How to choose backup power for your phone. How to choose a portable battery for your phone. Portable chargers: prices and reviews. Features of using the device and caring for it

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External battery- that's what they call portable Charger to charge your phone battery. The following variants of the names of the portable power supply are also used:

  • « Portable battery»;
  • « Portable accumulator».

Power Bank – external battery (portable charger)

Power Bank (from English “External battery”) - this is the name of a portable phone charger on English language , but this term is often used in Russian.

The following name options are also used:

  • "Power Bank";
  • "Powerbank";
  • "Power Bank";
  • "Power Bank";
  • And a bunch of other various variants of distortions of the name “Power Bank”.

External Battery - portable phone charger

What is Power Bank

Essentially, a Power Bank is a battery. An additional battery that has a larger capacity and can store more charge. Thanks to the charge distribution function, it is able to transfer it to other mobile devices.

External battery: advantages

A power bank is an indispensable thing that allows you to charge a mobile device in a situation where there is no access to a stationary charger from the network, computer or laptop.

The portable charger is easy to use, small in size and light in weight. It is universal and suitable for any mobile device.

You can be sure that thanks to this small box, your smartphone or tablet will always have additional charging on long trips. The main thing is not to forget to charge the external battery itself and take a USB cable!

Which Power Bank is better to buy?

Where is the best place to buy Power Bank?

To search for an online store where you can buy a portable external battery (Power Bank) at a good price, you can use specialized online trading platforms.

Once again my phone died by lunchtime - a couple of hours in in social networks, downloading 400 MB of new podcasts using a 3G network, a few photos - and the battery waved its hand at me. Unfortunately, for many people this scenario becomes a reality every day. Sometimes, when talking with friends, I hear a squeak, and then the conversation is interrupted. They call back from the second number and say the sacramental: “The phone is dead.” The presence of chargers in the car or at the workplace is by no means a panacea. Some people are used to carrying chargers with them and in restaurants choose seats closer to the sockets. As my friend jokes, phones are corded again, but now we are tied to an electrical outlet.

One partial solution to this problem is to choose an external charger that you can carry in your bag and take on trips and hikes. The cost of such devices varies greatly wide range, the number of manufacturers is large, and one’s eyes are often overwhelmed by the variety of offers. This guide will focus on how to choose the right external charger, but before we get into that, let me dissuade you.

Energy consumption in modern smartphones - how to save energy

In the comments to the “Buyer’s Guide. Choosing a smartphone” I came across statements in which people claimed that the quoted operating time for certain devices differs from the real one. For example, the article says that the device easily works a full day, but the commentator has it running down by lunchtime. An attempt to understand this issue thoroughly showed that many people do not think that their smartphone already has all the tools to reduce power consumption and extend the operating time of the device without sacrificing performance. This point of view was also popular - having bought an expensive phone, I’m not going to configure it or use it less than one hundred percent, I want it to work for every penny. It is impossible to agree with such a view, since in any technical device There are operating modes and settings that are unnecessary for many consumers; turning them off does not in any way affect the comfort of use. I am sure that for people with such life position There is no need to buy an external battery, they won't have it for long anyway. Marketing often replaces common sense - when you hear that people don't want to lower the processor frequency in their smartphone, you realize that they don't know or even realize that most of the time the processor runs at a very low frequency. High frequencies needed for “heavy” computing tasks, for example, 3D graphics in games, in which case the smartphone produces the maximum frequency automatically, otherwise applications will not work.

Therefore, it is possible that you do not need an external battery, but should look into the power consumption on your smartphone (for tablets this is not so critical and important, although exactly the same rules apply there). And having already exhausted all the possibilities for extending the operating time using standard means, you should resort to an external battery.

In the next two videos, I provide tips on setting power consumption for Android as well as iOS. These tips are universal, you can apply them to different devices, but remember that not all have all the settings and capabilities.

External battery - what types are there, what to look for

When buying an external battery, very often they choose the one that comes to hand, without paying attention to the technical details, which leads to disappointment in the future. I’ll try to talk about all the pitfalls and start with the obvious – the size of the device. Unfortunately, there are no miracles in the world, and the larger the battery capacity, the more space it takes up. You need to decide what you need the battery for - just for a smartphone or do you still plan to charge your tablet as well. Psychologically, we want to choose universal solutions and very often we buy into the fact that on the box we are promised to charge not only smartphones, but also tablets. Unfortunately, these promises very often turn out to be false or misleading. To charge modern tablets, you need a battery that delivers a current of 1A and also has a capacity of 12,000 to 16,000 mAh, which will allow you to charge the tablet at least half. Such a device will weigh about 350-400 grams or even more. Calling it compact is a bit of a stretch, although simpler external batteries with a capacity of 4000 mAh may not be small.

Size and weight are the first parameters that you need to pay attention to. For myself, I came to the conclusion that I only need an external battery for my smartphone; after all, to drain the battery on a tablet, you need a full daylight hours and continuous play. I admit honestly that I fail faster than the battery in a tablet, I just get tired of playing or watching movies so much. I also don’t go on hikes where I would have time to work on my tablet in the forest; there are always sockets and time to recharge the tablet. But it is possible that you have a different use case and then you need to look universal device or buy two different external batteries.

