Favorable MTS tariffs. All MTS tariffs Mobile means of Internet access

The wide range of tariffs of the mobile operator MTS in force in 2019 can confuse a potential user of services. We decided to publish an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of each tariff plan, which will help in selecting the optimal offer.

New MTS tariffs for 2019 meet the needs of different categories of users: someone uses a SIM card in a 3G or 4G modem, someone is forced to make a lot of outgoing calls within Russia, and someone likes to text via SMS and wants to save as much as possible on unnecessary functions.

Description of the capabilities of each tariff, as well as tables comparative characteristics will allow you to choose the optimal tariff plan directly for your tasks.
For those who want to save their time, we suggest choosing a tariff according to the parameters online or studying the features of each tariff through the summary table presented at the end of the article.

What will change from February 25? How to find out the current tariff price - step-by-step guide

Some tariff plans, and in particular the Smart line, will change the number of service packages included in the tariff and the price. To find out the current cost as of February 2, 2019, you need to:

  1. To know current tariff exactly! Enter *111*59# and the current name with numbers will be displayed (for example Smart012018)
  2. Go to the page with news about tariff changes - Here it is>>>
  3. Select your region
  4. Read the terms and conditions in the tab according to your tariff.
    For example, on the “Smart 022015” tariff there will be 4 GB of traffic for 540 rubles per month.
    All tariff changes in Moscow are available at the link >>>>>

The newest MTS tariffs

Over the past six months, there have been global changes in the operator’s tariff line and I would like to separately highlight the latest tariffs, briefly describing their pros and cons.

  • The Hype tariff has turned into Tariff X(X) - the most promising and youth tariff for the Internet
  • Tariff - returns unlimited internet
  • My Unlimited is a convenient, customizable tariff similar to the Smart line. In the regions from 300 rubles!

Finally, a real unlimited “Tariff” appeared. But for the majority, especially in the regions, the customizable “My Unlimited” option is suitable - I advise you to take a closer look. Something between "X" - but it is more aimed at users of popular media and social resources, I would call it "youth". Otherwise, the line of offerings from MTS has not undergone major changes.

Tariffs with subscription fee and comprehensive service packages

Modern smartphones open up wide possibilities of use mobile communications. The majority of MTS subscribers use several functions of their phone simultaneously:

  • calls,
  • Mobile Internet,
  • intercity/international communications.

For this reason, the operator has prepared a line of package applications, by agreeing to which the client can pay a subscription fee and use all communication functions simultaneously. Depending on the required volume of services and the cost of the monthly payment, several tariff plans are provided. In some cases this allows you to do tariff line more mutually beneficial.

Tariffs Smart (smart)

Most new MTS subscribers connect to the line Smart tariffs. Perhaps its popularity is due to massive advertising on television, but it seems to us that the primary reason is the convenience of these tariffs.

A user of any of the MTS Smart tariff plans pays the appropriate amount monthly and does not care about his balance for the next 30 days.

The minutes, SMS and gigabytes stated in the package are enough for him for a month. And if the need for any function increases, the subscriber can switch to a tariff with a higher subscription fee and a volume of services sufficient for his requirements.

In 2019, six MTS smart line tariffs are relevant for connection:

  1. Smart
  2. Smart+
  3. Smart+ 2017
  4. Nonstop
  • Smart Mini

  • Tariff smart 2019

  • Smart Unlimited

  • Smart+

  • Smart Top

  • Smart NONSTOP

  • 650
  • 500

Unlimited tariffs with subscription fee for calls

Among mobile communications users you can meet people who are not interested in any other functionality other than direct communication. They do not correspond via SMS/MMS and do not go online. But at the same time, they want to have complete freedom of communication without borders.

MTS offers 2 tariffs for those for whom it is important to stay in touch: “Ultra” and the flexible “Transformishte” tariff. We’ll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each in more detail, we have also prepared detailed description everyone.

MTS tariffs for Internet on tablet and computer

The development of 3G, 4G and 4G+ networks has led to an increase in users of portable modems, tariff plans for which they will also be useful for tablet owners who want to get access to the Internet very cheaply (including unlimited), or better yet, for free.

