Public transport application. Yandex.Transport is a program for tracking the movement of vehicles around the city. Main advantages of the service

It only works online, but the functionality will surprise everyone.


Sometimes the “” question may appear at the most difficult moment, and sometimes even Google cannot help with this. WikiRoutes developers have been developing their own system for quite some time, called ITS (Intelligent Transport System). Application “How to get there?” is based on it and will help you get from point A to point B using public transport. The database contains cities not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries and Europe, which in total amounts to more than 30,000 different routes.


Immediately after launching, the application will ask for only one thing: enter the address you need to get to. If you don’t want or don’t know the exact address, but remember the approximate location of the house on the map, you can mark the desired point on the map. You won't believe it, but the application works just perfectly. Even taking into account the fact that during testing the author’s location was not in the city, but in the suburbs, the application showed exactly the route taxi number that would really allow you to quickly and comfortably get to the specified point. Moreover, if there are several paths, the application will definitely indicate everything. After choosing a route you will receive detailed description, how to get there. Similar work from Google Maps it is often very difficult to achieve.


In the settings, you can only disable those types of public transport that you do not want to use. Let's summarize: to say that the “” application works wonderfully is to say nothing, because if he was able to find the right path from the village, which is not always on the maps, then what does it say about orientation in the city. Enjoy!

Do you often take public transport, walk or travel? Then today's selection is just for you - best apps for moving around the city without a car.

iPhone + iPad + Watch | 36.1 MB | free | DOWNLOAD in the App Store

Google's mapping service is very popular in the world due to its huge number of functions. The application allows you to save map fragments for offline viewing, find out information about traffic jams in the city, view streets in Street View mode, find information about various types of companies, institutions and popular places. But today we will get to know one of the most useful functions- navigation.

Having entered the address of home and work once, the application will tell you how to get to home/work faster and cheaper by public transport, or whether it’s worth walking. Google Maps does a great job of monitoring the movement of buses, trolleybuses and minibuses, and also knows how much it costs to travel on any type of public transport.

Another feature of the application is the ability to adapt to your preferences. For example, it suddenly started to rain, and you didn’t have an umbrella with you. No problem, just mark “Minimum walking” in the route settings, and the application will leave routes only based on this point.

The application is absolutely free and is the most functional of all. existing analogues on this moment.


The new service from Yandex was launched relatively recently, just six months ago, but has already managed to gather a huge audience of fans. The application shows the movement of buses, trolleybuses, trams and most minibuses in real time, allows you to mark the most frequent stops and counts how much time is left before arrival. The design of the map is quite clear - each type of public transport is painted in a different color, and the stops are indicated by large square icons.

A special feature of the application is its narrow focus, because Yandex.Transport does not create a route on its own. When you enter a street in search bar the service will only show which stops are nearby and what transport passes them. Last update also added an interesting “My Transport” feature. By clicking on its icon, you can leave on the map only those routes that you yourself have marked, but to enable it you will need an account in Yandex.

The application is free for iOS and Android, and it can be called one of the most convenient for moving around the city on public transport.


The application helps you plan your trip on the metro and also tells you the travel time. It all works offline, so when going down the subway, you don’t have to worry about the service’s inability to build a route without an Internet connection.

The application interface is quite simple - the point of departure and destination can be selected either by tapping on the map or in the search list. There are also interesting feature hints, recommending the number of the car closest to the desired exit or transition.

The application provides routes only in 6 cities: Kyiv, Kharkov, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk and Istanbul.

Another application for tracking the movement of public transport using GPS. It differs from Yandex.Transport in that it has reduced functionality, as it does not allow you to add a route to your favorites and does not show animated transport icons or traffic jams. But it has a larger base of public transport and knows how to build routes from point A to point B.

The application is free and allows you to view routes in all regional centers of Ukraine, as well as in cities of Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Kazakhstan.

iPhone + iPad + Watch | 65.9 MB | free | DOWNLOAD in the App Store

A must-have application that will help you out in difficult times. The service is focused on offline use, so if you lose your Internet connection or go to another country, and that’s all Wi-Fi points nearby are password-protected, this application will not let you get lost. Of course, you need to first download the map offline, but once you do this once, you won’t think about it anymore - everything works perfectly.

