Why is the iPhone like this? What is an iPhone? No third party services

Just recently we published an article where we discussed ten reasons that may sway your choice in favor of the iPhone XS/XS Max, now it’s time to look at the other side of the coin and discuss what may push you away from these devices.

Since the models are very close, we will discuss them together so as not to repeat them in a separate material. One of the points may be additional since it is specific to the iPhone XS and does not apply to the older model. Some points are specific to Apple and iOS platforms in general, these are disadvantages that migrate from device to device from year to year. Many of these were mentioned in similar reasons for the iPhone XR.

Therefore, with your permission, let's start discussing the reasons that may turn you away from these devices.

Reason #1. The most expensive smartphones on the planet - iPhone XS/XS Max

Apple can't reach the level iPhone sales 2015, in unit terms the company still sells fewer smartphones, and this is taking into account the growth of this category, albeit quite moderate. Therefore, Apple adopted a different strategy - to increase the cost of the iPhone, to check how much loyal consumers are willing to pay for their flagship. The first reconnaissance in force was last year with the iPhone X, which became the most expensive flagship in history. It’s no joke, in Russia the iPhone X 256 GB cost 92 thousand rubles ($1,500), which was a shock value. Even in the first months, it was impossible to sell this device for an amount higher than 60 thousand rubles; there were simply no buyers for it (I tried to sell it in stages, reducing the price, but there were no takers; I couldn’t sell it for less than 60 thousand rubles). In many ways, this characterizes the fact that people who can afford a smartphone costing 60,000 rubles or more (even at the old exchange rate) will not buy a used device.

Many iPhone buyers cannot afford such an expensive smartphone; it is beyond their financial capabilities. But they are drawn to him because they think that they will instantly become better, stronger, and receive additional status in society. For such people, the residual value of a smartphone is extremely important; they tremble over every scratch, since they still have to sell their device in a year or two. This is the psychology of poor people who call themselves rational, but are not. Therefore, the cost of a smartphone in the secondary market becomes extremely important. A side effect of rising prices for the new generation of iPhone is that in a year it will be difficult to sell an iPhone XS/XS Max with 256 and 512 GB memory on the used market; these models will be expensive and will not be in demand. And the most popular amount of memory will be sold at a discount of 40-50%. The reason is that the cost of the iPhone has gone sky-high and the secondary market is not ready to purchase old models at prices comparable to new devices from other companies.

For those who have forgotten the prices for Russian iPhone supplies, it’s time to remind them.

It's expensive and very expensive. This, in fact, is the main argument against it, since the iPhone does not have any unique technologies that would allow us to say that they are better than their competitors, both in individual characteristics and in their totality. For those who are not used to counting money, buying such a device is normal, for others it is another reason to look back and, perhaps, say: “Thank you, Apple, goodbye, Apple.” This price for smartphones looks unrealistic, and regardless of the currency and country - be it the USA, Germany, Singapore, the prices for the new generation of Apple flagships are divorced from reality.

Reason #2. Flagships without flagship antennas - quarrel with Qualcomm, friendship with Intel

There has always been an eternal debate in the market about who is better. Pairs of competing companies were selected arbitrarily, for example, everyone knows that the chipset from Qualcomm is better than that from MediaTek (this is not always the case in practice, but these are the stereotypes). Modems from Qualcomm are noticeably better than those from Intel. But last year Apple entered into a confrontation with Qualcomm, refused to cooperate and is now suing all over the world. And if earlier Qualcomm engineers were responsible for the radio part of the iPhone, who worked on integrating both the antennas and their modem, now Intel is responsible for this (engineers inside Apple are such fairy-tale characters that they supervise what other external partners are doing ).

The change of supplier immediately affected what they could do new iPhones. Formally and on paper, everything is fine, support for gigabit LTE has appeared, modems can aggregate frequencies, communication across frequencies is exactly the same as it was. In practice, first-time buyers are already faced with a whole host of problems, both big and small.