MTS tariffs without subscription fee

MTS tariffs for mobile phones without a monthly fee, they provide the opportunity to pay for exactly as much mobile services as the subscriber has spent. This is quite convenient for those who don't want to pay for unused features.

Ideal MTS tariffs for pensioners

Russian pensioners are a special category of mobile communications subscribers. Such clients are often not interested in SMS packages or mobile internet. At the same time, it is rare that a pensioner does not care about saving on communications. Therefore, the optimal tariff plans for retirees should focus on low-cost outgoing calls and low subscription fees.

Cellular MTS operator offers both tariffs without a subscription fee for pensioners, and conditions with a minimum monthly payment.

Popular MTS tariffs for pensioners

  • Smart Mini (300 rubles for 250 minutes per month, calls to MTS in your home region are free)
  • SuperMTS (no monthly fee, 100 minutes of conversation per day - free)

MTS business tariffs: everything for corporate clients

“MTS for Business” is a separate direction and a special line of business tariffs, characterized by a unique approach to client requirements. Corporate tariff plans include operational technical support, favorable rates to provide communications between employees and regional branches of the company for a fixed subscription fee.
Russian entrepreneurs are forced to regularly research the services market in order to optimize costs. This rule also applies to payment for communications. MTS has prepared competitive offers for legal entities, operating in Russia and abroad.

The “Smart Business” tariff line has several options suitable for companies various levels. For ease of orientation among the conditions, tariff plans are named in accordance with the European labeling of clothing sizes: from the small “Smart Business M” to the largest “Smart Business XL”. Recently, the line was replenished with an unlimited tariff “Smart Business Unlimited”.

The simplest, most advantageous and cheapest MTS tariffs

As we said earlier, with such a wide range of MTS tariff plans, it is quite difficult to right choice. For the convenience of the user, we decided to analyze the pros and cons of each tariff in order to provide a universal solution under the simplest, most favorable and cheapest conditions.

The most favorable rates for calls

Tariff with the lowest cost for outgoing calls in home region and without monthly fee: Super MTS, which provides an additional 3,000 minutes per month for on-net communication.

MTS mobile tariffs with a subscription fee offer comprehensive solutions “calls + Internet + SMS”. The most favorable tariff for calls and the Internet turned out to be MTS Transformishte: with unlimited Internet, the cost of an outgoing call will be only 80 kopecks per minute (if you pay for the maximum package).

And for those for whom 20 GB of mobile Internet is enough and who definitely spend up to five thousand minutes a month on mobile communications, the Ultra tariff is suitable, the cost of a minute is just over 50 kopecks.

The most favorable MTS tariff for calls to CIS countries is Smart Mini with a subscription fee of 300 rubles and an included service package. With this tariff, you can activate the free option “Beneficial calls to other countries” and pay for calls to neighboring countries from 1 ruble per minute.

The most favorable tariffs for 3G and 4G modems

Among MTS Internet tariffs, the most profitable are:

Subscription fee on the MTS “Internet for Tablet” tariff is 400 rubles per month or just over 13 rubles per day - this is the cheapest MTS tariff with the Internet, thanks to which you pay relatively little money for high speed internet for tablet.

MTS tariffs for devices

The world of gadgets, like people, often cannot do without means of communication. Of course, robots cannot yet call each other, but today they are able to transmit information through mobile traffic or via SMS. SIM cards are required for efficient work GPS navigators, GSM alarms and other “smart” devices. Especially for such unusual subscribers, MTS has prepared tariffs according to their requirements - with low costs for SMS and mobile traffic.

A favorable tariff without a monthly fee for Mayak navigators does not allow voice calls, providing the gadget only with the possibility of fax and CSD communication.

MTS tariffs with favorable roaming for travel

Roaming refers to the provision of mobile communication services to subscribers outside of their home network. Usually there is a distinction between roaming within the country and roaming abroad. The service covers different categories of citizens: those who like to vacation abroad or, for example, employees who have to travel on business trips around Russia.

When you are in another city or country, it is comfortable to stay on your number without changing your tariff plan. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on tariffs with favorable roaming.

For traveling around the country

With the exception of the basic Mini, any tariff from the line Smart Suitable for traveling around Russia, as it maintains conditions and prices within the country.

