New affiliate programs. The best affiliate programs for making money: a list of profitable programs and tips for working with affiliates. Air is the best affiliate program for a YouTube channel

Vasily Blinov is in touch. In this article I will tell you everything about affiliate programs, and also give my list of affiliate programs on which I already earn from 20 thousand rubles per month.

On my blog you can find a lot useful material on various affiliate programs, how to work with them and earn money. You can also take part in.

Now I can say with confidence that affiliate programs are one of the the best ways monetize your projects on the Internet and simply earn money without any special investments. It is enough to correctly maintain accounts in your in social networks and you can already earn money by recommending affiliate products.

What is an affiliate program?

Affiliate program (abbreviated as “affiliate”) is a form of cooperation between you and the creators of a product or service. That is, you become an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, receiving a certain commission from each product ordered through you.

This form of cooperation was created in order to make it easier for the creators of the product to distribute it. You, as a partner, get the opportunity to sell their finished products for free without investing in production. You just take ready-made products, find buyers, attract them using special affiliate links and get good money for it in the form of a percentage of sales.

Commissions are usually paid to various online wallets, such as: Yandex Money, Web Money etc. With some projects, it is possible to conclude an agreement on the payment of commissions directly to a bank account (bank card).

  • How affiliate programs work

After registering in the affiliate program, you will receive affiliate links that you will need to use to work. Your affiliate identifier is embedded in the links, with the help of which the person who follows the link is assigned to you using cookies.

A cookie is a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored in the browser on a user's computer. That is, the browser remembers when you click on a link to a site with your ID. If a person makes a purchase within a certain time after clicking on the link, you will receive a commission.

  • Types of affiliate programs

There are 2 types of affiliate programs by level - single-level and multi-level. Single-level- this is when you receive a commission only from personal sales. They brought a client and received money. A multi-level- this is when, in addition to personal sales, you receive commissions from the sales of partners you attract.

That is, in multi-level affiliate programs you can not only sell a product, but also attract partners like you through your links and make a profit from their product sales. This type of affiliate program is reminiscent of an MLM structure, when you make money by building a network of your partners.

I recommend that you carefully consider the choice of affiliate products; many companies have begun to base their earnings only on their partners. I use one-level and two-level affiliate programs. There are several exceptions, where a good and high-quality product uses a 4-level affiliate program.

I can also divide affiliate products into 2 types: a product with a one-time payment and a product with a subscription fee. That is, in the first case, you receive affiliate commissions only once from an attracted client and his purchase of goods, and in the second case, from an attracted client you can receive commissions for as long as he uses it and pays monthly subscription fee for a product or service.

List of the best affiliate programs of 2018

A little later there will be a list of links to articles with a detailed description of each affiliate program that I use.

The rest are in the catalog of affiliate programs 2.0, which I am currently working on, I have collected on this moment more than 1,000 affiliate programs in draft form, which I am slowly studying and adding the best to this catalogue, dividing them into categories and topics so that it is convenient for everyone to use.

If you also make money from affiliate programs and your topic of affiliate programs is not information business, business on the Internet, making money on the Internet, then you can write to me for cooperation and posting a review article with your affiliate program on my blog.

Friends, write in the comments on what topics you are interested in affiliate programs. We will find quality projects for you.

Best Affiliate Programs

Most powerful tool to earn money are partnership programs, namely CPA networks. Affiliate programs for the site They offer to make money for everyone who has their own website.
List of affiliate programs I will present it below, but for now I will briefly tell you the essence of this type of earnings.

Suppose Uncle Vasya has his own website about beauty and fashion. Interested visitors come to his blog from search engines- that is, from search engines. In 24 hours there are quite a lot of visitors, about 500 people. But what should Uncle Vasya do with these visitors, because they come in and use the site’s information for free! The answer is simple - affiliate programs rule.

