Selecting RAM. How to choose RAM - criteria and characteristics What is the amount of RAM in a laptop

Volume and frequency random access memory- one of the most important parameters of a computer that affects many aspects of its operation. Many games and programs will not start at all if these indicators on your PC are too low. However, it’s no secret that progress does not stand still, and along with it, the requests put forward by developers to users are becoming ever higher. Therefore, no matter how good your computer is now, sooner or later you will still need to buy additional RAM. This article will help you figure out how to choose RAM for a laptop.

The wrong RAM can greatly harm your computer. That is why it is so important, before buying RAM for a laptop, to study all its parameters, as well as become more familiar with the memory installed in your PC. Unfortunately, you can find them out using only system files and programs, it won’t work; all you can achieve this way is to find out the amount of memory, but besides that there is a lot more different parameters that influence your future choice.

To find them out, you will have to use special software. The example will consider the AIDA64 program, however, this is far from the only utility that works in this way, and if you have sufficient knowledge to independently search for parameters, you can use any of them, this should not affect the result.

When you install and run the program, a window should appear in front of you where you must select the “Motherboard” section, and then the “SPD” section.

After you do this, a window will appear in front of you with all the parameters of your RAM (if your computer already has several memory modules installed, you can select one of them at the top of the window). In this window you should be interested in the following parameters:

  1. Module name. It is not particularly important when choosing, but may be useful in the future in order to find out Extra options your memory through the manufacturer's website.
  2. Memory size. One of the most important parameters, you should definitely pay attention to it when purchasing. As for the choice, everything is simple here, the more, the better. One has only to note that to maintain a memory capacity of more than three gigabytes, you will need a 64-bit operating system.
  3. Module type. This parameter is extremely important when choosing a new RAM, on which its dimensions depend, and therefore when choosing a new module, be sure to focus on it. There are two types of module: DIMM (longer) and SO-DIMM (shorter). By the way, any of them can be installed on computers, but only SO-DIMM on laptops.
  4. Memory type. Also an important parameter when choosing RAM. There are four types of memory: DDR (or SDRAM), DDR2, DDR3 and DDR. DDR and DDR2 types are extremely outdated and can only be found on very old PCs. The DDR3 memory type is the most common, although it is considered old for modern computers. DDR4 is the newest type of RAM, completely superior to its predecessors in parameters and price, and is installed only in new models of motherboards. Unfortunately, not all PCs support one or another type of memory (especially DDR4), and therefore, before choosing another type of RAM, be sure to find out the model of your motherboard in the appropriate section of the same program and check on the manufacturer’s website which types of RAM are suitable for her.
  5. Memory speed. When choosing a new RAM, pay attention to this parameter, or more precisely to the number written immediately after the memory type (the one after the hyphen, not in parentheses). This number is the memory clock speed, each motherboard has its limit, and if you install a module with a frequency exceeding this limit, it will not work correctly, which is why there is a possibility of errors and glitches, as well as a complete breakdown of the system. Therefore, you should check this parameter on the board manufacturer’s website and buy RAM with a frequency not exceeding the limit ( less than limit possible), but be careful, because the motherboard also has its own frequency, do not confuse them. Also, if you decide to install two memory modules on your PC, their speed must match.
  6. Module voltage. Also, a parameter important for computer operation depends on the type of memory, and the smaller it is, the better.

As you can see, RAM has quite a lot of different indicators that you should pay attention to when purchasing. Some of them are only recommended to improve the quality of work, and some are mandatory. Only one thing can be said for sure - before choosing RAM for a laptop, you should pay attention to each of them, without exception.

How to choose RAM for a laptop and manufacturer

When all the parameters of RAM are thoroughly studied, the time comes to purchase it directly. Of course, every user would like to choose RAM with maximum performance and install it in their PC, but it’s not that simple. As you can already understand, when choosing RAM, there are certain restrictions that dictate to you motherboard installed on your PC. In addition, you should not forget about such an eternal limiter as money, because not everyone is ready to shell out a fortune to buy and upgrade a computer. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to try to get the maximum benefit at the minimum price.

The main parameter here is the manufacturer. It is best to buy RAM only from trusted and well-known companies; the price difference is usually not that great, but the service life varies quite a lot. The most famous and popular companies today are: Hynix, Samsung, Kingmax and Transcend. These companies provide high-quality memory modules for affordable price. Also popular are Kingston, Corsair and OCZ. Modules from these manufacturers have the ability for so-called “overclocking,” which makes them more powerful, but their price is higher and additional costs may be required in the form of installing an additional cooling system, because overclocking generates a large amount of heat.

