Modern methods of searching and recruiting personnel. Resources for job search Job search sites

The shift in recruiting activity and search for vacancies by job seekers to the Internet is a long-standing trend: finding a job through advertisements on fences and newspapers is now more likely something extravagant than ordinary. The World Wide Web provides a much larger range of offers, the opportunity to compare, respond, and expand the “search area.” But if you don’t know where to look, you could miss out on your dream job (and for a HR worker, you could miss out on a key employee). We decided to save the time that you could spend visiting local job search sites with small databases of offers, and introduce you to resources that have millions of audiences, and, therefore, much larger volumes of vacancies and applicants. Some names have been around for a long time, and some may become a discovery for you. So, let's begin our ranking of job search sites.

We used data from Similarweb, a world-famous analytical company, as the basis for the rating. The traffic indicators of Internet resources were compared: this is the most obvious way to make sure how popular the site is, and, therefore, authoritative and in demand.

We also explain why we have the top 7 and not the top 10: all the sites ranked below 7th place failed to impress us with traffic indicators in the RuNet segment, so it was decided that there was no point in wasting your time on them.

No. 1 in the Top job search sites:

The online recruiting resource Headhunter has been a leader in the Internet segment of job search sites for a long time.

In the Russian web space, his leadership is unconditional. Comparing his attendance is the same as comparing Putin’s ratings with other candidates in the 2018 presidential election :)

Of the 57 million monthly visits, 52.5 million are from Russia. There are other impressive numbers: more than 33.5 million resumes, 523,282 active vacancies at the time of writing the review from more than 801 thousand companies.

Upd. 07/2019: according to Similarweb, user activity on the resource has decreased slightly, but is still unattainable for others - more than 50.2 million monthly visits from Russia. So Headhunter remains the undisputed leader among RuNet recruiting sites in 2019.

Well, an Internet portal with an 18-year history (the site was created in 2000, although it had a different name until 2003) really has something to brag about. Like a real “business monster”, it grows not only naturally - due to new visitors, but also through acquisitions. At the beginning of 2018, HeadHunter completed its takeover of one of the elders of the Runet – All users of the second one were voluntarily and compulsorily “familiarized” with the rules of and became its users.

The demand for the Internet resource in question allows us to significantly expand the range of activities. The website has a lot of “tricks” that deserve the attention of both job seekers and those who offer this job.

There are information and reference materials, a separate database for young professionals (the portal, it turns out, is also under the wing of Headhunter), and a whole range of services for employers. For example, they might run a program to assess a candidate's competency.

Having visited with the main goal of finding a job (or that long-awaited employee), you can, as they say, “get stuck”: there really is a lot of useful, interesting and informative materials. Well, the site copes well with the main task :)

There is probably no point in giving out more information on the HeadHunter website: if you were not previously familiar with this Internet resource, then this is rather the exception than the rule.

No. 2 3 – Rating of job search sites: Superjob and 19 years of success

At the time of our review in March 2018, the Superjob website proudly called itself “the leader of online recruitment in Russia” in the “About the portal” section. But time is running, and at the same time the popularity of this job search site is inexorably declining. Statistics from Similarweb are inexorable: only second place, and even then with a significant lag.

Of the nearly 22 million monthly visits in general, the Russian segment accounts for 94.07%, or 20.61 million. Cool - but still not as cool as Headhunter's.

Upd. 07/2019: Something is clearly going wrong at Superjob. The past 22 million total visits can only be remembered with nostalgia. Current figures are 13.79 million visits, of which Russia accounts for 92.49%, or 12.75 million visits. With these results, the website moves to 3rd place in our ranking, losing its position to the portal.

You can also find out the following numbers from the “About the portal” page: more than 400 thousand vacancies verified by moderators, 2 million invitations to an interview with an employer every month. The number of resumes is absolutely incredible - more than 25 million! And one and a half million employers already have the employees they need thanks to Superjob.

By the way, this project is the same age as the leader of our “Top”. Superjob also saw the "Web Light" in 2000. Apparently, the recruiting business was successful and allowed the Internet portal to be developed in a variety of ways. Thus, in 2005, its own research center appeared, which deals with a wide range of monitoring of the labor market in Russia: salaries are analyzed, the demand for specialties and much more. And among the latest “developments”, it should be noted the development of the “Work near home” service, designed to solve a very important problem: to save the applicant from the need for long journeys to the place of work.

Of course, these are not all the “tricks” that the popular job search portal in question is equipped with. Here is a whole list of such “bonuses”:

Full of reference materials for applicants and “personnel”, and various life hacks for those who are still looking for work, and a news section - in general, everything is as befits a serious office :)

Superjob is developing projects of interaction with the public sector - databases of vacancies for state and municipal services are being formed, and cooperation is underway with the Ministry of Defense. Obviously, for those job seekers who are looking for work in these areas, familiarity with the resource is simply necessary.

No. 3 2: – international job search site with Ukrainian roots

It was not by chance that we mentioned the “Ukrainian roots” of the site, which is included in our ranking of job search sites: the creators of this Internet resource are successful and, one might say, brilliant Ukrainian programmers and businessmen. Roman Prokofiev and Evgeniy Sobakarev created an HR website of international scale, and now it helps not only users from the CIS, but also people from many other countries of the world to find work (available in 63 countries). True, it is especially in demand among the Russian-speaking Internet audience :)

By the way, 65.7 million visits makes the third online job search resource in the world as a whole. In Russia, with 15.23 million visits, it is also in 3rd place.