The connection on the XS may be lost if you have a large hand (the design of the antennas is such that you simply close them with your hand when working! This is a very funny mistake). The quality of the antennas is such that Apple had to use maximum gain, and there is no reserve. In fact, this means that in conditions of ideal signal you will not have problems, but in places with unstable communication they are guaranteed to arise. The same iPhone X is much better in this aspect, as it is devoid of these shortcomings.

For those who want to study in detail how the antennas work and what the problem is with them on the XS/XS Max, I advise you to read the two links below (at English language):

How gigabit LTE works in practice is written in one of the comments, look at the screenshot.

In short, it turns out that on a gigabit LTE channel the speed of the iPhone XS was 72 Mbit, while the old iPhone 6s showed 120 Mbit. The maximum speed achieved on the XS is 220 Mbit, which is not so much compared to 190 Mbit on the 6s.

I don’t think we are in for another antennagate, but the new generation of iPhone is worse in terms of communication quality and reception than previous iPhones or competing solutions from other companies, which have no need or reason to use solutions from Intel. Because of their position, Apple lost its best supplier and was forced to use solutions that were not as good. This also means that those who want to get maximum Internet speeds in practice will most likely not get them even in comparison with the previous generation iPhone. Or old devices. And this is not a software problem, this is an antenna design problem. The iPhone XR has exactly the same story.

Reason #3. Fragile tempered iPhone glass

Apple's greed is legendary, and the company has come up with plenty of ways to get its fans to shell out cash in past years. The loudest scandal was with the slowdown of older models, which allegedly occurred solely due to battery wear. But all the company's actions indicated that this was a deliberate move to stimulate sales of new models.

Around the same time, the company made another strange decision - to remove additional lamination from the glass structure. That is, upon impact, the glass begins to crumble, crumble, and the phone becomes impossible to use.

This is done so that broken devices are repaired or people buy new iPhones. Customer loyalty is quite measurable, and their carelessness should lead to additional costs. All flagship manufacturers, like Apple before, use lamination to avoid cracking of the case, to make it possible to use the device before service, or even just use it. Apple decided that if the phone was dropped, it was almost guaranteed to break. It's sad, but it's the company's policy for people to exchange their dead devices for new ones. It is impossible to call this care for the user. On the other hand, an Apple user is used to it; he has to pay for everything, and many times over.

Reason #4. Refusal of the fingerprint sensor

In the new generation of iPhone, not a single device has a fingerprint sensor; unlocking occurs using the face. This is not so convenient; the faces of those around you who look into your device are read, and, naturally, they are not detected. In a word, the function is additional and not as simple as a fingerprint sensor.

Apple didn’t want to repeat Huawei and place the fingerprint sensor on the back; they couldn’t integrate it into the screen. The solution is very simple: abandon it altogether and save money. Which is what they did. When to save on necessary functions, I'm always sad. When people save money on devices that cost so much, it causes surprise and rejection. Next year, many flagships will have fingerprint sensors (in addition to face and iris recognition) built into their screens. I have been using this model for some time and I can say that it is very convenient, fingerprint recognition does not cause problems from the word “at all”, you can unlock the device without looking at it. Removing the fingerprint sensor on the iPhone and essentially only having one method of biometrics with no alternatives is a mistake.

Reason #5. Excellent AMOLED screen from Samsung without a number of chips

Apple is forced to buy screens from Samsung for the second year in a row (this AMOLED screens, which the company also puts in its devices), but they do not get all the features that Samsung flagships have. For example, in 2019, the AlwaysOn Display mode still does not appear, which is available in flagships not only from Samsung, but also from other companies. The reason is very simple: at Samsung, a separate DSP is responsible for this, which implements adaptive screen backlighting, ambient light analysis, image analysis on the screen, screen burn-in remedies, and much more. Including AOD. But no one planned to sell all these developments to Apple, so the company has been developing its own version of such a DSP for two years now, but for now Apple users are forced to be content with what they are given. And that's not at all new technology, Samsung flagship users have been enjoying the power of the home screen when turned off for a long time.

iPhone fans, as usual, insist that this is a useless thing, no one needs it. But when it appears years later on the iPhone, it suddenly turns out that it is very cool, and the main thing is that “Apple made a revolution and showed how it should be done.”

