The control panel has disappeared in Windows 10. Manual recovery method

Good day to all! In many of my notes, I often have to explain how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10. No matter how Microsoft tries to drag all system settings into the Settings window, many users (especially for those who are already accustomed to the standard arrangement of elements) you just need to access the classic Control Panel. And many settings have not yet migrated to “Options”.

There are several ways to open the control panel - I will try to list the most convenient ones (which beginners will certainly appreciate)

Today we will look at a lot different ways to access the control panel - this is also through Explorer and we will use the command line (as is the case with).

Option 1: Start Menu

Open the Start menu and type “Control Panel” in the search bar. Click on the desired item in the search results - that's all!

Many users underestimate this innovation in Windows 10 - the search is implemented very conveniently, be sure to try using it... it really helps when you have a lot of installed applications.

Option 2. Shortcut to Control Panel on the desktop

In one of the previous posts I wrote about, so who is stopping us from creating one for the Control Panel? You just need to know what exactly to specify when creating a shortcut.

Explorer shell:ControlPanelFolder

For the lazy ones there is special programs, from sets of the most popular shortcuts that can be created in one click - if interested, write in the comments. We'll definitely consider it.

Option 3. Explorer

Another easy way to quickly open the Control Panel in Windows 10 is to use File Explorer (as is the case with). Open Windows Explorer and look for the down arrow to the left of “This PC.”

In the drop-down menu you can select “Control Panel” (and many other useful shortcuts)

Option 4. Parameters

From the Start menu, open Settings and type Control Panel in the search bar.

You will see the element you need. Just click on it to open Control Panel.

Option 5: Command line

Run command Windows string and dial control and press Enter. The command line will open...

This command also works in the Run window, which is accessible by pressing WIN + R (Perhaps this method is more justified than the command line)

Bottom line

After reading, you learned how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10. As you can see, there are several more ways than you expected to see. In fact, you can still drag the shortcut onto the desktop in another way and there are many more different options. If you know some very convenient and unknown to me way to access the control panel, write in the comments, we will definitely add it to the note.

Good afternoon, dear readers, not so long ago we updated to windows 10 creators update version 1703 and surprisingly it turned out to be much more stable than its predecessors, it no longer contains so many blue screens and other glitches, but there is still a fly in the ointment and it’s called the Control Panel. Surely many have already noticed that now missing control panel in windows 10 Creators Update, it is now hidden so far away that you will spend more time to find it. I'll show you how to fix it and return the control panel to context menu start buttons.

What is Control Panel

To put it simply, this is a snap-in application whose task is to systematize snap-ins by area of ​​application so that the user can conveniently make settings for the operating system and administer it from a single panel. It includes the following groups:

  • Windows To Go
  • Administration
  • Windows Firewall
  • date and time
  • Storage Spaces
  • device Manager
  • Credential Manager
  • Home group
  • Infrared communication
  • File history
  • Keyboard
  • Taskbar and Navigation
  • Indexing Options
  • Explorer Options
  • Remote Desktop Connections
  • Programs and components
  • Default programs
  • Work folders
  • Speech recognition
  • Regional standards
  • Backup And Windows recovery
  • Browser properties
  • System
  • Phone and modem
  • Color management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Devices and Printers
  • Accounts users
  • Security and Service Center
  • Sync Center
  • Accessibility Center
  • Network and Sharing Center shared access
  • Encryption Disk Bitlocker
  • Fonts

Where did the control panel go in windows 10?

Though new version operating system and has become more stable and there are no problems in it, that the OS gives an error msvcp140.dll, Microsoft is trying to get rid of classic applications in Windows 10 and in version 1703 the “Control Panel” has come under the knife. According to Microsoft, this is done in order to make it easier for the user to learn tens, so that all actions are the same on:

  • Phones
  • Tablets
  • Computers

This seems to be good, but for people who use Windows from XP and higher, they don’t like it very much, since they have become accustomed to it over the years of use. Previously, in Windows 10 you could easily right-click on the start button and see the item in the context menu

Now it’s simply not here, you’ll agree that it was more convenient before, but don’t worry, we can return the control panel to the context menu in minutes Windows start 10 (Win+X menu).