For my smartphone I need an external power source. Given my lifestyle, I was looking for a device that would allow me to charge a smartphone with a 1500-2100 mAh battery or so at least twice during the day. Since I was going to carry it both in my hands and in clothes, sometimes in a bag, the size of the device became a priority. In Hong Kong I bought a 6000 mAh battery under the name VTank, I was attracted by the size and metal case. One of the downsides is the weight of the device; it weighs down the pocket (about 250 grams).

I am sure that you will decide on the size and weight of the device on the terrain based on how you will carry it. Even in a lady's bag there is enough space for such a battery. But there is a little trick that is worth remembering - when you charge your smartphone, you will most likely want to use it. See how these two devices fit in your hands while charging (or imagine, if you can’t touch them).

Case materials are another parameter that is not very important, but from an aesthetic point of view it warms the soul of many. Metal or plastic case – what to choose? There are no special features here, you just need to remember that their reliability is approximately the same, but the metal one has more weight.

Battery capacity and current are two main parameters that will be important to you. There is no universal rule, but you need to select a battery with a capacity at least twice as large as the capacity of your smartphone battery (for a tablet, this rule does not apply for obvious reasons; they have record-breaking batteries). At the moment, the most common batteries are with a capacity of 4,000 - 6,000 mAh, they are standard. There is no point in choosing batteries with a smaller capacity; their cost is not much lower, and there is almost no point in them.

When choosing Chinese batteries There is a high risk of encountering a discrepancy between the stated parameters and the real ones. For example, they will tell you that the battery capacity is 12,000 mAh, but in fact it is only half. On the other hand, this deception is innocent, since they will not charge you any extra money for a “large” container. As a rule, the seller wants to please you and talks about a larger capacity in order to convince you that you made a good deal - you bought such a good battery for cheap.

There is no point in looking for batteries from unknown companies; there are many offers from different manufacturers on the market, prices are approximately the same (I’m not talking about retail, but rather about the Internet).

Optimal choice becomes a 6,000 mAh battery (this is the golden mean that will suit most people), or the choice of a 12,000 mAh battery or higher. It should be taken into account that external batteries have a discharge current, depending on the design and manufacturer, it can vary greatly.

The internal batteries often use 3.7V batteries, while the output requires a voltage of 5V. The boost circuit is not ideal and eats up most of the capacity of the external battery, so when calculating how many times you can charge your phone, it is worth taking this parameter into account. Many external batteries with a capacity of 4,000 mAh can only supply 2,000 mAh, that is, one charge of a phone with a 1,500 - 2,000 mAh battery.

Another important point- this is the current that the battery produces. To charge most smartphones, 0.5 A is enough; this is the minimum current in such devices. Often, charging tablets and a number of smartphones requires a current of 1 A, so you should pay close attention to this parameter. If the battery has several outputs, then the connected load can vary in the range of 1-3 A. In order to determine what charging current you need, look at the labeling of the charger from your tablet or smartphone.

Charging the battery is another non-obvious point that is not paid attention to, but in vain. By and large, all external batteries can be divided into two large classes - those that can only be charged from a computer’s USB connector, and those that can be charged from an AC mains. In the second case, use a standard miniUSB, microUSB connector or charger, which is included in the kit. There is no point in discussing the first type of device; they have almost disappeared and are of no interest.

The lack of charging from a regular network is a serious disadvantage, since in this case you will have to recharge the battery only from the computer and this will take much longer, and you will not be able to charge it to its full capacity (the USB port does not produce enough current). It is necessary that the external battery can be charged from a regular USB connector, but also be able to use regular sockets.

Device charging indicators - usually there are three, sometimes four LEDs on the case that indicate the battery charge. Unfortunately, they give a very rough idea of ​​how long the battery will last. In the case of a battery that has been used for about a year, you can completely forget about the last division; as a rule, the indicator begins to lie and there is no longer enough charge. There are external batteries with digital indicators, they are much clearer and more visual, but you will have to pay 20-30 percent more for them than for similar batteries without such displays. It's a nice addition, but whether it's worth the money is up to you to decide.

The number of USB connectors on the device is an additional parameter, but it is also worth taking into account. Many devices have two, and sometimes four or even five USB ports. This allows you to connect multiple devices to charge at once. In my opinion, two USB ports are enough, and even then, their simultaneous use is a very rare case. In my practice, this is rather an exception; I powered the devices of my colleagues this way a couple of times, but did not use it myself.

On/off button – should be recessed into the body to avoid accidental pressing in pockets and subsequent discharge of the battery. In most models, this parameter is not given any importance, which is sad.

I hope that by remembering what to look for, you will not get into trouble when choosing an external battery for your smartphone or tablet, although I have doubts about the second use case. But without recommendations on what to look for and how to buy such batteries, this guide would be incomplete.

Where and how to buy an external battery - prepare your sled in summer

Unfortunately, my work in selecting the ideal external battery is complicated by the fact that there are a huge number of them and it is impossible to describe everything. In your city, models from one manufacturer may be presented, and in the next one - completely different ones; there is no universal recipe.