For exactly the same reason, the iPhone does not have power saving modes where the screen is activated, for example, it turns into black and white, saving energy. These are simply technologies that are not available to Apple.

Samsung has tuned the screens well for Apple, while the maximum brightness is still lower than in Samsung flagships. The reason is exactly the same, Apple does not have the hardware to fine-tune all the capabilities of these devices. Unfortunately, the company is technologically far behind the market leader.

Extracurricular reading:

  • Display Mate study calls the iPhone XS Max and its screen great
  • But if you compare the numbers in different modes with Note 9, then everything will not be so clear

Both displays are excellent, they are good because they have the same manufacturer, and that is Samsung. But the capabilities of screens Samsung flagships disclosed most widely, this is what Apple lacks.

Reason #6. Apple's penny-pinching – slow charging included

Not long ago Apple added fast charging into your models, it is simple and useful feature, without which I cannot imagine modern electronics. Try it, it's very convenient. Unfortunately, when you buy any flagship from Apple, you cannot enjoy this feature out of the box, since you are given an old, cheap 5W charger, which is slow charging.

Other manufacturers equip their models with fast charging even in smartphones that cost half as much as the iPhone XR, and this is normal. Buyers of the XS will have to shell out money for an adapter and a new cable (the supplied one does not fit!).

In total, you will pay 5,380 rubles for fast charging. Trifle? I don’t think so, because for this money you can buy a completely normal Android smartphone. Apple's cost-cutting is legendary, and paying that kind of money for charging is overkill. For comparison, separate fast charging for Samsung costs 2,190 rubles. But this is in case you lose one from the package. Apple's solution does not benefit in any way, but costs almost 2.5 times more. Savings on matches, but buyers must pay in full and many times over.

Reason #7. Dual SIM cards for China, but not for Russia

For a very long time, Apple believed that two SIM cards were not needed, it was self-indulgence. Now the opinion has changed, but such devices are supplied only to China. You can buy them, the worldwide warranty does not apply to them, but the Russian language is present. In Russia, official iPhones only support one SIM card. What can I say? In my opinion, this is a big miscalculation of the company, since dual-SIM solutions are popular in Russia. On the other hand, Apple is afraid that those who used two iPhones will suddenly find themselves with one, albeit a very, very expensive one. Still, two iPhones are more expensive than even the XS Max. It's pure greed, but that's what Apple is all about.

Reason #8. Front camera from the past, simple main camera

Apple likes to advertise the photo capabilities of its flagships, but every year it turns out that they do not live up to Android flagships, especially in the dark. Nothing has changed this year, and current models still shoot at night the same way. New operating modes, new tricks, the iPhone finally learned how to record stereo sound into video from a pair of microphones (yes, it couldn’t do that! including in X). But a 7 megapixel front camera in 2019 is somehow strange. This is exactly the same camera that has been installed in the iPhone for many years, the algorithms have been slightly improved. To understand the level of the 2019 flagships, it’s worth looking at the pictures from the Pixel 3/3XL, where the front camera is dual and can take Super Selfi.

It’s sad to see that those who most like to take selfies, and this is definitely the iPhone audience, get such savings on the front camera; Apple could not save so much on such expensive devices.

Reason #9. iOS12 is a very limited operating system

Once upon a time, iOS was captivating with its appearance, because there were no alternatives to a UI made so well. Those days are long gone, and on Android both the icons and the UI as a whole look great, no worse than what Apple offers. But the most important thing is that Apple did not develop the capabilities of its platform; they are repeating, and very slowly, what different companies are doing on Android. The repetition is not of very high quality, and sometimes it is not even there at all. In order not to list all the problems of iOS, I will note one thing: Apple even said that iOS 12 will be work on bugs, and they will not rush into new features. This is logical when work on bugs is underway; Apple took a whole year to do this work. And to see what Android is better, you can watch a whole series of videos about this.