Uncle Vasya decided to sell his traffic to affiliate programs. How about you ask? Register in affiliate programs and select a suitable company for the theme of your site. Uncle Vasya was approached by the Lamoda company, since his site is about beauty and fashion. Next, he installed Lamoda links and banners, and thereby began selling his traffic to this company. Each visitor who clicked on the banner and bought something in Lamoda enriched you by a certain percentage. This is how affiliate programs help you make money on your website.

If your site does not fit this topic, don’t despair, there are plenty of directions on every topic, affiliate programs for online stores, affiliate programs for selling various services - loans, credits, air tickets, Online Games with payment for registration, stores with payment for the sale of goods, etc.

What do affiliate programs pay webmasters for?

The partner is rewarded within 30 days from the moment your visitor performs a certain action - registration, purchase of a product, purchase of a service.

So! As promised, the list of the best affiliate programs in my opinion.

List of the best affiliate programs on the Internet Top 5

7offers- promising a lot affiliate program for webmasters, many offers, services, banks, game stores and much more. 7% referral system.

Admitad CPA- This affiliate network has a large number of affiliate programs different directions, payments occur for a specific action. In order to get started, you need to add your site. Minimum withdrawal amount is 300 rubles, payments via Webmoney, PayPal.

Actionpay CPA — a fairly good affiliate program, it already has 483 affiliate programs, games, lending, online stores, beauty and health, information products, etc. Payments to Webmoney.

In almost every article I never tire of repeating that we live in a wonderful time of post-industrial, information age. Which is also called digital. IN modern world Opportunities have become easier to start your own business. Not a classic, but an online business. Start working for yourself with virtually no investment of money. Get freedom and at the same time make a profit, not a salary. Moreover, the profit exceeds the salary several times. Today we will look at one of these methods - making money on affiliate programs. Also in the article there is a special bonus for you - the best affiliate programs of 2017-2018.

Stage 2. Obtaining an affiliate link. After registering in the affiliate program, you must receive your affiliate link. Typically, the affiliate link is placed in your office (account) of the Affiliate Program. If you have registered in an information business affiliate program, then usually this is not one link, but many links to different information products, including free ones. If a buyer clicks on your link, say, to download a free book, and then buys some paid product, then you will receive a good commission. For example, if a client bought training for 3,000 rubles, then you will receive a commission of 50% - more than 1,500 rubles.

Another example. If you have registered in an affiliate program of a useful service, say, an antivirus, then your account will contain many affiliate links for different antivirus products. There is also usually an affiliate link to home page seller's website. If a client purchased one of the products, you will receive a percentage of its cost, for example 10-20%. If the product provides for monthly subscription payments, then you will receive a percentage of all these payments.

Do you not quite understand how the owner of the Affiliate program knows that the buyer came through your affiliate link?

In reality, it's simple. The computer, while using the Internet, records data to special cookies . This way the buyer's path to the seller is recorded. And if the transaction takes place, then you automatically receive the “commissions” specified in the Affiliate program for assistance in selling the product/service (recommendation).

You will see “Commissions” in your account (account) of the Affiliate Program. Withdrawals are usually made 1-2 times a month. There is often a minimum and maximum withdrawal amount limit. To withdraw funds most often webmoney wallet is used.

Usually, after the 5th of every month, I log into each of my affiliate programs and request a withdrawal of funds. For some affiliate programs you can set up automatic monthly withdrawal funds to your WebMoney wallet.

Stage 3. Registration of a webmoney wallet. To receive an affiliate reward, you need to open a webmoney wallet (website for registering a wallet

Important! When registering a Webmoney wallet You may have a question about which certificate to register? Answer: the minimum required certificate for calculations related to making money on the Internet is Initial certificate. But I recommend registering right away Personal certificate.

Personal certificate, firstly, increases confidence in you during calculations. Secondly, you may need it to get a small start-up capital - profitable loan in Webmoney at a low interest rate.

Stage 4. Publishing an affiliate link. After receiving an affiliate link, you need to start advertising it. Where to place your affiliate link? This is the most main question for a webmaster, especially a beginner. Your future earnings depend on the correct placement of affiliate links.