Most of the batteries with a capacity of 4,000 mAh sold in Russia cost in the range from 2 to 3 thousand rubles, batteries with a capacity of 8,000 mAh cost from 3,500 rubles and above, sometimes reaching 5-6 thousand rubles. In my opinion, there is no point in buying such expensive batteries, since you are overpaying at least two or even three times the real cost of such devices. A reasonable purchase would be to order a battery from China or from websites that sell electronics, then its price with delivery will be significantly lower. We have a separate “Buyer’s Guide” on how to buy abroad.

To search for various models of external batteries, you can use the Focalprices website (follow the link to search results for such devices). Quite a wide selection of similar batteries on eBay. Or you can look at these batteries.

If for some reason you do not want to deal with delivery by mail, then you can look for batteries in Russian online stores; the offer is varied, but the prices are higher.

I hope that in this material I have described in detail all the pitfalls and principles of choosing external batteries. It is worth remembering that after a year of use, the battery capacity is reduced to 80 percent of the original rating. You should also treat batteries (both external and built into phones) as consumables. They should be replaced every few years; unfortunately, they do not last forever.

If any of the manufacturers of external batteries would like reviews of their devices to appear on our website, then write, we will be happy to test them.

P.S. I would like to express special gratitude to Daniil, who left a very succinct comment on the use of external batteries; much of this comment was included in the Guide.)

Today, every person has a smartphone. This rectangular brick has literally conquered the world. The device is quite useful, but unfortunately it lacks autonomy. The phone battery does not last long. Usually after 2-3 years you have to replace the battery. Let's figure out which battery to buy.

Battery for phone and smartphone

Good to know!

Today, many batteries are equipped with a charge controller. This device helps monitor the charge-discharge process. In addition, in the event of an emergency, for example, the battery gets very hot, the controller will turn off the battery. If cooled, the same thing will happen.

How to choose a battery for your phone?

Tips before choosing:

  1. Capacity denomination. The larger it is, the longer the device can work. mah - means capacity in milliamp hours.
  2. Complete match with the old battery. Identical type of previous battery.
  3. Voltage. Usually it comes from 3.7 volts. Some models may have more or less.
  4. The size must match the old battery.
  5. Location of contacts.
  6. What type? Lithium-ion or others.
  7. Before purchasing a battery, look at the technical data sheet of your smartphone. Usually they specify what kind of battery is required.
  8. Price. Sometimes manufacturers mislead consumers. They sell a supposedly high-capacity battery for little money, but at a low cost. Be careful, such batteries are made of poor quality and their capacity is much lower than declared.
  9. Guarantee. Each manufacturer produces their own. The average shelf life of a phone battery is 1 year. Typically this figure varies from 6 months to 3 years.
  10. It is best to purchase a Li-ion (Have an automatic shut-off when fully charged) or Li-pol battery for your phone.
  11. How many times can you discharge and charge the battery? The most common is 1000 times.
  12. The case, how durable it is. It is desirable that it be aluminum.
  13. Ask the seller if there is protection or a thermostat.

Phone battery life is affected by:

  1. Screen type
  2. Networks: GPS, Wi-fi, 3G, 4G.
  3. Supported Features.
  4. Backlight.
  5. Delivered programs.

Frequent charging of the battery leads to rapid wear!

Phone battery manufacturers

The list below presents popular companies that manufacture batteries for smartphones.

  • Gigabyte GT
  • MaxPower
  • JustMobile
  • Unitech
  • Kensington
  • Batimex
  • HiCapacity HP
  • Fonmedia
  • Cluestar
  • Ansmann
  • TelForceOne
  • Hipower
  • Cisco
  • Intermec
  • Apple
  • Pulsar
  • Activejet
  • Cipher Lab
  • Prestigio
  • MyPhone
  • Belkin
  • Whiteenergy
  • Datalogic
  • Uniross
  • Honeywell
  • Fujicell
  • Extreme
  • Blackberry
  • Garmin
  • Blue Star
  • Tellsson
  • Dexim
  • GSmart
  • Nokia
  • Motorola
  • Samsung
  • Siemens

Buy lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery packs. The brand must be famous. Protect the battery from cold and heat. There are no super-capacious batteries at a low price - this is a hoax. Typically the battery lasts about 2 years.

When should you change your phone battery?

With average smartphone use, the battery needs to be changed every 2 years. Usually by this time the charge lasts for a couple of hours. But if you rarely use the phone, then replacement can be done after 3-4 years.

Signs that the battery It's time to change on your phone:

  1. Doesn't hold much charge.
  2. You have to charge it every few hours.
  3. You have to wait more than 3 hours for a charge.
  4. The phone turns off by itself.
  5. The battery is damaged.

Question from a user! Does the age of manufacture of a phone battery matter and does this period affect the quality and service life of the battery?

The timing naturally has an effect. Lithium polymer batteries, created in 2018, and sold in 2019, will serve properly for 3 years. Nickel cadmium may begin to leak and corrode.

Where do I sell phone batteries?

Most people go to purchase a battery for a smartphone at:

  1. Radio shop and radio markets.
  2. Online store.
  3. Company store.

In the first case, the user will receive a small selection of batteries for the phone. But sellers in such places can give good advice.

The second will have a wide selection. But you should pay attention to the reviews and reliability of the seller.

In the third option, you will receive an expensive battery, but with a guarantee.