Or you can watch one of the recent videos, everything there is accessible and understandable. Moreover, the cost of the model with which the performance of Apple's flagship is compared is noticeably less.

Reason #10. Maximum cost of ownership – hidden fees

Apple does not advertise that the cost of owning an iPhone is the highest among all companies. You pay for accessories that are not included in the box (you already read about fast charging above), but with the XS there is no 3.5 mm adapter included, which was removed in order to earn a little extra, the price of the adapter is 690 rubles, which is change for you, but additional income for the company.

The cost of branded accessories is maximum, as well as the price of third-party accessories is also higher than the same ones for Android devices. But what is hardly talked about is the cost of programs in the app store; they tend to be more expensive. Sometimes the difference in cost is not tens of percent, but several times. It is believed that the iPhone audience willingly pays, or rather, I must say, willingly overpays. At the same time, some services, for example, the same music, cost the same as Google, but some services are clearly more expensive.

For example, basic version According to memory, Apple flagships start at 64 GB, which was done deliberately so that users buy additional space in iCloud; you can see the prices below.

On Android, you always have a memory card that you can use to store photos and other files. They gradually push you to use more space, and they do it in an intrusive manner; in iOS, reminders to save files and buy space appear constantly, they cannot be turned off. You are carefully led to a subscription model for additional space. For example, the same Note 9 has 128 GB of internal memory in its basic configuration (forget about the memory card), this is enough for everyone in 2019. And this is normal for this level of the model. Apple did not do this for any model. Why? The answer lies in the fact that for an additional 50 GB in the cloud you can charge 59 rubles monthly. Not that much money, is it? But this is just one example of how you have to pay for every sneeze on iOS and iPhone. Everything here costs money, and a lot of it.

Reason #11. About iPhone X and XS

There is no reason to buy the iPhone XS over the iPhone X. In fact, they are twin brothers, they have the same capabilities, except that they do not have the 512 GB capacity in the X. But otherwise, they will give exactly the same experience, and at the same time iPhone X costs from 60 thousand rubles. And that’s why Apple is removing it from the shelves so that it doesn’t become an eyesore and interfere with XS sales. This is the evolution of models.

Let's draw conclusions...

In my opinion, you have to be an Apple company to raise the price without presenting absolutely anything new, updating the flagships little by little and consistently worsening them along the way (radio part, glass, lack of advanced front camera and other “little things”). Expensive and very expensive - this is the leitmotif of the new iPhone generation. Of course, there will be those who will be happy to buy these devices; we wrote about them in “Ten Reasons to Buy.”

I see Apple’s policy in 2018-2019 as a complete divorce from reality, selling regular iPhones for money that they are not worth. Perhaps this is the most important complaint that I and most people who look at these devices have. Apple made a huge mistake with the price.

It lies primarily in the brand. Where can you now meet a successful person without a smartphone with a “bitten apple” in his pocket? The magic of the brand is so great that buyers sometimes simply do not pay attention to the presence of more productive and functional gadgets with a lower price in neighboring windows.

Does the iPhone really have no technical advantages over its competitors at all?

It is incorrect to compare the iPhone with devices on other operating systems - Apple has never played general rules. Consultants in stores often use a tool called comparison: instead of an iPhone, they show another gadget with the same price, claiming that it has 8 cores, while the Apple smartphone has only two. In fact, an iPhone with a dual-core A8 chip can give almost any Android a head start.

For example, according to the results of a test by video bloggers on the Phone Buff channel, the iPhone 6 successfully competed in terms of performance with the 8-core M8 and S6. The latter completely lost to the dual-core iPhone.