Subscribers of other tariff plans can save on roaming when connecting the appropriate options: “Everywhere is like home”(free incoming, outgoing for 3 rubles/min to Russian numbers) or "One Country"(free inbox throughout Russia).

  • Smart Mini

  • Tariff smart 2019

  • Smart Unlimited

  • Smart+

  • Smart Top

  • Smart NONSTOP

  • "Tariff" from MTS in Moscow and the Moscow region

  • MTS "X" tariff in Moscow and the Moscow region


For travel to other countries

Optimal tariff for international roaming is "Smart Business". With this tariff plan, a roaming subscriber can receive incoming calls lasting no more than 10 minutes completely free of charge. If you often communicate by phone, it is recommended to enable the additional “Whole World” option.

"Smart Business" - corporate rate, it is not suitable for individuals. But they can also save significantly on communication services while being outside of Russia. To do this, you need to switch to preferential MTS tariffs like “0 without borders,” the terms of which are the same as in “ Smart business", the first 10 minutes of conversation with incoming call will not be charged. True, the total volume of free minutes is limited - you can stay in touch for free for no more than 200 minutes per month.

Select MTS tariff according to parameters

Before connecting to a particular tariff, a typical potential subscriber clearly understands what mobile communication functions he requires and to what extent. Since it would be much more convenient to select a tariff according to parameters, rather than analyze gigabytes of almost similar information, we suggest using the online selection of a tariff according to parameters.

For those who cannot decide on a specific tariff plan that would satisfy all your needs, below is a comparative table of MTS tariffs that will help you choose the conditions that most closely match the basic requirements for the tariff plan.

Tariff selection Showing 1 - 24 of 45 Results


Your region



  • Smart Mini

  • Tariff smart 2019

  • Smart Unlimited

  • Smart+

  • Smart Top

  • Smart NONSTOP

  • Limitless "Ultra"

  • Exclusive "Transformishte"

  • MTS Connect 4

  • MTS Tablet

  • Red Energy in Moscow and Moscow region

  • Sale!

    Super MTS in Moscow and the Moscow region

  • MTS Per second


MTS tariffs are very diverse; they can satisfy the needs of any user. On the other hand, their diversity gives rise to doubts among subscribers - which of the existing packages should they choose in order to use communications and mobile traffic as conveniently and economically as possible? And if the entire list of advantages of a particular tariff is always loudly advertised, their disadvantages are mostly hushed up.

In the article:

In our article you can find out information about what MTS tariffs are, without the Internet and with unlimited network access, find the correct answers to most of your questions and form your own correct opinion about each provider package and choose the most suitable option especially for you.

Tariff plans without subscription fees

Series MTS tariffs without a monthly fee, it is quite tempting in terms of price for users who want to always be in touch and make short calls relatively infrequently. Such mobile service packages do not require mandatory daily or monthly subscription payments for the right to use a SIM card, regardless of whether the tariff was activated during this period or not.

Why spend 300-400 rubles on subscription fees for hundreds of minutes of communication and gigabytes of Internet traffic if you don’t need it either at work or at home. It is enough to use a tariff without a subscription fee and spend money only on real minutes of conversation and sent messages.

To date mobile operator MTS offers 4 packages that do not require any recurring fees to use them.

"Your country"

It is distinguished by democratic tariffs for long-distance calls and calls to neighboring countries, China, Vietnam, South Korea. Besides this mobile package offers inexpensive communication with phones at a similar tariff (1 ruble per minute), does not support content services and paid voice services, which eliminates the risks of accidentally spending funds from the account. This package has a fairly high cost for SMS (from 2.50 to 6.5 rubles) and 1 MB of traffic (9.90 rubles). To plug this tariff This plan is most convenient with the USSD command * 111 * 182 # .

"Super MTS"

It does not require the user to pay a monthly subscription fee and provides free communication from the first minute in the native regional network. As part of this tariff offer, it is important to activate the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” service. This will allow you to receive more than one and a half hours of interregional communication with MTS SIM card owners every day. Otherwise, the time limit will be limited to 20 monthly minutes for calls outside the region of registration. The cost of an SMS message is 2.00 rubles. Communication with clients of other providers is quite expensive. Maybe automatic connection paid services like "GOOD'OK". You can activate the package by dialing * 888 # .