How much does a phone battery cost?

The cost of a battery for a mobile phone with an Android on average fluctuates around 1000 rubles.

Can a phone battery explode?

Such a battery causes an explosion in the following cases:

  1. Poorly made.
  2. Does not have a charge controller.
  3. Very worn and swollen.

So be careful!

Where should I throw away my phone battery?

Such batteries must not be thrown into a general trash bin. To get rid of them, you should find a collection point for such batteries and take them there. On this moment Not all cities have such branches. Perhaps yours has it. The article: “” will help you understand this issue in more detail.

How to reduce battery consumption for your phone?

To do this, follow the tips below:

  1. Reduce display brightness.
  2. After using the Internet, do not forget to turn off data transfer.
  3. It is better to delete or turn off applications that you do not use. Every running application consumes energy.
  4. When you go to bed, either turn off your phone or turn on the “ In airplane».
  5. If there are battery saving settings, turn them on.

How to increase the battery life of your phone?

  1. The battery needs to be charged to 100%.
  2. You shouldn’t use up the entire charge; it’s better to connect it to it at the 35-50% stage.
  3. It is not recommended to leave your phone connected to the network overnight.
  4. After the display shows information that the smartphone is fully charged, turn it off.
  5. Use only the original charger.
  6. Do not charge near heating devices or direct sunlight.
  7. Once every 30 days it costs by fully charging and fully discharging.

How to store your phone battery?

Types of phone batteries

After analyzing the history of battery development, it turned out that there are only 4 types of phone batteries.

Nickel-cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd)

This type of battery was first manufactured back in 1899. Due to multiple shortcomings, it has not become widespread. Although they are quite strong and durable. Can withstand extremes of high and low temperatures. In addition, they can withstand multiple charging.

The main disadvantage that outweighs all the advantages is their toxicity. Cadmium is a toxic substance. Besides this type The phone battery has low energy capacity. Production costs are very high. And the periodically manifested memory effect forces you to do it frequently. This is not very convenient.

Nickel metal hydride batteries (Ni-MH)

These batteries are made of nickel. The main positive properties are good capacity and low production costs. Previously, this type of battery was used in large phones budget type with limited functionality.

Their main disadvantage is the memory effect. You put it on charge at 30% of the battery indicator and after that the phone turns off when it reaches this number. This property is less pronounced than that of the type described above. These batteries also take a long time to charge.

Lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion)

Today, this type is the most relevant! Their main advantage over competitors:

  1. Compact dimensions.
  2. Big.
  3. Slight self-discharge.
  4. No memory effect.
  5. Show stable performance.

Similar batteries for mobile phones work stably and for a long time.

Among the negative aspects, one can note the high cost, in contrast to nickel batteries. They do not tolerate cold well. At minus 20 0 C there is a risk of electrolyte leakage. These power supplies should not be kept in a discharged state. The service life may be shortened. They are subject to wear and tear regardless of whether they are used or not.

Lithium polymer batteries (Li-Pol)

The removable battery for a smartphone are made using lithium salts and a polymer electrolyte. This approach allows you to create charging battery for phones of various shapes. Thinness and ductility are the main features of these batteries.


  • High energy capacity, about the same as lithium-ion internal batteries for phones.
  • The cost is significantly lower than those described.
  • Large number of charge/discharge cycles.


  • They operate unstably at low temperatures.
  • Strong overcharging and deep discharge are harmful. To prevent this, a voltage controller is built in. And this affects the cost of the product.

Reinforced batteries for phones

These models are also called powerful batteries with increased . In contrast, they have compact dimensions. Their dimensions match the original battery of the device. Most often, the devices are made in China or Japan.

The main energy capacity starts from 2450 mAh and ends at 5500 mAh. These battery characteristics allow you to significantly increase the performance of your smartphone! And unleash its full potential.

Main characteristics of batteries for phones

The data in the table will help you choose the right batteries for cell phones.

Phone battery device

Like any other battery, it has a positive and a negative pole. It also has a basis. Inside contains electrolyte and various chemicals. You can read more about the structure of a phone battery in the article:.

Power bank for phone

Such long-lasting batteries have conquered the consumer market. In fact, these batteries are very convenient. You can go on a trip and not worry about not having an outlet nearby.

The main advantages of Power Bank for the phone

  • Good durable case.
  • Large capacity.
  • Possibility to recharge multiple times portable accumulator for phone.

How to choose Power bank for your phone?

When buying a travel battery for your phone, pay attention to the following things:

  • Dimensions. Decide what you are going to use the backup for. If you take it for your phone, then it should easily fit in your pocket, bag or backpack. Please note that the dimensions must be optimal. A 12000 mAh battery will not fit into a miniature case.
  • The material from which it is made. The metal body is durable, but has a significant weight. Plastic is many times lighter. If the power bank will not be used in extreme conditions, then you can take a plastic one. The stability of operation does not depend on the case.
  • Capacity. It should be twice the capacity of the installed battery. Naturally, the higher the better. It is advisable to buy an additional 6000 mAh power bank, but if your budget is small then go for 4000 mAh.
  • Current strength. The batteries usually contain this information on the label. Usually it is 0.5-1 ampere.
  • Charger. It is better to purchase a device that contains both the ability to recharge from USB and from a wall outlet. Like usb type A phone battery is called a hybrid battery. Preferably with a current of 1-2 A.
  • Features such as the presence of a charging indicator, a power button, and the number of USB connectors are selected according to the user’s taste. There is only one benefit from them: convenience.
  • Make sure that the on/off button is completely immersed in the housing. This will prevent accidental startup.