As for the parameters, it all depends on the reasons for purchasing RAM. If you are buying because your old one is broken or to generally speed up your computer, then the DDR3 type of four or six gigabytes is quite suitable for you; such a module will cost relatively little and will certainly give you the desired result. If you are a fan of video games, then you are better off choosing the DDR4 format, which, although more expensive, ultimately shows higher productivity than DDR3 even at lower parameters.

How to choose RAM for a laptop: video

When buying RAM, you should remember that the main indicator of any part is quality. Before choosing RAM for a laptop, be sure to double-check the quality of the seller, for example, according to reviews, and of course, never buy PC parts without a guarantee.

RAM is designed for temporary storage of files. The user does not take part in its application; the system automatically saves some information, which allows the computer not to lose performance. The contents of RAM are erased when the system is turned off.

Choosing the right RAM is very important, because the ability to overclock a PC or laptop depends on this choice. The RAM is interconnected with motherboard and processor, so preference should be given to the amount of RAM (random access memory) that would be supported by the rest of the computer components.

Memory types

To select RAM for the processor, you need to decide on its type:

  • DDR was invented back in 2001, so today this type of memory can only be found in old computers manufactured in 2002-2003. This RAM operated at a frequency of 400 MHz, which is incomparable with modern processors;
  • DDR2 - this type of memory can still be found, because it was used on all PCs until 2011. This is an improved version of DDR that is twice as fast and has 240 pins (in previous version there are only 184 of them);
  • DDR3 - was popular until 2014. A significant advantage compared to previous RAM options is a reduction in power consumption by 40% and an increase in transfer speed. By installing this type of memory, you can achieve a 10% increase in PC performance;
  • DDR4 was released in 2014 and is popular today due to its ability to operate at 2400 MHz. Since this RAM option is the most productive, its cost is appropriate.

The listed memory types are incompatible with each other. If you purchased, for example, DDR2, and your computer only has a DDR3 slot, you simply cannot insert incompatible RAM. This is due to the fact that different types memory has different forms.


The main manufacturers and developers of RAM are three companies:

  • Samsung is a group of South Korean companies, the first of which was founded in 1938. The choice of RAM of this brand is quite varied, because you can find both inexpensive copies operating at a frequency of 800 MHz, and more expensive ones with a frequency of more than 2400 MHz;
  • Hynix is ​​a company in South Korea, which specializes in the manufacture of semiconductor RAM. RAM modules from Hynix are used by Apple in some of its products. Average term Use of such options ranges from 5-6 years. This time will be enough before the model is considered obsolete;
  • Micron is an American company that was registered in 1978. Today in the company’s assortment you can find RAM with Serial NAND technology of 1-4 GB ( a budget option), wear-resistant SLC NAND model with a capacity of up to 512 GB, high-density chips based on TLC NAND. The company's latest development was created jointly with Intel, it is called 3D NAND. Its distinctive feature is the highest data processing speed compared to other models.

Other companies that sell RAM enter into contracts with these three concerns regarding the possibility of using their chips in their production. Some produce budget memory (Crucial, Patriot), some produce more advanced memory with a beautiful design and backlighting (HyperX, GeiL).

If you need to choose RAM with a clock frequency of more than 4000 MHz, pay attention to the G.Skill brand. It was founded in 1989 and during its existence has significantly expanded its range. Among desktop memory, the Sniper, Ripjaws, and Trident series stand out. RAM for laptops from G.Skill is presented in four copies: Ripjaws DDR4, Ripjaws DDR3, SO-DIMM and SO-DIMM SK.

Differences between desktop and laptop RAM

RAM for a laptop is different from RAM for personal computer only in size and installation method, otherwise (frequency, bandwidth, etc.) these two types do not have distinctive features. A PC has from two to four memory card slots (it all depends on the build). You can add another RAM to the existing one in a few minutes. To do this, you should disconnect the computer from the power supply, open the system unit, find the desired slot and insert the bracket.

