated or damaged;
  8. restrictions from anti-virus software and anti-advertising extensions;
  9. flash player is not installed, outdated or damaged;
  10. Difficulties in interaction between the video card and the player.

Let's move on to a detailed consideration of these problems and ways to solve them.


VK users periodically surf online, send messages, upload photos, listen to music and watch videos: this requires enormous power, and the servers cannot always cope with the load. At such moments, the social network begins to slow down and produce errors.

There are also difficulties with videos: they load and play in jerks, but not all, but only some. To make sure your assumption is correct, turn on Youtube and start any video. If it loads and plays normally, you have found the cause of the problem - the server.

Solution: you should wait a bit until engineering works will be completed. If you don’t want to wait at all, reload the page, log out and log in to your account again.


Not only the team of the social network VKontakte is experiencing difficulties, but also Internet providers. The most common problem is interruptions due to technical reasons, bad weather, cable breaks, etc. The phenomena are temporary and solvable - be patient and everything will be resolved.


If the problem is not in the previous paragraphs, there are problems with video in VK on the user’s phone or computer.

  • Plugins and extensions are installed in the browser that block advertising and at the same time affect the operation of site services.

Solution: disable the specified extensions, reload the page and start playing; After confirming the reason, add VK to the list of exceptions for the problematic extension.

  • The lack of necessary drivers and codecs for video negatively affects the playback of video files, so make sure to install up-to-date licensed software.

Solution: check for software availability and install missing ones.

  • Antivirus software blocks the program and prevents the video track from playing.

Solution: disable protective screens during the check, reload the site and launch the track. Problem solved? Secur your success by including your social network address in your exclusion list. Remember to return the screens to their original active state.

  • A conflict between video card drivers and VK services causes problems with the social network: video files are not loaded or played.

Solution: To resolve the video card problem, block hardware acceleration. How to do it?

  1. Move the cursor to the playing video area.
  2. Click in the video area right click mice.
  3. Select “Options” from the menu that opens.
  4. Uncheck the “Enable hardware acceleration” checkbox.

Why doesn’t the video on VK show a black screen, but there is sound?

If the video does not show on VK, but only sound, perhaps the problem is in the video itself - it was uploaded incorrectly or uploaded in exactly this form. There are other problems, the solutions to which will be discussed in the section.

Low Internet speed

Some providers artificially slow down Internet speeds for social networks.

Question about slow connection speed should be asked technical support provider. For your reference, to play videos smoothly in good quality a speed of 500 Kbps is required. Check it out at the link:

Solution: If you really want to watch a video, reduce the quality - the download will be faster and the track will stop slowing down.

Clearing cache

Clearing the cache not only frees up your computer, but also has a beneficial effect on video playback.

Solution: go to Settings of the browser installed on your PC and clear temporary files.


Do you have the latest version of antivirus software on your computer or phone? Are you sure your antivirus doesn't need updating? Viruses and malware affect the operation of the device as a whole, damaging files, including those necessary for video playback, so carefully monitor what you are downloading, where you are downloading from, and the state of the software.

Solution: Check if available a new version, and update if available. Installed trial version, which has expired? Tear it down and install a new one immediately! It is better to install licensed software: you will have to pay extra for a subscription, but the protection will be 100%.

Browser update

Browser updates are released with enviable regularity. You can’t skip it - you risk losing some functions, and it will work intermittently. Lack of updating or damage to browser files is one of the reasons why video in VK does not work.

You can understand that this is your case by trying to launch the video on VK from another browser. This is also a temporary solution to the problem. Basics solution is to update the viewer or reinstall.

Setting up your network

System administrators in educational institutions and offices often limit access to social networks so that students, students and employees do what they are supposed to do and not watch videos. When logging in from a PC in such places, be prepared for restrictions.

Solution: ask the system administrator to unblock access; use an anonymizer or proxy server to bypass the blocking, log in through Tor.

Video does not play in VK application

The specialized VK application for Android and IOS is an indispensable companion for friends who are addicted to social networks and have a smartphone. Convenient, fast, almost all the same functions as in full version VKontakte, and the same problems... Errors in the full version of the social network appear in the application. For example, it does not show video on VK (black screen) and displays error code 3.