The portable battery has a voltage of 3.7 volts. Smartphones and others mobile devices require a 5 volt charge. This suggests that there is a loss of energy potential of up to 30%. Cheap Chinese batteries generally have 50% of the declared capacity.

How does it work?

A spare storage battery for a phone functions similarly to a simple battery built into a mobile smartphone.

A number of power cells are soldered into the power controller. After that, ports for recharging the battery are built in. Then one or more ports are installed to charge the smartphone.

We connect the Power Bank to the phone, and its battery begins to charge! Electricity flows from the donor to the additional battery of the smartphone.

How much does a power bank cost?

Prices for autonomous battery for a phone depend on the capacity, the larger it is, the higher the cost. For example, a power bank with a capacity of 10,000 mAh can be found for 2,000 rubles. If its capacity is 5,000 mAh, then 1000 – 1500 can be achieved.

Rules for using a power bank battery for a phone

  1. When replacing the external battery with a new one, turn off the power to the device. Otherwise there may be memory distortion.
  2. To expand slightly, perform up to 5 discharge-charge cycles. This means that you need to completely discharge the remote battery and charge it to one hundred percent.
  3. Do not suddenly move a portable phone battery from warm to cold and back. Before charging, let it sit for a while and come to room temperature.
  4. Do not recharge for more than 24 hours. As soon as the battery is charged, a special chip will turn off the charging process.

The best solution is to purchase a Power Bank for 6,000 - 12,000mAh.

External battery for smartphone with solar batteries

Today such a battery is very popular. It will be indispensable on hikes and various outings.

The main characteristics of the average solar battery:

  1. Li-ion type.
  2. Different colors: black, orange, blue, yellow, green, etc.
  3. Capacity 10,000 mAh. It may be less or more.
  4. Output voltage 5 volts.
  5. Current strength is 1-2 A.
  6. Some models have fast wireless charging.
  7. USB port.
  8. Built-in solar panel that allows you to get energy from the sun.
  9. Material: plastic or metal.
  10. Housing protection.
  11. Weight about 300 grams.

These are approximate characteristics of a typical solar power bank.

Thus, a battery charger for a phone will help out a traveler who is far from civilization or in a place where there is no outlet.

A modern smartphone can run out of charge at the most inopportune moment, when you do not have access to an outlet. And during any trip, difficulties are guaranteed to arise - even the most best models smartphones cannot operate on a single charge for more than three days, while an outing with a tent can last a whole week. Fortunately, this problem can be solved quite simply - just buy an external battery. In this article we will talk about such a device as an external battery for a phone, how to choose it.

Which brand should I choose an external battery?

In this niche computer equipment Naturally, there are production leaders, and these are the brands that users most often prefer.


Products under this brand have only existed for a few years, but during this time they have won leading positions in various charts. At first, the manufacturer relied on high capacity - its main models can charge even a 10-inch tablet, and more than once. But over time, the product line expanded, resulting in less capacious models.

Important! Initially, the batteries from this manufacturer had a rough design, but today the situation has changed - there are models on the shelves with attractive colors and elegant curves.


This brand distributes the largest number of portable batteries. The user can easily choose a copy for himself, focusing on his needs. Many models have built-in LEDs that act as a flashlight.

Important! The capacity of such batteries reaches 30,000 mAh - this parameter will be enough to even charge a laptop a couple of times.


This is a South Korean company that introduces a large number of unique technologies into its smartphones. It would probably be strange if external batteries from this manufacturer did not contain interesting features. The main one is support for relatively fast charging.

Important! If power is transferred to a compatible device, charging to 50% occurs in just 30 minutes or less.

Pay attention to the review best Samsung smartphones .


This is a Chinese company that started producing external batteries quite recently. Previously, it specialized only in the production of smartphones. Main Feature Xiaomi products is increased reliability. These batteries are not affected by power surges or any other troubles.

Important! They also protect the device connected to them, which will definitely not be overcharged. We have prepared a re Xiaomi phone rating .


The location of this company is in the city of Ginseng. Like many other Chinese manufacturers, this company relies on low prices for its products. The company also strives to make its range as wide as possible: some external batteries are protected from shock, others have increased current strength and two connectors for connecting devices, and others surprise users with their miniature sizes.

Important! Here the Chinese pedigree still makes itself felt - there are a large number of defective products, the capacity of which differs from the declared one.

Rating of the best external batteries - selection criteria

To make it easier for you to choose an external battery for your smartphone, we provide a rating that takes into account the following parameters:

  • Price.
  • Number of connectors.
  • Equipment.
  • Dimensions.
  • Appearance.
  • Real and declared value.

Important! no matter which battery you choose, there will be useful information, which internet connection is better for the phone? .

Best portable batteries for laptops

First, let's look at compact devices for recharging mobile gadgets.