Per second billing for calls suitable for people who want to get rid of the monthly subscription fee and are not classified as active mobile users. The cost of one second of a call to MTS, landline number or a card from a non-native provider – 5 kopecks. The fee for 1 MB of Internet reaches 9.90 rubles, but you can use unlimited traffic through the bonus application “SuperBIT Smart”. The transition to “Per-second” is performed by service request * 111 * 881 # .

"Red Energy"

A unified tariff offer that provides the user with an equally favorable cost of communication (RUB 1.60 per minute) with cardholders of any regional operator. In a situation with calls to another region, payment for services occurs differentiated: MTS – 5 rubles. per minute, other providers – 8 rubles. per min. The cost of one SMS message is 1.90 rubles, 1 MB of traffic costs 9.90 rubles, but you can activate the “SuperBIT Smart” service and use unlimited Internet. Quick connection implemented via USSD request * 111 * 727 # .

Tariffs from the Smart collection from MTS

The entire broad potential of cellular communications and Internet services is fully revealed in the Smart series tariff offers, which are correctly adapted to modern smartphones. Mobile service packages have individual sets of user advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to thoroughly examine each description to choose the most suitable option.


The tariff plan of the same name with the entire line, which is a pioneer in the series and offers quite affordable terms of service. The monthly commission for use ranges from 300 to 450 rubles. (varies by region). For this amount the user receives unlimited calls to MTS region, 500 free SMS and 3-4 GB of traffic. 500 minutes are also provided for communication with users of MTS and other providers outside the home region. Having exhausted the limit, you will have to pay 2 rubles. per minute of communication and 1 ruble per SMS message. The SIM card of this package cannot be used in routers and modems due to high data transfer speed restrictions. To connect “Smart” use the command * 111 * 1024 # .


“Smart +” has retained the best of “Smart” and will become useful to active users who want to have free intra-regional MTS communications and are not embarrassed by the monthly fee of 600-900 rubles per month (varies by region). Package limits have been significantly increased, starting from 1100 minutes for numbers of MTS Russia and other providers, ending with traffic of 5 GB. The operator also provided 1,100 SMS messages to all numbers in the home region. In a situation where the allocated time limit has expired, the cost of the call is set at 2 rubles. per min. When the allocated volume of traffic is fully used, it will automatically be activated. additional internet at a price of 150 rubles. for 1 GB. The Smart + SIM card interacts ineffectively with a modem or router due to the inevitable limitation of network speed. You can activate this tariff plan with a short request * 111 * 1025 # .

"Smart mini"

All MTS tariffs included in the “Smart” collection provide for a significant subscription fee for the right to allocate huge limits of minutes, messages and the Internet. If there is no need for such a large scale of mobile services, but you still need constant free communication and the Internet, the compact and economical Smart Mini package will be useful. The monthly payment has been reduced to 200-300 rubles (varies by region). The user is allocated 2 GB of traffic, unlimited calls within the network, 200-250 SMS and 200-250 minutes to numbers of other providers outside the region. This is the most affordable MTS package offer today! It is important to take into account here that the tariffs for mobile communication services in excess of the established limits are quite high. When it is not possible to regularly fit into the proposed package framework, you should opt for a different tariff. If there are no such problems, to activate " Smart mini» the combination * 111 * 1023 # is dialed .

"Smart Unlimited"

The Smart Unlimited package is positioned by MTS as best rate company, which does not restrict users either in traffic or in calls to interregional MTS numbers. In addition, this package includes 200 SMS and 200 minutes to numbers of other providers in the region. “Unlimited” provides for daily subscription payments, which in the first month amount to 12.90 rubles. per day and increase to 19 daily rubles in subsequent months. It is important to know that the provider has the right to initiate a reduction in traffic speed in case of network congestion. Also, the SIM card cannot be shared with a modem or router, but it freely distributes wireless Internet via the gadget’s Wi-Fi module. To switch to this tariff, you can request * 111 * 3888 # .