For laptops, saving space is very important, so the RAM for them is compact in size. Devices have several types of RAM connectors:

  • one slot - costs in budget versions of laptops. Installation new memory it happens easily: you have to take out the existing bar and replace it with a more productive one;
  • two slots are an ideal option, which is most often found in laptops of the middle and high price categories. In this case, both slots or only one can be occupied. You can leave the “native” RAM in the first slot, and insert a module with a larger capacity into the second;
  • soldered RAM is a complex case in which changing the RAM yourself to a more powerful one is quite risky. To do this, you will have to unsolder the old module and free place attach a new one. If you have an inexpensive computer model, then it is better not to do this, because in such machines the RAM is often soldered tightly.

How to choose RAM for a laptop

To find out how many memory slots are on your laptop, just use any diagnostic program (for example, CPU-Z). After running the test, you can find out the necessary information about the existing memory: number of channels (connectors), type and amount of RAM. Based on these parameters, you should choose RAM.

To choose the right option for your laptop, you should consider:

  • interface - DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4;
  • form factor - only one type of form factor is suitable for a laptop - SO-DIMM, because it is more compact. DIMM is installed in system unit PC;
  • frequency - indicated in megahertz directly on the RAM, after the interface. For example, in the DDR4-2400 marking, the first part (DDR4) means the type of memory, and the second (2400) means the frequency;
  • volume - indicated on the case, measured in gigabytes, affects the performance of the laptop;
  • timing - indicated on the case as CL, indicated by numbers. The lower the timing value, the faster the laptop will work. However, frequency has more influence on the speed of a laptop than timing. If there is a choice between RAM with low timing and high frequency, choose the second one. It is worth remembering that all RAM installed in the computer must have the same timing.

Which RAM frequency range to choose?

Data transfer speed is the number of operations per second performed by the RAM. The higher the RAM frequency, the more productive the device will be. However, you need to understand that RAM works in conjunction with the rest of the computer components. It must have a frequency that correlates with the frequency of the system bus and processor, otherwise the entire operation of the system can be disrupted.

What you should know when choosing the appropriate RAM frequency:

  • the maximum permissible RAM frequency is indicated on the board;
  • if you install two modules, the computer will work with the maximum bandwidth of the weaker board;
  • It is better to take memory with a frequency of at least 1600 MHz;
  • boards with a frequency of 2400 MHz and 3600 MHz differ significantly in price, but there is no noticeable difference in speed between these two options;
  • For working on a computer, watching videos and for not particularly “heavy” games, a frequency of 1600 MHz is suitable.

Operating modes

There are four modes of RAM operation:

  • single-channel - can be found in DDR and some DDR2 models. Data is written sequentially to each module, which reduces the speed of the system;
  • dual-channel is the most common operating mode, for which two or four RAMs are required. For ease of installation, manufacturers of multi-channel motherboards paint DIMM sockets in different colors;
  • three-channel - used in more expensive models, three or six strips are connected to one channel;
  • four-channel - the most expensive and productive option, which has eight module slots.

Single-line mode in modern computers not used due to slow speed. Users choose multi-channel mode, which improves system performance in games by up to 10%. It is better to select modules of the same model and from the same manufacturer to avoid failures.

What volume to choose

The amount of RAM should be selected based on the tasks facing the computer:

  • 2 GB is a budget option that is suitable for old home PCs and laptops, some offices, and schools. It will be comfortable to work with this amount of RAM provided that the computer performs very few tasks at the same time. For example, if you will only be typing or watching a movie. If you need to simultaneously work in Word, watch videos on the Internet and scan your device with an antivirus, the system will begin to freeze;
  • 4 GB - best option for inexpensive cars. The volume is enough for the computer to easily perform everyday tasks. If you need to purchase a device for study or home use, then it is better to stop at this volume;
  • 8 GB is sufficient volume for modern models when performing everyday tasks. If you are looking for memory for games on a computer manufactured in 2014-2016, then this volume will be enough; for newer devices you need to increase the memory;
  • 16 GB - suitable for gamers, programmers, designers, retouchers, advanced PC users;
  • 32 and 124 GB are sky-high numbers that are not useful to the average user. RAM with such a capacity is needed by programmers and gamers who play exclusively modern games with high resolution or in 3D.

To accurately calculate how much memory is needed for a PC or laptop, you can use a special table that shows typical RAM consumption certain programs. For example, a browser with several open tabs will take up about 200-400 megabytes, and a modern game with good graphics will take from 1000 to 2000 megabytes.