Rombica NEO PRO280

The capacity of this model is 28,000 mAh, which makes it possible to charge the laptop two and a half times. Moreover, the device has a nice appearance.


  • Maximum current 3.2 A.
  • Lithium polymer type.
  • There is a charge indicator.
  • Metal body.
  • The kit includes a network adapter.
  • There are many adapters for laptops.
  • Very high capacity.


  • Has a very high price.
  • Weight - 830 g.

Important! User reviews indicate that the Rombica NEO PRO280 is a great way to always have a huge charge of energy with you. Most of all, this battery is suitable for charging laptops, but it also has a connector with reduced current strength to which you can connect push-button phones and smartphones. Users also like the metal body, but are disappointed by the high cost.

Cactus CS-PBPT18-18000AL

As you can tell from the name of the model, it has a capacity of 18,000 mAh. This is definitely enough for one full recharge of the laptop, while there is still energy left in the depths of the battery, which can be used to charge the phone several times.


  • Overheating protection available.
  • Lots of laptop adapters.
  • There are two USB connectors for connecting gadgets.
  • Maximum current 3.2 A.
  • Metal body.
  • Availability of charge indicator.

Important! User reviews of this model indicate that this is an excellent accessory for laptop owners. Like the previous model, the battery is made in a metal case, thanks to which it does not suffer from overheating and has an impressive appearance. The capacity of the model, although not a record, but thanks to this, the device turned out to be small. In practice, this battery fits freely in any bag with a laptop, without interfering with it.

The best external batteries for tablets

There are separate models worthy of attention especially for tablet owners.

Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 16000

Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi has endowed this device rounded metal body. The capacity of the model allows you to fully charge the tablet a couple of times.


  • Not good high price.
  • High capacity - 16000 mAh.
  • There are two USB ports for connecting gadgets.
  • Maximum current 2.1 A.
  • Metal body.
  • Weight - 350 g.
  • Availability of charge indicator.
  • Lots of protection technologies.


  • There are some defective specimens.

Important! User reviews on this model indicate that many are more than satisfied with it. The battery allows you to simultaneously charge up to two gadgets. At first it may seem heavy, but you get used to it very quickly. A fairly high capacity allows you to put up with a large mass, thanks to which you can charge gadgets several times.

ASUS ZenPower ABTU005

The device squeezes almost everything possible out of its small size. Its capacity is quite enough to fully charge the tablet once, while the remaining charge is quite enough for one smartphone.


  • Maximum current - 2.4 A.
  • Short circuit and overload protection.
  • Not a bad capacity - 10050 mAh.
  • Nice colors of the metal case.
  • Availability of charge indicator.


  • Just one USB connector.

Important! User reviews show that this is a quite decent device, although not ideal. For relatively little money you can get a portable battery with a capacity of 100,050 mAh, which is packaged in a metal case with rounded corners. At the same time, the dimensions of the gadget allow it to be placed in a jacket pocket. The charging indicator is small and not very bright, so the device does not remind you of itself at night.


TP-LINK is well known to those who have recently chosen a router. However, this company produces not only network hardware, but also portable batteries. This model has decent power, which will be enough to fully charge the tablet once. The bonus here is the flashlight, which consists of one bright LED.


  • Maximum current - 2 A.
  • There are two USB connectors for connecting devices.
  • Decent capacity - 10400 mAh.
  • Lots of protection technologies.
  • Availability of a flashlight.
  • Availability of a cover.
  • Availability of charge indicator.


  • There are instances that do not meet the declared capacity.
  • Plastic case.

Important! User reviews indicate that some units may have a smaller battery capacity. But this is the only serious drawback, since even the plastic case cannot seriously upset anyone.


A very good external battery that can charge the tablet about one and a half times. The device has a unique charge indicator, which is eye-catching. In addition, the battery comes with a decent number of adapters, some of which are intended for Apple equipment.


  • Maximum current - 2.1 A.
  • There are two USB ports for connecting devices.
  • Very decent capacity - 12500 mAh.
  • Short circuit protection.
  • Availability of card reader and flashlight.
  • Metal body.
  • Nice charge indicator.


  • The Lightning adapter does not have MFI certification.
  • Not the best micro-USB connector.

Important! User reviews indicate that shortcomings can be found in any product. For example, this battery has a strange micro-USB port. It is not possible to connect a cable with a wide connector to it. Also, this port can expand over time - apparently, not the largest amount of solder was allocated to it. Otherwise, the device has no serious drawbacks - it reliably charges gadgets and has an increased current strength.

The best external batteries for smartphones

For those who never leave their smartphone for a minute, it will be useful to choose the appropriate external battery model. For example, one of those proposed below in our rating.

Rombica NEO X100

In fact, this device can be used to charge tablets. But still, first of all, it is designed to transfer energy to smartphones. This is indicated by the minimal thickness of the device, thanks to which it fits even in a jeans pocket.


  • Maximum current - 2.1 A.
  • There are two USB connectors for connecting devices.
  • Decent capacity 10000 mAh.
  • Light weight - 245 g.
  • Small thickness.
  • Availability of charge indicator.
  • Lithium polymer type.


  • Quite a high cost.