In addition, you can set up teaser and contextual advertising (or one of them), which will be set up through your affiliate link to the course author’s website.

You can also create a separate website (landing), using advertising to “drive” traffic, and advertise directly on the landing.

Please note that if you use the option of advertising a link on a site (yours or someone else’s), then it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to use a semantic text liner!!! The lead (a passage intended to motivate a person to click on a link) should be short, intriguing and beneficial to the user. It is this that can increase the number of clicks on your link.

I think you understand that all of the above effective ways advertising require special knowledge. I will say from my experience that you should not waste your time on self-study all these methods of advertising and searching for information on the Internet. For quick start I recommend immediately taking one of the courses from Affiliate program guruEvgeniya Vergusa. The cost of the courses is relatively low and you will “recoup” it during the learning process.

With the help of video lessons, you will immediately learn and earn money at the same time, simply by repeating the actions of the pros in affiliate marketing. Here is the link to the Free Course. But I would recommend going straight away Automatic system training Affiliate sales matrix. I myself took courses from Evgeniy Vergus and now I’m successfully making money on affiliate programs. I regret that I didn’t immediately find out who the best affiliate expert is now and spent a lot of time searching for information on my own.

Stage 5. Accrual of commissions. Above, I got ahead of myself a little and said that your commissions will be credited to you automatically at the time of purchase of a product or service by a client who went to the seller’s website using your affiliate link. You can see the commissions in your office (account) of the Affiliate program.

Stage 6. Withdrawal of commissions You will do it manually monthly or (if there is such functionality) set up a monthly automatic withdrawal of funds. To do this, you will indicate your WebMoney wallet number in your account.

3. CPA affiliate programs

CPA affiliate programs can be called one of the types of affiliate programs that are gaining popularity.

There are CPA affiliate programs for which commissions are charged for the sale of goods. And there are affiliate programs for which commissions are awarded not for the sale of goods, but for a certain action, for example, for confirming the order of goods, behind confirmation of application for a loan, registration in the game online.

For example, the well-known Tinkoff bank also uses a CPA affiliate program. Its conditions: 155 rubles for a loan application and 952.52 rubles for an application for investing funds in a deposit.

4) How can your website help you make money from affiliate programs?

If your site is well promoted and frequently visited, you have the opportunity to monetize your articles with affiliate programs.

As an option for passive income, in this case, an affiliate program from Yandex (YAN):

You submit your site to the network and, if accepted, advertisements will appear on your site. If site visitors click on advertising, you will receive money.

5) Is it possible to make money on affiliate programs if you don’t have your own website?

Absolutely yes. Use other people's sites, forums, groups and public pages on social networks, organizing advertising of your product (the topic should suit your “affiliate”!). Negative side: these methods will be paid. The advantage of your website is the possibility free traffic(after its promotion with SEO articles). Lack of promotion leads to a lack of site visitors, and, consequently, to a lack of people willing to follow your link.

But don't despair! For example, I managed to earn 10 thousand rubles using Torrent. I posted a free information product from a well-known Internet entrepreneur, and inside there was a link to a paid one. Many people downloaded the free course, then, becoming interested, bought it using my link. In a way, it turned out to be passive income.

8. The best CPA affiliate programs

CPA affiliate programs are also called CPA networks or CPA affiliate program aggregators.

Below are the best, proven CPA networks, the most popular affiliate networks CPA programs, which regularly pay commissions, have good technical support and work without failures:
  • Admitad
  • Apishops
  • Advertise
  • Gdeslon
  • Actionpay
  • Qnits

WITH full list You can read CPA networks, their descriptions and reviews about these CPA networks.

9. Best Affiliate Programs of 2018

I bring universal proven affiliate service programs, which will be easy for you to advertise and which will simply attract customers, because All services are for making money.

10. How would I act now if I started working with affiliate programs from scratch today?

Summary. I think it worked out for you general impression about how to make money from affiliate programs your main income and earn from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles per month.