How to choose RAM for an existing one

It is worth planning an upgrade of an existing memory stick based on the following information:

  • number of RAM slots available in the device;
  • quantity installed modules for now;
  • platform used;
  • the value of frequency and timing in the already established levels.

Everything you need can be found from the contents of the label or special program, which is downloaded to your computer. After this, you will have to make a decision: increase the memory by adding an additional module or by replacing old modules. If you install additional memory, it is better to choose a model with the same bus and frequency. However, you can purchase another option, but keep in mind that some combinations will not work.

Today, manufacturers offer two ways to solve the problem of increasing existing memory - purchase a kit or buy OEM individually. For users who need non-standard RAM that operates at high frequencies, it will be more profitable to buy a set. This is due to the fact that the OEM will not be able to overclock much.

Although random access memory (RAM) is one of the relatively inexpensive and accessible components of a computer, the stability and performance of the entire system as a whole directly depends on it. In addition, insufficient RAM seriously increases the load on HDD, which can lead to its premature failure. For this reason, sooner or later any user faces the question: “how to choose RAM for a laptop?” Below we will discuss three ways to help cope with this problem.

How to choose RAM for a laptop

In general, choosing RAM comes down to the following three steps:

  • We determine the memory parameters supported by the motherboard of the laptop being upgraded;
  • Determine the type of existing RAM;
  • We buy a new module (modules) to replace the old one, or we purchase similar or matching parameters if we plan to continue using the previously installed memory.

Let's try to figure out how to implement the above steps.

Method 1 (simplest)

Often, in the documentation supplied with the laptop, or on a sticker located on the laptop itself, there is information indicating the model of the motherboard, processor, memory, hard drive and video cards. In this case, it will be enough to simply request at any search engine information on the computer motherboard and, in accordance with it, select a new or additional memory module. If you plan to install an additional module, you must first make sure that the device has free slots for its installation, for which you should use the diagnostic program (see method 2), or open the device (see method 3).

Method 2 diagnostic)

If in the computer documentation and on it itself necessary information not found, you will have to use the system diagnostic utility. The most popular programs nowadays are Si Soft Sandra, Everest and Aida. The interface and principles of operation of these programs are quite similar and further steps will be discussed using the example of the Aida utility:

  • Download the program distribution kit from the manufacturer’s website, or purchase it from DVD disc;
  • Install the program;
  • We launch the utility and in the window that appears, open the “Motherboard” category;
  • Click on the SPD icon;
  • The updated window displays the characteristics we require, which will be discussed in detail below.

Module type
Since the question of how to choose memory for a laptop is now being considered, there are no problems with selecting the type of module. These are definitely SO-DIMMs - modules that are used on all modern laptops without exception and are somewhat smaller in size than those installed in desktop computers.
Memory type
Your computer may have the following types of memory installed: SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, or DDR3. Do right choice This can be done either based on the parameters of previously installed RAM, or by reading the information provided on the website of the motherboard manufacturer. The latter option is preferable, because perhaps the board supports more powerful memory than what is already installed.
You cannot install memory larger than supported system board. In addition, 32 bit systems work correctly only with 4 GB of memory. If you plan to install a larger volume, you should perform a special system setup, or install a 64-bit OS. Note that for office work 2 GB is enough, for games you will need at least 4 GB.
Clock frequency
The clock speed of the RAM should not exceed the clock speed of the motherboard. When installing an additional module, it is recommended that its clock frequency match the frequency of the existing RAM.
Ideally, the total bandwidth of all RAM modules should be equal to bandwidth processor.
Memory timings
This parameter, as a rule, does not cause problems, but it is still worth taking a closer look at it before choosing RAM. The lower these indicators, the better.
Kingston is considered a leader in the production of RAM, which makes its products the most preferred. If we are talking about installing an additional module, note that to support dual-channel mode, it must be identical to the existing one. Quite often, good results are obtained by installing RAM from different manufacturers, but assembled on similar chips and having the same layout.

Important: If motherboard The computer supports dual-channel mode, it is better to purchase, for example, two “rulers” of 2 GB each than one of 4 GB, which will have a better effect on the speed of operation. On the other hand, this will complicate subsequent upgrades, since all slots will be filled. That's why, this question You should think carefully before purchasing laptop memory.