Important! User reviews indicate that people like the design of this device. Also not to be missed are the two USB ports, which can be used to charge two gadgets at the same time. The only thing that confuses us is the rather high price - some of the models we reviewed with the same capacity have a less aggressive price tag.

Rombica NEO NP60

In the case of this model, the manufacturer decided to focus on design. The device is equipped with a so-called flat appearance, as if the device had stepped off the TV screen while it was displaying an 8-bit game.


  • Relatively low cost.
  • Maximum current - 2 A.
  • Lithium polymer type.
  • Minimum dimensions and weight.
  • Availability of a cover.
  • Interesting design.
  • Availability of charge indicator.


  • The incoming current should not exceed 1 A.
  • Plastic case.

Important! User reviews indicate that a 6000 mAh capacity is enough to charge a smartphone twice. Owners of this device are pleased with its small size, thanks to which it fits in a jumper or jeans pocket. In addition, the charge indicator is implemented in an interesting way - in order for it to light up, you need to shake it.


A recent development from the HIPER company is distinguished by its minimal dimensions - which many will certainly pay attention to when choosing an external battery for a smartphone. This battery can fully recharge a smartphone twice. The only exceptions are phablets, which consume all the charge contained in this accessory at one time.


  • Maximum current - 2.1 A.
  • Lots of protection technologies.
  • Lithium polymer type.
  • Low cost.
  • Availability of a flashlight.
  • Small weight and size.
  • Availability of charge indicator.

Important! If you like to listen to music or watch videos or movies on your gadget using headphones, then this information will be useful to you. Just follow the link, which headphones are better to choose for your phone? .


  • Lack of adapters included.
  • The incoming current should be no more than 0.8 A.
  • Plastic case.

Important! User reviews indicate that the manufacturer was unable to create the ideal. People don't like the fact that it doesn't come with adapters. But otherwise there are no serious complaints about the device. It has compact dimensions, due to which it does not take up much space in the backpack. People also like the amperage, which provides quick charging of gadgets.


Another inexpensive accessory from HIPER. The battery is also thin, but on the body of this device you can see not one, but two USB ports, which makes it possible to charge two gadgets at the same time.


  • Maximum current - 2.1 A.
  • Decent capacity - 10500 mAh.
  • There are two USB connectors for connecting devices.
  • Lithium polymer type.
  • Availability of charge indicator.
  • Relatively small dimensions and weight - 235 g.


  • Plastic case.

The best external solar batteries

And now a couple more innovative models that will definitely appeal to fans of the eco-fashion trend.

Palmexx ELECTROBANK 23000

A fairly large portable battery that is equipped solar panel. This makes it possible to lightly charge it simply by placing it on the windowsill. As for the capacity, it is quite enough even to charge a laptop.


  • Maximum current - 3 A.
  • Very high capacity - 23000 mAh.
  • Possibility of recharging a laptop.
  • There are adapters for Apple equipment and more.
  • Availability of charge indicator.
  • Availability of a flashlight.


  • Quite a high cost.
  • Only one USB connector.

Important! User reviews for this model indicate that this battery can be a salvation for many laptop owners. The round connector present here provides the strictly required current to recharge the laptop. There is also an additional USB port on the case, which can be used to connect smartphones and tablets.

Coosen Power Bank 20000 mAh Solar

To choose an external battery for a smartphone, you should pay attention to this model - a rather heavy external battery that is designed for recharging smartphones and tablets. There is a solar battery on the front panel of the accessory. But you shouldn’t count on it too much - with its help, very little energy is replenished.


  • The maximum current is 2 A.
  • Not the heaviest weight - 250 g.
  • If there are two USB connectors for connecting devices.
  • Decent capacity - 20,000 mAh.
  • Lithium polymer type.
  • Availability of a flashlight.
  • Waterproof housing.


  • No adapters.
  • Lack of ability to charge laptop.
  • The incoming current cannot be more than 1 A.

Important! User reviews of this device indicate that the battery copes quite well with the tasks assigned to it. With its help, you can charge a 10-inch tablet about two and a half times. At the same time, the accessory is not afraid of moisture, which makes it possible to take it with you on a hike.

How to choose an external battery?

When choosing an external battery, you should think about how you will use it:

  1. If you are going on a hike for many days, then you should look for a copy with a large supply of capacity. If you want to guarantee the evening operation of your smartphone, then you will be quite happy with an accessory with a capacity of no more than 5000 mAh.
  2. You should also be interested in the number of connectors present. In particular, more capacious models may have a universal round-shaped connector. As a rule, the current output to it is more than 3 A - this makes it possible to charge the laptop.
  3. In addition, dimensions should also be a concern. Technologies are gradually improving, thanks to which modern batteries with the same capacity become smaller in size.
  4. Regarding the flashlight and solar battery, as a rule, they are used extremely rarely, so you should not focus too much on them when choosing a suitable device.
  5. To choose an external battery for your smartphone , which will meet all the desired parameters, first you need to decide how exactly you are going to use it and for what gadgets. After weighing all the advantages and disadvantages, you can choose an accessory that will come to the rescue at any time.

Universal external batteries, or power banks, are not such a complicated technology that you can get confused about them. We'll tell you how to choose an external battery for your phone - which one can best provide power to your devices even on a long hike.