"Smart Top"

It can be considered a profitable, expensive purchase (RUB 1,500 per month) for overactive users mobile services. In addition to the absence of restrictions on calls within the regional network, there are impressive monthly limits for communication with subscribers of other providers (2000 minutes). If the limit is exhausted, the cost of a minute of communication will be 2 rubles, and for each additional gigabyte of the Internet you will have to pay 150 rubles. It is important to consider here that the 2000 minute limit also includes calls to MTS outside the home region. You can go to “Smart Top” upon request * 111 * 1026 # .

"Smart Nonstop"

Until recently, “Smart Nonstop” acted as an alternative to the “Unlimited” package due to dedicated (10 GB) daily traffic and unlimited Internet from one in the morning until seven in the morning. Monthly subscription payment ranges from 350 to 500 rubles (varies by region). There is no limit on MTS calls within the regional network. For calls within Russia, including to numbers of other providers, from 300 to 400 free minutes and the same number of SMS are provided. Exceeding the limit of package offers implies payment of one minute of communication in the amount of 2 rubles. The cost of an additional SMS will be 1.50 rubles. Here it is important to take into account the per-minute pricing of the package. Even a few seconds of conversation (more than 3) will be rounded up to a whole minute. It is also worth paying attention to the impossibility of connecting a huge list of options such as “BIT + Mobile TV”, “Unlimited for a day in Russia”, “MTS tablet”, etc. The transition to “Smart Nonstop” is activated by USSD request * 111 * 1027 # .

Description of MTS tariffs for PCs and tablets

The tariff plans described above provide for radical restrictions on the use of SIM cards in the modem. This is explained quite simply - the MTS operator offers special packages for tablets and computers. Let us immediately clarify that completely unlimited traffic maybe only at night.

"MTS Connect-4"

A unique tariff plan that is specially optimized for the Internet and a number of additional options that improve and expand traffic receipt (VIP Internet, 4 Mbit/s Internet, Internet-Maxi, Internet-Mini, MTS Tablet). The basic tariff (without Internet options) provides for the cost of 1 MB of traffic in the amount of 3 rubles. By activating one of the additional options, for example Internet Maxi, the user receives 24 GB of monthly Internet for 700 rubles (12 GB – day, 12 GB – night). From point of view mobile communication, "MTS Connect-4" is one of the most unprofitable options. When calling within your own regional network, the cost per minute of conversation will be 4 rubles. Calls to MTS Russia will cost 5 rubles. per min. Communication with subscribers of other providers – 14 rubles. per min. To switch to “MTS Connect-4” use the command * 111 * 307 # .

"MTS Tablet"

“MTS Tablet” does not act as a self-sufficient package, but is an option to the “MTS Connect-4” tariff. But thanks to its ability to activate traffic on tablets, it deserves special mention. The option costs the user 400 rubles per month. For this money, the subscriber receives 4 GB of Internet and can view more than 100 television channels(MTS TV technology). At the same time, the use of online TV does not affect the Internet traffic limit. To connect the “MTS Tablet” option to the main package, you need to send a request * 111 * 835 # .


After reading our descriptions of tariff plans from MTS, you are convinced that the ideal package for all occasions does not yet exist. The choice of one option or another depends entirely on subjective preferences and needs. But to make this right choice, you need to know what exactly the provider offers. In addition to the popular and popular tariffs indicated in the article, we consider it our duty to mention the names of the following highly specialized package offers: “ Smart House", "Beacon", Smart device". You can always find a description of these tariffs in separate articles in the “MTS” section on our website

Mobile tariffs

Started on October 23, 2012 tariff “1-2-3”, MTS. It, like many others provided by the operator, for example, includes various additional options, and also allows you to set up the “Top up my account”, “My account” functions for free. new number", Mobile office and others. By activating the “Easy Roaming” and “International Access” services, you will be able to make profitable calls to other countries.

The cost of calls set by the MTS operator for the “1-2-3” tariff

I was very pleased that there was no mandatory subscription fee that must be paid monthly. There is also a special payment for minutes for calls to owners of the “Personal X5” and “1-2-3” tariffs - only 1 rub. 2 rubles each. You must pay per minute for calls to subscribers of this and other operators and for calls to landline numbers. However, communication with MTS number owners who live outside the Moscow region will cost 5 rubles. in a minute. You can call the CIS countries and Europe for a price starting from 27 rubles. (if you do not enable special options).