If you are confused about this method of choosing RAM for a laptop, watch a detailed video on this method:

Method 3 (“screwdriver”)

Those who don’t like to fool themselves by fiddling around with computer diagnostics can do this quite simply:

  • Turn off the laptop and remove the battery;
  • Unscrew the screw(s) securing the cover above the memory compartment;
  • Press the latches on the sides of the memory module(s) and remove it from the slot;
  • We demonstrate the removed module to a computer store sales assistant, who can offer a suitable option for replacing it;
  • New module installed in reverse order Special attention should pay attention to the slot in its lower part, which should coincide with the protrusion inside the slot connector. If you install the module the other way around, it can damage not only it, but also the system board.

Using the above information, even the most inexperienced user will be able to independently figure out how to choose memory for a laptop. The only thing he should keep in mind is that all operations involving opening the computer and removing RAM may void the warranty, if any.

RAM(from English Random-Access-Memory) is a storage of current computer information. All launched processes, games, programs and applications go directly to it. This computer module is characterized high speed reading data so that the processor can process it quickly and efficiently. The current results of programs are also stored in RAM.

Unlike ROM memory, RAM memory is power dependent, so each file should be saved to disk or other storage media before closing. Moreover, the speed of the computer depends on the installed RAM modules. Thanks to them, smooth gaming with high settings or working with several applications at the same time is possible.

Currently, the leading positions are occupied by DDR3 and DDR4 RAM modules, which can be purchased in the form of individual modules or sets of two or more pieces.

Too little RAM is common reason computer freezes with big amount tasks

How to choose RAM

Choosing the appropriate RAM allows you to fully utilize the potential of the processor and video card. A module that is too weak or has too little memory will simply limit the power of the remaining components.

Therefore, before you buy a desktop computer or laptop, pay attention to the number of available slots for installing RAM.

At replacing RAM don't forget to check:

Purpose of the module

There are RAM memory modules available in the market that are designed for desktop computers and laptops. They differ radically from each other, so it is impossible to install modules from a laptop to a desktop, and vice versa.

RAM modules for laptop obviously smaller and designated as SODIMM. They don't have radiators, LED backlight or colored inserts. Such “decorations” can be found in models for desktop computers, produced under the name DIMM. For desktop modules we can even configure performance and install additional systems cooling.

Memory type supported by motherboard

To do this, you need to know the type of motherboard and the technology it supports. This information can be found, for example, on the website of the computer or laptop manufacturer.

When determining module compatibility with the motherboard, first of all, pay attention to the generation (DDR3, DDR4 or older), supported voltage, size and mounting cutout. Check the maximum supported RAM frequency.

RAM module capacity

This parameter is measured in gigabytes (GB), and tells us how much information it can store. this model. It is not worth investing in small capacities, because with increasing hardware requirements, you will soon have to upgrade the RAM.

4 GB for one module is the minimum, although using higher-capacity modules will give you a good margin for the future.

The amount of memory depends on the purpose of the computer

One module or a whole set

Many users ask themselves this question. Fortunately, the answer is simple - better take a set. This option is more productive because data is received for two memory controllers simultaneously (in the case of Dual Channel), and not just for one, as is the case with one RAM stick.

To further improve your computer's performance, you can choose triple, quadruple, or even eight-module sets. However, keep in mind that the ability to install large sets is only for desktop computers and is limited by the model of your motherboard.

Differences in memory for computers and laptops

To replace RAM memory on a laptop, it is best to choose a module with the same parameters as installed at the factory. Thanks to this, you will be sure that the new component will be fully compatible with your device.

To check the RAM characteristics, just turn on the device manager or go to the BIOS.

RAM for desktop computer

For desktop RAM modules the choice is much wider. Manufacturers offer standard simple modules, but high profile models are also available.

The design of the latter is more efficient due to the installed radiators, which allow heat to dissipate. In turn, having installed additional cooling systems in the case, it is worth considering the possibility of purchasing low-profile modules. These are, in particular, Crucial Ballistix Tactical and HyperX Savage. Thanks to them, when installing a cooling system, you will not encounter any unpleasant surprises.

Cooling RAM modules

The specific design of the laptop does not allow the use of heatsinks in RAM, so the module uses common system cooling. If you want to experiment with efficient cooling, you should turn your attention to desktop computer models. There are a lot of opportunities in this field.

The simplest cooling system is a flat aluminum heatsink located on both sides of the RAM module. To ensure maximum heat removal efficiency, manufacturers use much more advanced systems. Up to complex and powerful radiators with a system of tubes filled with liquids.