Hence the moral: dry technical characteristics of Apple equipment cannot serve as a selection criterion.

They say Apple has fewer free apps than Android. Doesn't this scare buyers?

IN Google Play(Android Store) more free applications than in the AppStore. In addition, in 2015, Google Play surpassed the AppStore in terms of the total number of mobile applications– there are about 100 thousand more of them in the Android store.

However, according to a study by the analytical company App Annie, professional developers prefer to deal with Apple, and it is obvious why - an application hosted in the AppStore brings in on average four times more profit than an analogue present on Google Play. That is, the number of applications does not indicate their quality - Apple users do not risk downloading “garbage” developed by amateurs from the store.

But Android is simpler?

Android OS is definitely easier to understand than iOS, but this can hardly be attributed to the advantages of a “green robot”. Yes, to transfer music to your phone, Apple user will have to master iTunes program. Yes, iPhone owner will not be able to transfer a funny photo via Bluetooth. But all these restrictions are only security measures: the closed operating room iOS systems– a guarantee of its protection from viruses of various kinds.

What about the design?

Ergonomic and stylish design- another important thing iPhone advantage. Nothing has been done here at random. A kind of standard is the 4S model, the screen diagonal of which was designed so that the average user could reach any corner of the display with his thumb. Co Apple time somewhat lost its focus on consumers (to be honest), however, it managed to maintain the reputation of a company that treats its customers with extreme care.

From the point of view of materials, Apple also has a minimum of questions: for example, back panel iPhone 4S is made of chemically strengthened glass. It is both practical and incredibly beautiful.

Is the iPhone really worth a lot of money?

The fact that the cost of an iPhone is much higher than that of other gadgets is simply a myth. The price of the iPhone is approximately equal to the price of flagship devices from other companies. For comparison: as of 2016 iPhone year 7 with 32 GB costs about 55 thousand rubles, and a Samsung S7 with the same amount of memory costs almost 60 thousand rubles.

The prejudice about the high cost of the iPhone arises from the fact that Apple does not produce budget smartphone models. Their role is played by “outdated” gadgets - previous modifications that shamelessly lose value immediately after the release of the next new product.

Where do buyers get the money to buy an iPhone?

A significant part of iPhones in Russia are purchased on credit. Sellers offer extremely tempting conditions - for example, in networks MTS, Megaphone and the offer is almost always relevant installments, that is, a loan without overpayment for 6, 12 or 24 months. Even if banks do not approve an interest-free loan, the buyer, as a rule, agrees to alternative terms and does not bother himself at all with calculating the overpayment. The desire to own the coveted “apple” is too great - the price has a very mediocre effect on the popularity of the brand.

Users who do not want to be shackled by credit ties do not have to chase specifically latest models. For example, the iPhone 5S in MTS stores is sold at a price below 20 thousand rubles - this amount is quite feasible to pay in cash.

Is there also “apple fever” abroad?

2015 was the year Apple conquered the US market. The most significant was June, during which Apple sold more than 44% of the total number of smartphones in America (for comparison: Samsung - only 28%). This is even though in the US, iPhones are only sold with a two-year cellular contract.

In another large market - Chinese - everything is far from so clear. iPhones account for only 9% of total sales (as of June 2016) - in addition, this share is falling from year to year. It should be noted that the Chinese market is quite specific and very diverse. The leaders on it are not the iPhone and Samsung familiar to Russians, but exotic ones (23%) and (17.4%).

So is the iPhone worth buying, or is it just a tribute to fashion?

iPhone is worth the money. Purchasing a smartphone is the same situation when “the miser pays twice.” If you are choosing between an iPhone and a cheaper Android device, you don’t need to chase immediate benefits. An Apple device serves faithfully for many years, while, according to reviews, the Android operating system becomes clogged after 1.5-2 years to such an extent that using the gadget turns into torture. Therefore, according to iPhone price It is reasonable to compare not with one, but with several devices on Android or Windows.