If you would like to send a message to any mobile number Russia, then you will be charged 1 ruble, for MMS – 6.50 rubles. GPRS and WAP connections are charged the same as in the “1000 for 100” and “ ” packages - 9.90 and 2.75 rubles. respectively.

Reviews from MTS customers about the “1-2-3” tariff

Some special ones negative reviews MTS was not found on the network for the “1-2-3” tariff. It seems that everyone is satisfied with the uniform cost for messages - 1 ruble, and for calls - 2 rubles. Some clients are wary of scams involving the exchange of earned points for every 5 rubles spent. to talk, since apparently there were precedents. Rather, it means that this service there is, however, points from MTS will only be awarded from November, and not from the month when this tariff plan began to operate, which, in principle, is not so bad.

“1-2-3” is good because, unlike many other packages, it does not have a connection fee, while messages and calls are charged very inexpensively. And there is also the opportunity to communicate cheaper with subscribers from other countries.

MTS is one of the oldest operators in Russia. Provides not only cellular communication, but also access to the Internet, connection of mobile, cable, satellite and digital television. It works both in Russia and in other CIS countries. One of the three leading cellular providers. It has a number of profitable models, each of which differs not only in the subscription fee and basic set of functions, but also in what exactly the provider focuses on.

Thus, there are tariff plans directly for communication, and there are also those where the main focus is on providing high-quality access to the network.

Download the My MTS application


The main models include the following:

"Smart" line

It is the main one, in which each subscriber can find exactly the option that suits him best:

  • “Smart unlimited”;

Each of the listed models has its own characteristics - restrictions on the number of free minutes and messages provided, Internet, and features of roaming use. The subscription fee, as in most cases, depends on the standard set.

Other company offerings include:

  1. "Ultra".
  2. "Your country".
  3. "Red Energy".
  4. "Second by second."

In addition, there are a number archived tariffs, which are no longer available for connection by a new user, but still function for old users.


The company offers enough more quantity useful functions, for talking and sending SMS messages, accessing the network and entertainment.

Useful suggestions for saving on sending SMS messages:

  • "100 sms Smartmini";
  • "MMS+";
  • "SMS-Boom";
  • "Unlimited SMS";
  • "SMS Smart Package";
  • Packages for 500, 300, 100 or 1,000 SMS;
  • "Night SMS Drive".

For Internet users there are:

  1. Bit option, which includes the following options:
  • " " – 75 MB additional traffic per day for 200 rubles;
  • “ ” – 3 GB for 350 rubles;
  • “Super BIT Smart” – 3 GB for 360 rubles.
  1. “Internet-Maxi” – 12 GB for 700 rubles.
  2. “Internet VIP” – 30 GB for 1200 rubles.
  3. "MTS Tablet" - 4 GB for 400 rubles.

The following suggestions have been developed for beneficial conversations:

  • “Call MTS”;
  • "One Country";
  • “Favorable intercity”;
  • “Everywhere is like home Smart”;

Entertainment and information options that may be useful to the subscriber include:

  • MTS: Music, Press, Radio, Books, Video, TV. As part of the above offers, packages with data are provided - music collections, magazines, books, videos, and access to a number of channels. They can be downloaded to your phone or viewed online.
  • “GOOD’OK” – allows you to select a melody that callers will hear instead of beeps.
  • “Locator” – determines the location of the phone and its owner.
  • "On full confidence» – allows you to continue communication even with a negative balance within the provided limit.
  • “Promised payment” – provides a loan of up to 800 rubles for 3 days.
  • “Express money” is an option similar to the previous one, but the limit is up to 100 rubles.
  • “Help out” – allows you to make calls and send messages at the expense of the recipient subscribers.
  • “Call me back” and “Top up my account” – used to send free requests to other subscribers with the appropriate text.
  • “Caller ID” – allows you to display hidden numbers.


The main advantages of the company include the following:

  1. High-quality work from both the company itself and the technical staff.
  2. Large coverage area.
  3. Availability of a large list of tariffs, which allows you to choose the most convenient and acceptable conditions for communication.
  4. Optimal conditions for gaining access to the World Wide Web.
  5. Cheap and affordable roaming.