In addition, there are models on the market equipped with their own fans. As a last resort, we can use additional fans installed above the RAM modules. We must admit that such designs look attractive and are an important element of sets with a transparent side panel.

However, before you buy such a set of memory modules, make sure that the heatsink will not block other slots or interfere with the installation of other components.

Overclocking or fine-tuning performance

In the case of RAM for laptops, overclockers have no room for maneuver. These modules offer virtually no options for changing settings, but despite this, they can work very effectively. DDR4 generation models boast a high frequency of 2133 MHz, providing excellent multitasking.

However, if you want to improve RAM performance, you need to use a traditional desktop computer. Remember that when using a computer for less demanding tasks, we do not need to increase its performance. Overclocking is primarily an activity for gamers and people who expect high power from a computer. In new memory modules, it is more important to ensure sufficient cooling, then the RAM will work without brakes.

Replacing RAM

When desktop computer, this process is really simple. Simply unscrew or open the side panel, release the latches on the motherboard, and remove the module from the slot. Installation is carried out in reverse order. Before starting the upgrade, you still need to turn off the power, but even a novice user can handle the replacement.

When it comes to laptops, things can be a little more complicated. In some models we have direct access to RAM. Manufacturers install a special cover with the inscription Memory. After opening it, we will immediately see the RAM module.

It happens, however, that we have to remove the entire bottom cover or even remove the keyboard. Of course, in this case it is also possible self-replacement, but we may accidentally damage another node. It is safer to use the services of an authorized service, since independent replacement may lead to loss of warranty. Moreover, in ultrabooks, replacing RAM is often completely impossible, and the modules are soldered to the motherboard.

For both desktop and laptop computers, after installing the memory module, you should check it. For this purpose, system solutions are used, as well as special programs.

At the end there are some tips that will make it easier purchasing new RAM:

  • Before choosing a module, determine how much RAM you need
  • Check which RAM modules are suitable for your computer's motherboard
  • check the frequency your chosen memory and timing
  • find out, what operating system do you have?(32 or 64-bit - the maximum amount of memory used depends on this)
  • for overclocking, choose high-frequency models equipped with additional radiators

If you have doubts about which RAM to choose, then below you will find models worthy of attention.

RAM for laptop

When planning to replace RAM in a laptop, remember compatibility. It is safest to choose a module similar to the one used by the manufacturer.

Among the models worthy of attention, we can point out:

HyperX 4GB 1600 MHz Impact Black

An excellent choice for the player. HyperX Impact memory has a clock speed of 1600 MHz, which allows you to smooth game with high settings. Due to the low energy demand of this RAM, the laptop generates less heat and is quieter. The module is also compatible with Intel and AMD platforms.

Kingston 8GB 1600MHz

Compact laptop memory that improves performance mobile computer. One module with a large amount of memory will be enough for work, surfing the Internet or watching movies in high definition.

HyperX 8GB 2133MHz Impact Black

Module dedicated to processors Intel Core Skylake, which boasts very low latency and high performance. These two parameters are invaluable in games. Moreover, HyperX 8GB DDR4 is ready to use immediately after installation and does not require additional changes to the BIOS.

RAM for a multimedia computer

IN multimedia computer, which will serve us mainly for watching movies, listening to music and surfing the Internet, RAM with a frequency of 1333-1600 MHz is quite sufficient.

Here are some suggestions:

HyperX 8GB 2133 MHz Fury Black

RAM for desktop computer with modern design and low profile. Operates at 1.2 Volts, even under load, allowing other components to maintain the necessary power reserves. It has an asymmetrical heat sink that dissipates heat perfectly.

HyperX 16GB 2400 MHz Fury Black

A set of two dies with a clock frequency of 2400 MHz. Ideal for multitasking in the office or entertaining at home with a few games. High clock speed allows for high fps.

HyperX 16GB 2400 MHz hyperx Savage Black

This module is characterized by an original appearance, which, in addition, perfectly dissipates heat. HyperX Savage can work with four, six and even eight cores Intel processors, ensuring comfortable work.

RAM for graphics and games

In a player’s work computer, the frequency of RAM, the number of gigabytes and latency play an important role. In order for the processor to be able to process game data freely, very efficient RAM is required.

These same settings are important for processing graphics, videos, and projects created in programs such as AutoCad.