How would I act now:

1. For myself, I have identified 3 main directions:

  • Affiliate programs from well-known information businessmen(the product is educational information products), they are beneficial because the commission is very high (from 50 to 90%)
  • product CPA affiliates(registration in CPA networks is required), are beneficial in that these are WOW products that are in great demand among people, their cost is relatively low (about 1,500 rubles), but the commission is high (about 500 rubles)
  • Affiliate programs for useful services, are beneficial in that the client pays constantly for using the service, and you receive a percentage (from 5-10%) of these amounts constantly.
  • How to choose an affiliate program?
  • How to register?
  • How to conduct an advertising campaign (by all available means)?

Now I would act like this.

2) CPA product affiliates. Use catalogs (aggregators) of product affiliate programs of CPA networks CPAINFORM and SPA Daily. On them you will find products with the most favorable commissions. Don’t forget to check the demand for the product using the service Selection of words Yandex Wordstat. I also recommend paying attention to products in the Finance-Microloans category, they are in great demand among clients and you can receive a commission simply for a client’s application. After selecting a product, you register in the CPA network, receive an affiliate link for the product and begin promoting it. Start with free ways. At the same time, study paid, more effective ways to advertise affiliate links, which we discussed above in the article.

So, to the question, is it possible to make money using affiliate programs, I answer: definitely YES! Checked! For beginners “affiliates” - best option making money online. Please note that you can do this both with and without your own website.

A serious approach to business is the key to success in all endeavors, incl. and making money from affiliate programs. So don’t hesitate and start taking action right now!

I wish you inspiration and perseverance!

I wish you to become a real webmaster!

Traditionally, at the end of the article there is a portion of interesting things - a video about INCREDIBLE space technologies of the future and the present


Write in the comments how your affiliate marketing is going? Do you like the profession of a webmaster?

Take care of your friends who could also start earning money through affiliate programs. Share the article with them on social networks!

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Good day! Our resource has already offered three other articles on the topic, but the amount of information in this area is too extensive. In this article we will try to systematize the information received earlier and most fully consider the list of affiliate programs. Below is a list of the best affiliate programs that differ from each other, have different biases and topics.

We hope that thanks to this review you will be able to find good option for a job that suits your needs. Before announcing the list, let us recall the key information on this topic. Partnership programs to earn money, there are 4 areas of activity:

  • Fee for clicking on a link(this method is also called making money on clicks) - created in order to artificially attract visitors to the site for its promotion. This area is the least paid. You can get from 1 to 50 cents per click.
  • Receiving a percentage of the sale. The most profitable and risky method. You can earn several thousand dollars in one transaction. The essence of the activity is that you receive a percentage of the purchase made through your affiliate link.
  • Fee per impression. The most attractive method for those who are interested in making a profit without preliminary investments. The payment here is also small, because... risk of loss own funds absent. You can read more about this type of income generation in the article “”.
  • Earnings for completing tasks. The point is that the client must perform a certain action on the partner’s website: register, fill out a form, subscribe to the newsletter, etc.

List of affiliate programs 2019– sells training courses. The project assumes the presence of both paid and free courses. What is important: For selling free courses you also receive a cash reward. The cost of paid courses ranges from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Thus, cooperation with this project can be quite profitable, because he gives 30% of the amount of each course you sell. If your sales increase, your commission rate can increase up to 45%. Thus, in the best case scenario, you can get 4,500 rubles for one of the most expensive courses sold.

Specializes in website promotion using crowdlinks. (crowd - links are one of the methods of conducting hidden advertising campaign, where they advertise something unobtrusively and casually). For any attracted client, the resource gives 50% of the profit.

BetAdvert– it is necessary to attract people interested in sports and ready to place bets. For each forecast made by a client, you receive 50% of its amount. The site has a simple referral program with a 5% rate. There is no minimum requirement for withdrawing funds; money comes upon the first request.

7StarsPartners– the essence of the work is to attract high-quality target audience. There are several categories on the site that require traffic, including: gaming audience, adult, entertainment, etc. For attracting just such thematic clients, you can receive up to 60% commission.