How to choose an external battery for a smartphone? Main characteristics


The main parameter by which you should choose an external battery is, of course, its volume. It determines how long it can power your devices. Modern power banks have a capacity from 2,000 to 50,000 mAh. But the principle “a lot is good” does not work here: as the capacity increases, the size and weight of the battery increases.

The most comfortable battery for daily use will be a battery with a capacity of 5000 - 10,000 mAh - this is if you want to charge only one device and do not go far from home. If you need a source autonomous power supply for several devices, or you plan to be away from the outlet for a long time, it is better to pay attention to external batteries with a capacity of 20,000 - 30,000 mAh.

Charging current

The second important characteristic is how much current the device is capable of producing at the output. The higher the current, the faster the battery will charge. But charging batteries too quickly is not entirely correct: they can overheat and fail faster. For an average smartphone, a device with a charge current of 1-2 A is sufficient; for tablets and laptops, 2-3 A is required.

The optimal charging current can be “seen” on the charger that comes with the gadget. Typically, the gadget's electronics limit the maximum current for safety reasons, so weak devices they are unlikely to burn out from powerful charging - .

Most good option- a power bank with two ports giving different output currents. For example, one port can output 1 A, another 2 A - we’ll tell you a couple of external batteries for a smartphone with this capability at the end of the article.

But most often, the manufacturer indicates the total current that the device can produce - that is, when connecting two smartphones, each is given 1 A, for a total of 2 A. Keep this in mind!

Ports and cables

Devices connect to the power bank via USB ports using supplied cables and adapters. Take another look at your devices and ask yourself two questions:

  • Firstly, how many devices do you want to charge at the same time?? Ideally, an external battery should have the same number of ports.
  • Secondly, what devices do you have? If you have an iPhone, the power bank should have a Lightning connector; if you have an old iPhone, you will need an Apple 30-pin to USB adapter. To connect other devices to an external battery, you may need adapter cables from USB to microUSB, USB Type-C or DC-DC cable (for laptop).

Cables can be supplied with the power bank, but if necessary, they can, of course, be purchased separately. In addition, there are external batteries with attached sets of adapters, including those for peculiar connectors like the same Apple 30-pin.

Charging type

Important question - how do you intend to charge the power bank itself?. A good external battery has a microUSB connector for own charging. Accordingly, you can even charge it with a smartphone charger (keep in mind that with a low charging current, this will take a long time). It is also possible to use any other connector - for example, a computer port, a USB outlet or a car cigarette lighter.

But there is also alternative options- For example, . Then you can replenish your energy reserves by simply leaving it in the sun for several hours - and then charge your gadgets from it. For long hikes in nature, such a device will come in handy, and it will also come in handy at the dacha. In addition, this is minus one gadget that will draw energy from your outlet.

Special requests

The four above-mentioned characteristics are common when choosing any power bank. However, besides this, there are many interesting additional options that an external battery for a smartphone can have - how to choose the right ones is up to you:

  • Charging laptops. Such a power bank can produce enough voltage to recharge your laptop battery. External batteries with this function are often equipped with DC inputs, as well as voltage switches that allow you to increase and decrease it: after all, a laptop requires a voltage of about 20 V to charge, and a smartphone “eats” only 5 V - the comparison here is clearly not in favor of the “laptop” . Of course, such devices are quite large.
  • Fast charging. The power bank can support fast charging functions: Qualcomm 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0, as well as proprietary technologies - Samsung FastCharging, Meizu mCharge, Asus BoostMaster. Moreover, both for devices and for yourself - in order to replenish your reserves as quickly as possible.
  • Wireless charger. Power banks with this feature have a transmitter that is supported by new smartphones. In order for the phone to start charging, you just need to place it on top of such a power bank - no cables are needed.
  • Protection from dust and moisture. The designs of some power banks have passed and are rated up to IP68 inclusive. Check out this feature if you need a truly rugged power bank (perhaps for your super rugged smartphone).
  • Information display. On it you can see the remaining charge in the power bank, current voltage, current and other important information.

In addition, a power bank can have a nice design and an unusual shape, be supplied with accessories - complete cables, adapters, a cover or storage case, and some models can even be used as a flashlight.

Power bank floppy disk Remax Floppy Disk 5000

External battery for phone: ranking of the best 2018-2019

Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 10000

The aluminum lithium-polymer power bank from Xiaomi is designed to charge one device at a maximum current of 2.4 A, while supporting Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0. Two USB connectors allow you to charge the device and the power bank itself, which will take only 4 hours to replenish. The device weighs only 228 grams and easily fits in your pocket.

Xiaomi Mi Power Bank Pro 10000

Another model from Xiaomi, very similar to the first, but with a USB Type-C connector and an adapter to USB-C included. In addition, it supports more a new version Quick Charge 3.0, thanks to which the power bank is fully charged in 3 hours. The maximum output current of the device is 2A.

ASUS ZenPower 10050 mAh ABTU005

The multi-colored rubberized power bank from Asus has a capacity of 10,050 mAh and is equipped with standard USB connectors and microUSB for charging one gadget and the power bank itself. By the way, it takes about 8 hours to fully charge, since Quick Charge functions are not supported. But the device is very light (215 g) and shock-resistant.

Canyon CNE-CPB156