Why iPhone? – every third potential buyer of Apple smartphones thinks. Why iPhone? – the owner exclaims in surprise HTC One I saw the apple symbol on my best friend's smartphone. Buying a premium smartphone raises a lot of questions, primarily because Apple smartphones come with certain expectations. Today we will tell you what to expect from the iPhone and why it has already won millions of hearts multimedia smartphones with fruit symbols.

1. Powerful processor. I don’t know what kind of miracles Apple engineers are doing with the iPhone hardware. But Ax chips manage to maintain escape speeds for many years. No slowdowns, no glitches, no disappointments. Powerful. Reliable. Long-playing.

2. Retina display . About iPhone screens a lot has been written and told. And it’s not just that Apple managed to achieve maximum this moment pixel density and provide the user excellent quality Pictures. Apple displays also boast excellent readability and a rich color palette. To be honest, most smartphones look faded or, conversely, “toasted” compared to the products Apple.

3. Frame . Traditionally, the iPhone has been made from aircraft-grade aluminum, impact-resistant glass, and, since iPhone versions 7, the case is also waterproof. The smartphone received reliable protection and a stylish shell. It fits perfectly in the hand, the screen and body create a single composition, and the thoughtful design and quality of materials do not even allow the thought of “cheapness”.

4. iMessage, Facetime, iCloud, Mail... and dozens more free applications and programs that make life easier every day modern people simpler, more productive and brighter. Moreover, if you buy an iPhone, there is a 99% chance that the best mobile applications will be on your device, and not on competing platforms. Apple has created amazing “tasty” conditions for application developers, which allow them not only to fully develop and support their products, but also to implement the most unusual - exclusive ideas and plans. The original is always better than the finished copy.

5. Scrolling and touch. May supporters of the “opposition” forgive me, but the iPhone is the only smartphone on the market that has such smooth scrolling, accurate touch recognition and system responsiveness to user requests. Other manufacturers suffer from either a noticeable delay in response or a delay in scrolling and loading applications. Such things are difficult to describe in words. In order to feel the difference, you need to hold the two devices and compare ease of use.

6. iPhone photo/video camera. Rare smartphone can compare with technical characteristics iPhone cameras in terms of shooting quality.

7. Branded “fruit” design. Whatever you say, the apple logo is eye-catching. This feature makes the iPhone not only a source of envy from colleagues and passers-by, but also increases the risk of becoming a victim of criminal elements. The fact is that the market price of used Apple gadgets is not very different from the retail price. The release of Touch ID somewhat curbed the ardor of street thieves, since the quick resale of smartphones with indicators in the form of fingerprints became impossible in principle.

8. Accessories. A huge number of interesting, unusual and functional accessories are produced specifically for Apple equipment. Major global brands and startup leaders have long realized how diverse, sophisticated and potentially profitable this niche is. But also demanding. Apple accessories must be no less unique than the product itself. And if the manufacturer manages to bring a truly high-quality and useful product to the market, then it will be a huge success among Cupertino fans.

9. Apple - choice of educated, forward-thinking people . Rumor that buyers iPhone smartphones are on top of the golden toilet exaggerated. Nowadays, Apple products are preferred by people who know how to value their time and money. People who know how to prioritize and evaluate the deep potential and functionality of purchased products. People who value quality, unity of thought and ideas.

10. Multimedia capabilities . Apple offers the best experience for listening to music and watching movies. The reliability of iTunes branded stores always remains unrivaled.

11. Support. It's about not only about professional technical support Apple specialists, including employees of the Genius Bar department. iPhone fans are a club of people who are always ready to offer each other all possible help in taming the Apple gadget. Most thematic Internet portals are dedicated specifically to Apple products, which daily reveal to their readers the hidden potential of fruit gadgets.