How to open Control Panel in Windows 10 Creators Update

So, how can you access the Windows 10 Control Panel after update 1703? There are three methods to get into the Control Panel. Below we will also return the old method through the Start context menu.

  • via the Start menu structure
  • Execute through the window
  • Via command line
  • Through search
  • Via shortcut

Open Control Panel from the Start menu

Login to the panel Windows management 10 can be done using the old classic method, through the menu structure of the Start button. We find the item "Utilities - Window" and in it the item "Control Panel"

Open the Control Panel through the "Run" menu

And so press the key combination WIN + R and in the “Run” window that opens, write control panel and press Enter, as a result of which the classic control panel will open.

IN command line You can also enter control panel and press Enter, the effect will be the same.

Open Control Panel via Search and Shortcut

You can go to the control panel using the search; to do this, click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the “Start” button. Enter control panel in the search field and the desired shortcut will appear in the search results at the top.

And the last method is through a shortcut. Since the equipment itself lies along the path:


Then by launching it or creating a desktop shortcut from it, you can enable the Windows 10 Control Panel.

We have learned how to find the control panel in Windows 10 Creators Update, now we will return everything as it was and add an item to the start context menu.

How to get control panel back in windows 10

In order to return everything as it was, there are two ways:

  1. Create a shortcut and place it in the desired location
  2. Using the Win+X Menu Editor utility

Win+X Menu Editor is free utility, you can download it from the link and it is needed in order to configure the context menu of the fart button, which is called up using the hotkey combination WIN+X.

  • Launch the Win+X Menu Editor program

  • Select Group 2, this area allows you to return the control panel to the desired location. Please note that the already existing “Control Panel” item has a gear icon and will open the “Options” item, but we need to click on the item Add a program > Add a Control Panel item at the top, it will return old panel controls in windows 10.

In the resulting list, find the item “All Control Panel Items” and press Select.

Now you need to restart Windows Explorer, to do this, click the Restart Explore button.

We check everything, your Win+X Menu Editor utility should add a control panel to Windows 10, I now have the “All Control Panel Items” item, I don’t like it and I want to rename it.

Go to the Win+X Menu Editor utility and press the F2 key on the desired element to rename the menu item.

Set the element name.

We check the context menu of the Start button and see that the Control Panel item we need has been restored! As you can see, restoring the Control Panel is very simple using this method, but there is also an alternative.

Restore by adding a shortcut

In order to return the control panel to the Win+X menu, you will need to copy the control panel shortcut (you won’t be able to create your own, they will not appear in the menu) of the context menu from the previous one Windows versions 10 (up to 1703) or 8.1, you can download from me or go to more old version on the way


Copy it to a flash drive or something else and transfer it to the right computer. Then we go along the path again, but on a new computer

I hope I helped you this instruction and you were able to find and return the control panel in a new one operating system Windows 10 Creators Update,

"Control Panel" is one of the most important components of the Windows operating system, and its name speaks for itself. By using this tool directly manages, configures, launches and uses many system tools and functions, as well as troubleshooting various problems. In our article today we will tell you what launch methods exist "Panels" in the latest, tenth version of the Microsoft OS.

Run window
The launch option described above "Panels" can be easily shortened by one step by eliminating "Command line" from the action algorithm.

Method 2: Search function

One of distinctive features Windows 10 compared this version The OS with its predecessors has become a smarter and more thoughtful search system, equipped, moreover, with a number of convenient filters. For start "Control Panels" You can use both a general search throughout the entire system and its variations in individual system elements.

Search by system
By default, the Windows 10 taskbar already displays a search bar or search icon. If necessary, you can hide it or, conversely, activate the display if it was previously disabled. A hotkey combination is also provided to quickly call the function.