Moedelo– accrues rewards for registering clients in the service. However, what is needed here is more than just low-quality traffic. The service will be convenient for businessmen who conduct their accounting online. For attracting (registering on the resource) one client, a reward of 300 rubles is given. By registering 15 people, your profit will be 4,500 rubles, which can be considered good money.– a resource specializing in training specialists in various fields. It is necessary to attract clients who want to use these services for a fee. The reward for each attracted participant is 20% commission. As for the service itself, its conditions are quite convenient: it implies home training and further specialized employment.

AliExpress- one of the most famous trading platforms with many partnership offers. For selling any product through your affiliate link, you will receive a bonus reward in the amount of 8.5% of the cost of the product offered. The list of affiliate programs could hardly do without this service due to the impressive results with the right approach.– a resource where you can order high-quality articles and any textual copyright materials. If you are not a copywriter, you can make money from affiliate links. You receive 25% of the order amount of the referral copywriter you referred.

Partner.apishops– a high-quality trading affiliate that is included in the list of affiliate programs with increased efficiency. Here you receive a percentage from the sale of goods. The list of products that you can work with is very extensive and divided into categories for convenience.

This resource is recommended for participants who are just starting to make money through affiliate cooperation. The project helps you get comfortable, gain experience and try yourself in this field, and in case of failure, not lose too much money.

Sotmarket– an online store selling electronic technology. Over 12 years of work, he has proven himself with positive side, distinguished by quality, reliability and low prices. It also offers favorable partnership conditions.

Cpaseti-here it is necessary to attract exclusively affiliate traffic. That is, people interested in affiliate programs and generating income with their help. Rewards for referral links are 5%.

LetyShops– is currently the largest cashback service. Thanks to cashback, you can return part of the amount from your purchase in . LetyShops is connected to more than a thousand of the most famous online stores. Among them are AliExpress, LaModa, Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Booking, Ozon, etc.

To receive your profit, you must provide a link to LetyShops, and your client must register there. After registration, the client must make purchases through this service. Your profit will be 15% of the client’s cashback.

In the near future, we will definitely compile a separate list of affiliate programs aimed at profiting from cashback.

EPN– the most profitable and convenient affiliate program for making money on AliExpress. From purchasing a product through your affiliate link, you receive 7-12% of income to your account, and the attracted client is assigned to you for a period of 30 days. Thus, even if the user does not make a purchase immediately, the money will still be credited to you.

BinPartner– specializes in making money binary options. The affiliate program invites visitors to the Binomo website. The service, by the way, has an excellent reputation and reviews, so there is a high probability that attracted users will stay on this resource.

Your earnings will come from the unsuccessful transactions of your clients. The income from such transactions will be approximately 40%. For example, if an attracted visitor bet $100 and lost, your reward will be $40.

Admitad- one of the most serious CPA networks in Russia, which guarantees the most favorable conditions. There are more than a thousand affiliate programs on the service. The service is different user-friendly interface, transparency and the availability of high-quality and necessary information for work.


The provided list of affiliate programs provides you with the opportunity to take an objective look at the existing competition in this field of activity. You shouldn't make hasty decisions. It would be wise to review in more detail all the capabilities of the services provided above.

Greetings, my dear blog readers. Today we will talk about making money on the Internet. Of course, this topic is well-known, but more and more new services and affiliate programs are always appearing.

Before the current year had even come to its logical conclusion, experienced users and those who make money online (even while in Russia) have already compiled their rating of affiliate programs, including without investments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with what the TOP 10 most in demand looks like.

TOP 10 Best Affiliate Programs of 2016

In first place is Combinat, a program that pays out amounts for popular offers every Thursday. The main specificity of the resource is the adjustment of functionality for a specific task of webmasters or advertisers. The minimum amount for payments is from 2 thousand rubles, while the function of payment to a current account +6% is available.