Routes are built in any city on the planet, still offline, and a detailed map will help you find out where the nearest bank branch or cafe is. The developers have gone so crazy that the display will even show steps in the places where they exist.

The application is aimed at people who love to travel, but do not want to spend money on paper maps in an unfamiliar city. In addition, MAPS.ME will help you build a walking route and show you most of the city’s establishments.

The Mosgortrans mobile application for Android will be useful to those who need to move around Moscow using public transport. Do you live in the capital? Have you come to Moscow to relax for a couple of weeks? Mosgortans will become your indispensable assistant, with the help of which you can save time and nerves.

Key Features

By downloading Mosgortrans, you can track the movement of buses, trams and trolleybuses, as well as commuter trains and the metro. The program not only provides the user with a public transport schedule and information about the fare, but also knows how to calculate the time before arrival. No matter what stop you are at, Mosgortnas will help you determine which routes pass in this place. You will also have the opportunity to calculate the arrival speed of transport. Additionally, the application will demonstrate exactly where on the map the arriving bus or trolleybus is located.

One of the most convenient functions is the calculation of the time required to reach the stop. The user can set a reminder to leave the house at a certain time in order to be on time for their transport, which is about to arrive at the nearest stop. In addition, the developers have introduced a function into Mosgortrans that is necessary for people with disabilities. When constructing a route, the user can only take into account ground transport equipped with special elements for comfortable movement in wheelchairs.

Key Features

  • provides information on public transport schedules;
  • shows the current price for transport travel;
  • builds a route based on the user’s location;
  • shows the remaining time until the necessary transport arrives;
  • besides ground transport"works" with the metro;
  • makes it possible to set a reminder to leave the house at a certain time;
  • only compatible with latest versions Android.

Yandex.Transport is a unique application that currently has no analogues in Russia, which is gaining enormous popularity every day. It allows you to track in real time the movement of all types of urban public transport on a map of Moscow.

With the help of the Yandex Transport program, you will not only be able to online mode monitor the movement of public transport in Moscow, but also significantly save your time. After all, the application allows you to choose the most convenient and shortest routes, which allows you to easily and quickly navigate an unfamiliar area or a foreign city.

Benefits of the application

By installing this application, you can immediately see a number of advantages from its use, namely:

As can be seen from the above, the program from the Yandex company has enough functionality that you will need to quickly move around the city. She works confidently, instantly collecting necessary information, which helps to quickly select the optimal route option in the shortest possible time.

Smartphone app

Having installed mobile app on a smartphone or tablet, as we have already described above, you can quickly obtain information that will save time and plan the necessary route. You can install the Yandex Transport application absolutely free, but only on Android or iPhone:

  • Google Play (Android);
  • Apple iPhone (iOS, Apple Watch).

Computer application

The developers have created a program that can be easily installed on the Android and iOS platforms, but for the operating system Windows systems this possibility was not provided for. This caused great difficulties for the majority of users of this program. Despite this, we have found a way to get around this misunderstanding and.

Video review

Where does the service operate?

The application is already working in Moscow and dozens of other large cities in Russia, as well as beyond its borders. In addition, their number is constantly increasing, as is the audience of users. this application, because Yandex.Transport has practically no analogues in Russia.

If you have any questions related to the operation of the Yandex transport application in Moscow public transport routes, you can ask them in the comments, we will definitely try to answer them as soon as possible.

Instead of waiting for several hours in the cold for a bus, you can plan the most convenient route in advance. “iWhereBus” will help with this. With its help, you can find the nearest stops, find out the route of any bus, study the metro map and get directions on any transport.


You can find your way from home to work and to any other place even without an Internet connection.

Thanks to augmented reality, you can simply rotate your phone in space and see on the camera where the stop you need is located.


Inconvenient visualization of the routing function.