12. Timely software updates. iPhone users are confident not only in the stability and security of their system, but also in what they will receive timely update operating system regardless of external circumstances. At the same time, Cupertino representatives provide support for their products “until their last breath” - as long as the system technically meets the software requirements, your iPhone will be updated to the new one iOS versions. Android cannot boast of such results: most korean smartphones They stop updating within the first year of use, and the release of a new update can take up to several months.

13. Content security. All applications in App Store undergo strict moderation and selection. Strict requirements ensure smooth operation of iOS and prevent the penetration of viruses and malware. The exception is users who opt for jailbreak.

14. The price of a used iPhone will always be higher than that of a competitive product. When the time comes to replace your iPhone with a new one, you will be pleasantly surprised that trading platforms used apple phones are successful and sell for decent money. It is also worth considering that not all Apple fans are chasing new products and prefer a certain model that may already be discontinued. Not to mention the legendary iPhone 1, which becomes the heart of thematic collections.

15. No one has given up the iPhone yet. I've met people who actively oppose buying an iPhone. But I still haven’t seen the person who received Apple iPhone, sells it and buys an Android smartphone. At first, you may hear a lot of “damn it!” from new iPhone users, but after a short adaptation, you will notice that quiet admiration replaces indignation.

iPhone is the most popular gadget used by people of all ages. But prices have increased, and many people are now forced to pay attention to devices from other manufacturers on other platforms when choosing a phone. Perhaps you are one of those people who shouldn't buy an iPhone? We have five reasons for this, as in the legendary song.

1. High price

Now official prices for iPhone 6 in Russia start at 49 thousand rubles. When converted to dollars, this is 987 conventional units. In the USA the price starts at $650; in other countries it is higher, but significantly less than in Russia. It turns out that you are greatly overpaying.

Plus, if a smartphone costs 50 thousand rubles, this does not mean at all that it is twice as better model for 25 thousand from another manufacturer. If you wish, you can find a device with slightly worse or even comparable characteristics, but on a different platform.

2. You don't need iOS-exclusive apps

App Store is the best mobile application store. The developers have created many exclusive programs and games for the Apple mobile platform. But do you really need them?

Most users need approximately the same set of programs: good browser, mail client, instant messengers, social network clients, navigation, to-do lists, photo editors. The vast majority of such iOS applications have their own versions for Android and Windows Phone. So why buy an iPhone if you can perform your daily tasks on simpler smartphones?

3. You want to stand out from the crowd

The iPhone has long ceased to be an element of style and individuality. Seriously, when you go to public transport, iPhone is already in the hands of every second passenger. Yes, you can buy a case, make an engraving, or even order a wooden bumper, but why, if this can be done with any other phone?

Nowadays, when people see that you have an iPhone, they don’t say “Wow, how cool,” but “Oh, our man.” The Apple smartphone has long been a thing, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, there are plenty of ways to do it without having to buy a phone with an Apple on the back.

4. You don't have a Mac or other Apple devices

The Apple ecosystem itself is a good thing. The devices interact, allowing you to work with the same files on the fly, answer calls and SMS from your computer. However, before you buy an iPhone, think about whether you want to become a full-fledged participant in the Apple ecosystem?

Lots of features such as iCloud, Safari bookmarks, cloud storage iCloud Drive, Handoff, Continuity are based primarily on working together iOS and OS X If you don't have other Apple devices, you'll be missing out on much of the user experience on the iPhone. Why do you need this?

5. You don't like iOS. For different reasons

If you are a geek at heart who likes to tinker with the insides of a smartphone, flash the kernels, install shells and launchers, then iOS is clearly not for you. No jailbreak tweak can match the customization capabilities of Android. One more point - you are actively using Google services. Here the choice of mobile OS is also obvious.

Additionally, not everyone likes the design and interface of iOS. Many people are delighted with Material Design on Android or Metro tiles on Windows Phone. Still others would never trade their BlackBerry with a QWERTY keyboard for anything. You may have your reasons for not liking iOS, and all of them can be good reasons for not buying an iPhone.