Modern profitable affiliate programs are focused not only on advertising or investments. You can easily earn money from your favorite chair without spending a lot of effort. The Mythaisummer service returns up to 25% of each order placed for a holiday in Thailand by the client in the amount of 25%. In this case, the money is kept on hold for no more than 5 calendar days, and if you attract a client, your income will increase by 20% of the amount of their placed order. According to last year’s analysis, tourism is one of the top three most popular sales topics in affiliate programs around the world.

Moedelo’s effective referral program allows you to receive up to 400 rubles from each attracted client. To confirm registration, you must receive a call from the manager and first enter all your contact information correctly. At the same time, it is worth understanding that the site’s online accounting fees are paid according to traffic. Plus, the program honorably takes 3rd place in our list, since it works only with clients from the Russian Federation and is devoid of spam mailings and the ability to increase the number of registered persons. When using Google Advert, 2 thousand rubles will be credited to your bonus account. Payments vary depending on the levels:

  • Level 4 – 5 from each registration and 100 rubles. for using the accounting interface;
  • 3 – 10 and plus 250 rub. per tariff;
  • 2–500 rubles for the purchase of referrals and 30 rubles “for a newbie”, and in the case of 50 registrations - a bonus of half a thousand rubles.
  • 1 – 300 rub. for registration.

If you are interested in making money on affiliate programs and at the same time you are a creative person, then the Moevideo program will allow you to receive payments from third parties. A pre-installed special player calculates earnings, which keeps double records:

  • for users from the Russian Federation – 7 rubles per 1000 views;
  • from other countries – 10 cents.
  • in case of viewing other advertising – up to 250 rubles. for every thousand.

Money is withdrawn in two currencies.

The best affiliate programs of 2016 for working with the Forex platform

The Fxclubaffiliates program was founded this year and has already become a reliable partner for attracting beginners and shark traders. The project has developed a double payment:

  • mobile traffic monetization;
  • active for $200-$300.

At the same time, traders must have a balance of at least half of the deposit, and the refrigeration system allows them to receive 5% from a beginner.

Permanent affiliate royalties from Alpari allow you to receive bonuses if you post your advice on the platform, both in written and video format, as well as up to 50% depending on the amount of the client’s investment and his current operations. You can invest, advise, and attract.

Not many people know how to make money on an affiliate program for a site with a female audience. But after reading this information, you will significantly increase your budget.

In 6th place in our top is Medicinetizer, a service that allows you to get 3.4 rubles. for each click from your resource to go to advertisements on medical and women's topics. One of the main rules for registering participants is a minimum of 500 visitors every day. The rebate system is 5%, and you can receive payments every day, but not more than 80% of the completed order.

Crowd link service affiliate program Linkbuilder which I now actively use when making money on the Internet. Referral fees amount to as much as 50%. This is a very cool walrus and I consistently get 1000 rubles every 10 days. Don't believe me? Here are my payout statistics.

You can make money from advertising using Mobile ckick. The start of earnings dates back to registration, and the system works this way: by placing a special code on the page of your resource (website, blog, etc.), the user watches an advertisement, and you receive 1 rub. The calculation is simple - passive income from 1000 views - 1000 rubles.

The best affiliate programs as of 2016 allow you to earn money for posting advertising banners. Rotaban allows the resource owner to independently set the price for advertising on the site, taking into account its traffic and specifics. Service commission – 15%. Only those users whose resources are visited by at least 100 people per day can register. Refsystem - 10%, and withdrawal to WebMoney from at least 100 rubles.

You can make a profit from the teaser network using, since the program offers the resource owner up to 1.5 rubles. for moving from his page. Due to the huge range of promotional offers, you can find the one that suits you. Plus, geotargeting works, and the referral bonus leaves 10%.

The rating is completed by a profitable service - August leader Sabrinavi - a program from a stylish women's clothing store. Webmasters will be able to receive from 5 to 10% of sales, and for attracting new referrals - from 30 to 150%.

Earn real money on the Internet and live on your projects. All the best and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.