The following RAM models will satisfy both gamers and designers:

Crucial 16GB 2400 MHz Ballistix Sport LT

Energy-efficient, high-clock RAM module for gamers. 16 GB of RAM combined with a frequency of 2400 MHz provides excellent driving performance. This is complemented by an original design that will be appreciated by owners of transparent cases.

Corsair 16GB 3000 MHz Vengeance LPX Red

The set is ideal for any game from World of Tanks to FarCry 5. Corsair Vengance LPX has XMP 2.0 technology that supports automatic overclocking of RAM.

Corsair 16GB 3000 MHz Vengeance LPX Black

An extremely robust kit constructed from 8 layers of PCB. The large aluminum heatsink effectively dissipates heat to improve the performance of your computer. Thanks to the frequency of 3000 MHz, it will flawlessly cope with programs for processing 3D graphics or visualization.

RAM for system acceleration

RAM for enthusiasts should provide the ability to control parameters. However, equally important is the cooling of the module, which must cope with the increased temperature.

HyperX 16GB 3000 MHz Predator

This RAM has aggressive appearance, which will perfectly complement the environment of a transparent system blog. Carefully selected XMP profiles allow you to increase operating frequencies and reduce memory timings. You just need to select the appropriate profile, without the need to switch in the BIOS.

G.SKILL 16GB 3200 MHz Ripjaws V Black

A clock frequency of 3200 MHz ensures smooth processing of video files, graphics rendering and even work artificial intelligence. HyperX Ripjaws V Black works seamlessly with Intel components to deliver better performance.

Corsair 16GB 3200 MHz Vengeance LPX Red

These two modules, with a clock speed of 3200 MHz each, are an absolute must-have on your desktop and will make it easy to speed up your system.

Offers great overclocking capabilities while maintaining low power consumption. In addition, the low profile allows for additional cooling.

If you want to buy a laptop or if the available amount of RAM is not enough for you, and even using a swap file does not allow you to perform the necessary tasks, then a reasonable question arises: how to choose RAM for a laptop. Let's figure out what characteristics you should pay attention to in order to be satisfied with the performance of your laptop.

RAM – random access memory.

What module do we need?

You only have to choose a form factor, because for laptops it is the same - SO-DIMM (double-sided memory module). The remaining characteristics may raise some questions, so let’s go over the main parameters.

Memory capacity: how much in grams?

If you are going to run modern games or resource-intensive graphics applications, then you need a lot of memory to store and transfer temporary files. You can focus on the following parameters:

  • Laptop for working with office applications, surfing the Internet – from 1 GB.
  • An ordinary home laptop that runs games at low settings and simple graphic editor such as Photoshop - from 2 GB.
  • Laptop for gaming at medium settings – from 4 GB.
  • A powerful multimedia laptop for modern and resource-intensive games graphic applications– from 8 GB.

If you have an old one, then installing more than 8 GB of memory is pointless - the laptop will not work faster. However, if the processor allows you to increase the memory capacity to 8 GB or higher, then be sure to install a 64-bit version on your laptop Windows version, since x32 cannot work with RAM whose volume exceeds 4 GB.

How important are frequency and other parameters?

The higher the frequency, the faster the processor will receive and process data. Therefore, try with the highest possible frequency that the motherboard and processor support. To avoid compatibility problems, choose identical modules. If you are going to install several strips, it is better to immediately purchase a Kit set, which includes 2-3 modules with the same characteristics.

  • Do not buy DDR4 standard sticks - the technology has not yet been fully tested. DDR3 laptop RAM is still the best, proven and stable solution. The DDR5 standard does not exist at all - there is only GDDR5 video memory, which many mistakenly consider the fifth generation of DDR.
  • Do not buy cheap modules from unknown manufacturers. Guarantee period they work, but after a couple of years malfunctions may appear.
  • If there is support for dual-channel mode, take two smaller sticks, rather than one larger one (2 x 4 GB instead of 1 x 8 GB). This will improve productivity by about 15%.
  • If there is a significant difference in price, take memory with higher timings.

Timing is the time interval during which a command sent by the RAM controller is executed. The lower the timing, the better, but it affects the speed less than the frequency. Therefore, it is better to take a bar with a high frequency and a slightly higher delay than vice versa.

We hope you have figured out how to choose RAM for a laptop. There is nothing complicated here - the main thing is not to chase numbers and brands, but to approach the choice practically and thoughtfully.