Surprisingly, the list of the most expensive iPhones Over the past 10 years, a device has appeared that was created specifically for the “golden” fans of the Pokémon Go game - consider others for yourself.

#10. Special Pink Valentine's Edition iPhone 5: $2,350

The world famous fashion brand called Amosu Couture is responsible for the creation of this smartphone.

The device, which was released in 2013 just before Valentine's Day, does not use precious metals. And here is the color rose gold bribed

The name of the future owner of the smartphone was engraved on the back of the smartphone.

#9. iPhone 6s Pokémon Go Edition: $2,700

Today, almost nothing is heard about the game Pokémon Go. Despite the fact that the game shot brightly last year, it was quickly forgotten.

However, the owners of this device, for which Caviar is responsible for modding, will forever remember the considerable amount spent on interest in finding Pokemon.

#8. Calypso Diamond iPhone 6s: $3,600

The back panel of this gold and platinum iPhone 6s mod was studded with more than a thousand small diamonds.

But that’s not why fans of luxury liked the expensive device.

The Givori company, which worked on an extraordinary project, managed to fit as accurately as possible all the elements of the converted case, which almost no one had previously succeeded in doing.

#7. iPhone 5s Vladimir Putin Edition: $4,340

The Italian brand Caviar created this custom device in honor of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On the back of the smartphone there is a portrait of Vladimir Vladimirovich, who replaced Apple logo, as well as the coat of arms of the Russian Federation.

18-karat yellow gold was chosen as the material for the back panel.

#6. iPhone 4 Dinosaur edition: $63,000

But this is the first mobile device that was made from the remains of a 65 million year old dinosaur and an equally young meteorite.

The case contained elements from the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex, as well as gold, diamonds and extraterrestrial rock.

Only ten such devices were produced. And, given the rarity of materials in the case, its cost does not even seem unduly high.

#5. iPhone 3g Princess Plus: $176,400

Australian designer and jeweler Peter Aloisson introduced this phone to the United States back in 2008. This is one of the first truly expensive custom iPhones.

The surface of the device was covered with 318 diamonds, which found their place in an 18-karat gold rim.

#4. Million Dollar Gold and Diamond iPhone 4s: $1,000,000

This is not the first custom iPhone whose cost in American dollars has reached seven figures. But definitely one of the most interesting in appearance.

A luxury London boutique called The Alchemist is responsible for its creation.

The device was made of 24-karat gold and trimmed with thousands of diamonds - on the side alone there was room for 1,600 stones of the highest class.

#3. Deluxe customized Diamond studded iPhone 7: $1,300,000

The most modern device in a selection that can still be purchased today from the Brikk company, which is located in Los Angeles.

The device can be made with several different patterns on the back panel and from different materials, including gold and platinum.

Of course, in this case, it could not have happened without diamonds, which are used to decorate the stylized logo of the manufacturer.

#2. iPhone 3G Kings Button: $2,517,345

In 2009, Australian jeweler Peter Aloisson released the extraordinary iPhone 3G, which was studded from top to bottom with precious metals and stones.

But such a huge price of the device became possible due to its use for Home buttons rare 6.6 carat diamond.

#1. Solid gold iPhone 5 with deep cut black diamond: $15,000,000

The most expensive custom mobile device believed to be the iPhone 5, which was remade at Stuart Hughes.

The Apple logo and the sides of the device were studded with diamonds, and the back panel was made of the highest standard gold.

But the highlight of the device was an incredibly rare 26-carat black diamond, which took the place of the Home button - only a few were destined to admire it.

Despite all the efforts of companies that are engaged in redesigning the iPhone, the purchase of such smartphones still does not seem conscious to us, because gold and diamonds on the case will not increase the moral life of the device even by a year.

Nevertheless, there is obviously a demand for them, because even such cosmic sums for us will seem simply ridiculous to many - especially $15 million for an iPhone 5 with a diamond in the Home button.