Videos do not play in VK on Android phones and iPhones

VKontakte application intended for use on mobile devices Android systems and iPhones are also buggy: sometimes the music doesn’t load, sometimes the video doesn’t load. The question is about the operation of the servers, the version of the application or the application itself.

Solution: wait a little and then try to start playback again; update VKontakte to the latest version or reinstall.

Video rewind does not work in Contact

You turn on the video, decide to rewind a little, but you are thrown back and playback starts again. Sound familiar?

Solution: Reload the page and review the reasons and solutions listed in the article.

VKontakte video sound does not work

The video track is running: the characters are running, jumping, moving their lips, but there is no sound. What to do?

Solution 1: It’s trivial, but check if the sound is on and if the speakers are connected.

Solution 2: Try reloading the page.

Solution 3: Check out the proposed solutions - we are sure one of them will help get rid of the problem.

Video does not work in VK in Yandex.Browser, Opera and Chrome

If in Chrome, Opera, Yandex. The video does not show in the browser, check the host file along the path: Windows> System32> Drivers> Etc (or just type it into Search). There should be nothing left in it except the line localhost. After saving, restart your PC.

VKontakte video does not work: asks to update flash player

Why doesn't the video open on VK? Flash Player, or rather, problems with the module used by browsers to play video files. On most sites it is enabled by default, on others it asks permission to connect. If the video does not load, a message appears indicating problems with the flash player.

  • Uninstall the current version.
  • Download the program file.
  • Install (it is advisable not to add accompanying cluttering programs to the PC).
  • Restart your computer.
  • Use it.

There are many options for solving the video problem, all you have to do is find the right one. If all else fails, you can always roll back the system or reinstall Windows.

One of the most popular domestic social networks is VKontakte. On this service users come not only to chat, but also to listen to music or watch videos. But, unfortunately, there are cases when multimedia content is not played for certain reasons. Let's find out why VKontakte music doesn't play in Opera, and how it can be fixed.

One of the common reasons why music does not play in the browser, including on the VKontakte social network, is hardware problems in the operation of the components. system unit, and a connected headset (speakers, headphones, sound card, etc.); Incorrect sound playback settings operating system, or damage to it due to negative influence(viruses, power outages, etc.).

In such cases, the music will stop playing not only in the Opera browser, but also in all other web browsers and audio players.

There can be many options for the occurrence of hardware and system problems, and the solution to each of them is a topic for a separate discussion.

General browser problems

Problems with playing music on the VKontakte website may be caused by problems or incorrect settings in the Opera browser. In this case, the sound will be played on other browsers, but in Opera it will not be played not only on the VKontaket website, but also on other web resources.

There may also be several reasons for this problem. The most commonplace of them is turning off the sound due to negligence by the user himself in a browser tab. This problem can be resolved quite easily. Just click on the speaker icon shown on the tab if it is crossed out.

Another one probable cause the impossibility of playing music in Opera is muting the sound of this browser in the mixer. Solving this problem will not be difficult either. You need to click on the speaker icon in the system tray in order to go to the mixer, and there you can turn on the sound for Opera.

No sound in the browser can also be caused by a full Opera cache, or corruption of the program files. In this case, you need to clear the cache accordingly, or reinstall the browser.

Disabling Opera Turbo

All the problems described above were common for audio playback in Windows system in general, or in Opera browser. The main reason why music in Opera will not be played on the VKontakte social network, but at the same time will be played on most other sites, is the enabled Opera Turbo mode. When this mode is enabled, all data is passed through remote server The opera on which they are compressed. This negatively affects music playback in Opera.

In order to disable Opera Turbo mode, go to the main menu of the browser by clicking on its logo in the upper left corner of the window, and in the list that appears, select the “Opera Turbo” item.

Adding a site to the Flash Player exclusion list

IN Opera settings There is a separate block for controlling the work of the Flash Player plugin, through which we will slightly edit the work specifically for the VKontakte site.

As you can see, problems with playing music in the Opera browser on the VKontakte website can be caused by very big amount reasons. Some of them are of a common nature for the computer and the browser, while others are solely a consequence of Opera’s interaction with this social network. Naturally, each problem has a separate solution.