Disgustingly implemented routing in the metro - unlike Yandex.Metro, here you can’t even choose an alternative route.

The built-in metro map is not presented in a format familiar to any person, but in the form of an alphabetical list of stations.

There is no rubricator in the “Routes” section. To see trolleybus routes, you have to scroll down for a very long time on absolutely all bus routes.

"Moscow Transport"

A universal application for motorists, pedestrians and public transport passengers, developed by the Moscow government. Here you can find out about the presence of traffic police fines, check any taxi driver by car number for a work permit, find out where your car was towed, as well as get directions, find out the location of parking lots, gas stations, public transport stops and much more.

This application even has the ability to send messages to drivers by car number - however, for this they must be in the application database. But, unfortunately, from the popular implementation of all the good ideas, it is clear that the developers know very little about the logic of application navigation.


Things could have been much worse.

In the “Filters” section you can find out the location of all points useful for a traveler, from gas stations to public transport stops.

In the “Help” section, news about the situation on the roads is regularly updated, as well as traffic rules, travel costs various types transport and much more.


A terrible metro map, inferior in all respects to Yandex.Metro. When I tried to use it, it froze forever.

Terrible functionality and terrible Soviet design, developed under Leonid Ilyich.

Users report outdated information about parking spaces.

It is possible to display non-existent fines that are not available on the traffic police website.

The application as a whole does not live up to its name, since it does not provide useful information and significant amenities for people using public transport.

"Moscow Parking"

The most important obstacle to moving around the city on foot is most often a car - either one that prevents you from crossing a pedestrian crossing, or your own, which does not allow you to jump out into the fresh air and make the rest of the way under the flowering crowns of fragrant linden trees. This application will help you instantly and painlessly get rid of your tired car: by opening “Moscow Parking”, you will see the location of all parking lots in the city, you can leave your car in one of them and walk the rest of the way.


All lovers of additional information will find in the application the number, address and cost of parking, as well as the number of remaining spaces.

When navigating the map, the number of parking lots in different areas is displayed.

If desired, you can enable a filter on the map by cost, number of remaining seats and other parameters.


When paying for parking and topping up your parking account through the app, be prepared to sacrifice a few percent for the commission.

The information in the application is not updated very quickly, so be prepared to run around looking for a parking meter or a long-demolished parking lot.

According to users, money debited from the account sometimes does not reach the recipient, as a result of which you may incur fines for non-payment.

Road Bike


Road Bike shows all nearby cycling routes on the map - this is the main plus for which you can already launch the application.

If you decide to leave the Internet world for a while, you can download part of the map for offline use.

Statistics lovers will find here everything you can calculate while riding a bicycle. There's even a compass and weather.



Unfortunately, aimless walks around the city tend to get boring quickly. Therefore, anyone who wants to breathe fresh air for as long as possible at any cost can plan a route that even the country’s greatest tour guides have never thought about. With a list of 38 routes, you can quickly get detailed information about each and immediately hit the road.

For curious guests and residents of the capital, there is a not-so-terrible alternative from the Moscow government, with audio tours: “Discover Moscow” (iOs, Android, Windows Phone).


Depending on your interests, routes can be ranked by purpose: sightseeing, shopping, romantic walk, and so on.

In the “Events” section you can bring yourself up to date with current cultural events, see their location on the map and set a reminder.

Augmented reality will save you from having to fiddle with the map.

Each route has detailed information with length, required time, nearest metro stations and detailed description.

Simply by turning your phone horizontally, you can see photos of the selected route.


Internet access is required for the application to function fully.

Currently there is no possibility to create and add your own routes.

"Audio guide"

A good alternative to silent and thoughtless walks along the historical streets of Moscow. Currently in App Store Several versions of the application are available with routes along Triumfalnaya and Tverskaya squares, Ostozhenka, Gogolevsky Boulevard and Tverskaya. Once you are nearby, don’t be lazy to turn on one of these audio guides in your headphones, and, as Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Alexey Borzunov, responsible for the voice acting of the application, said, you will immediately forget even about the bad weather.