System "Parameters"
If you often access the section "Options", available in Windows 10, you probably know that there is also an option quick search. By the number of steps performed, this opening option "Control Panels" practically no different from the previous one. Moreover, it is likely that over time "Panel" will move to this particular section of the system, or even be replaced by it.

Start Menu
Absolutely all applications, both initially integrated into the operating system and those that were installed later, can be found in the menu "Start". The truth that interests us "Control Panel" hidden in one of the system directories.

Add a Control Panel icon for quick access

If you often encounter the need to open "Control Panels", it would obviously be useful to secure it “at hand”. There are several ways to do this, and decide for yourself which one to choose.

Explorer and Desktop
One of the simplest, easiest-to-use options for solving this problem is adding an application shortcut to the Desktop, especially since after that you can launch it through the system "Conductor".

  1. Go to the Desktop and right-click in its empty area.
  2. In the context menu that appears, go through the items one by one "Create""Label".
  3. In line “Specify the location of the object” enter the command “control” that is already familiar to us, but only without quotes, then click "Further".
  4. Give the shortcut you create a name. The best and most understandable option would be "Control Panel". Click "Ready" for confirmation.
  5. Label "Control Panels" will be added to Work Windows table 10, from where you can always launch it double click LMB.
  6. For any shortcut that is on the Workbench Windows desktop, you can assign your own key combination for quick access. Added by us "Control Panel" is no exception to this simple rule.

Start Menu
As we have already indicated, find and open "Control Panel" possible through the menu "Start" by referring to the list of service Windows applications. Directly from there you can create a so-called tile of this tool for quick access.

  1. Open menu "Start", by clicking on its image on the taskbar or using the corresponding key.
  2. Find the folder "Service - Windows" and expand it by clicking LMB.
  3. Now click right click mouse on shortcut "Control Panels".
  4. In the context menu that opens, select "Pin to Start".
  5. Tile "Control Panels" will be created in the menu "Start".
  6. If you wish, you can move it to any convenient place or change the size (the screenshot shows medium, small is additionally available.

Task bar
Open "Control Panel" most in a fast way, with a minimum of effort, you can if you first pin its shortcut to the taskbar.

This is how you can simply ensure the fastest and most convenient opening possible "Control Panels". If you really have to access this section of the operating system often, we recommend choosing the appropriate option for creating a shortcut from those described above.


Now you know about all the available and easy-to-implement methods of opening "Control Panels" in the Windows 10 OS environment, as well as how to ensure the fastest and most convenient launch of it by pinning or creating a shortcut. We hope this material was useful for you and helped you find a comprehensive answer to your question.

The Start menu has reappeared, almost the same as in Windows 7. But, unlike Windows 7, there is no longer a “Control Panel” item in the Start menu. Therefore, many users who switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10 are interested in how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10.

Method No. 1. Context menu of the Start button.

In the operating room Windows system 10 You can open Control Panel in several ways. The easiest way is to right-click on the button in the lower left corner of the desktop. After right clicking, a large context menu will open, with which you can access many system utilities and tools. Here you can also open the Control Panel.

It should be added that this context menu can also be opened using the keyboard; for this you need to use the Windows-X key combination.

Method #2: Add Control Panel to the Start menu.

If the previous one seems inconvenient to you, then you can add the “Control Panel” menu item to the Start menu. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and select “Properties”.

After this, the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” window will open in front of you. Here you need to go to the “Start Menu” tab.

On the Start Menu tab, click the Customize button.

This will open the “Customize Start Menu” window. Here you need to check the box next to the “Control Panel” function and close all windows by clicking on the “OK” button

After this, the “Control Panel” item should appear in the Start menu.

Method number 3. Search in the Start menu.

You can also use the search bar in the Start menu. To do this, open the Start menu and enter search bar the phrase "Control Panel". The Control Panel will then appear at the top of the search results.

Method number 4. “Run” menu.

Another way to open the Control Panel in Windows 10 is through the Run menu. Press combination Windows-R keys to open the Run menu. After that, enter the command “control panel” in the line that appears and press the enter key.

You can also use the “control” command, it will also open the Control Panel.