Upd. 07/2019: as of this period, the resource had increased visitors - more than 67.22 million monthly visits, 13.61 million logins were made from Russia per month. And with this indicator, Jooble confidently pushes the site out of second place in our ranking!

Now let's reveal main secret popularity of this website. This is an aggregator. What does this mean and what does it mean for the user:

  • “aggregator” - i.e. the site collects data on vacancies, as well as resumes, from all Internet sites that it can “reach”. If a vacancy is freely available on the Internet, it will also be available on
  • “what is fraught with”: what could harm you, as a user, from the ability to view offers from different sites in one place? Nothing, actually. On the contrary, the site visitor only benefits.

The functioning of the site as an aggregator imposes its own conditions on appearance. The minimalistic interface design is not confusing: it’s immediately clear why you came. Don’t read articles about the highest paid positions, but find a job in your field. This is due to the fact that jooble owners do not receive money for extras. services, and for the traffic that they redirect to partner sites - directly to recruiting portals with their own database and “tricks”. Those. for it is important that the user finds the desired vacancy and moves on to it, and not be distracted by “reading” about which area currently has the highest salaries.

The site is a partner of the already reviewed and, as well as This is what it is like, a close online market for job searches and job seekers :)

The partnership is that you, as a user, cannot leave a resume or vacancy on itself. But if you “register” on the website of one of the partners (or all of them at once), then Jooble is guaranteed to see you. And this partnership in no way means that offers from other job search sites will be ignored. No, jooble aggregates data even from regional and city Internet portals.

A brief summary of the top three, taking into account the changes:

  • - 1st place
  • - 2nd place
  • - 3rd place

Rating of job search sites: No. 4 Facebook of the online recruiting world

We made the comparison with Facebook for a reason: accumulates the most significant traffic of all job search sites. Those. in the global “Top” of recruiting sites it is number 1 with more than 407 million visits per month. True, Russia accounts for only 3.67% of this total volume of visits. In general, the situation is exactly like with Facebook :)

Upd. 07.2019: It’s difficult to analyze how strongly Indeed’s traffic is tied to the time of year, but if you conduct a dry analysis of the current numbers, then things are not going well for the No. 1 recruiting site. From the figure of 407 million it somehow turned out to “slide” to 333 million monthly visits!

Why then did this site end up in 4th place? Yes, because this 3.67 percent translates into 14.9 million monthly visits. This is only slightly less than

Moreover, in these 333 million Russian users there was no place in the top five most active, which means that site traffic indicators fell below 9 million (this result was on this moment in the bottom 5 is Britain (2.91% of traffic on

By the way, should be compared specifically with “competitor No. 2” from our Top 7 job search sites, since it is also an aggregator. But not only. In addition to “aggregation”, options such as posting a vacancy or publishing a resume are not done somewhere “outsourced” to partners, but directly on the site. Those. Indeed has its own database, which makes it a full-fledged independent job search site. Considering that this site operates in more than 60 countries in 30 languages, it turns out that its database of vacancies and resumes is the largest in the world. At the time of preparation of the review on home page featured the line: “185,233 new jobs in the last 7 days.” Those. The database capacity of this recruiting resource (both collected on the Internet and its own) is beyond competition.

No. 5 6 in the job search ranking:

A site with such a pleasing name - "salary"– placed in 5th-6th place in our rating.

The vast majority of visitors to this recruiting resource are Russians.

Of the 10.77 million monthly visits, more than 97.5 percent—that's 10.5 million—are on Russian territory. As you can see, the gap from the previous 4 places is significant.

Upd. 07/2019: When the ranking of job search sites was updated, the gap increased even more. According to the results of June 2019, the site was visited 8.08 million times, incl. from Russia - 7.87 million. This figure turned out to be lower than that of its competitor with a lower position, and therefore now Zarplata is only in sixth place.

But is a site with its own database, which means there is a possibility that the resume or vacancy you need will be posted in this database. The developers call their brainchild “A simple and convenient job site.” Indeed, has a simple and intuitive interface with a friendly color scheme. So everything is really simple and convenient :) By the way, this project can already be considered one of the old-timers of the Runet: has been working for more than 15 years. We don’t know how many successful careers have been built thanks to this job search site, but we know how many can be built: at the moment there are more than 80 thousand vacancies on that have undergone manual moderation. By the way, this resource is expanding not only due to natural growth from new visitors: over the entire period of its existence, Zarplata has gobbled up 14 regional HR sites, “merging” their database with its own. is trying to keep up with its successful competitors in terms of additional “tricks”. And here are some:

Those. If an applicant is determined to get into a particular company, but is not yet familiar with its “inner workings,” he can form a certain idea about it thanks to the corresponding section of (or vice versa - compare descriptions of different companies, available reviews and decide which one he would like to go to).

Well, “Salary Meter”: you can check how much your specialty or position “costs” in a certain city. The analysis is carried out based on the vacancies available in the database: the average value is displayed. To be honest, the results we received in a number of specialties even made us sad. But we hope you won’t be upset :)

6 5th place: – the oldest project in the ranking of job search sites

Yes, this is indeed a real old-timer. The domain was registered in December 1997, and the site has been operating successfully since then to this day, occupying not the last place in the Runet.

Monthly 9.75 million visits – not bad for an “old man”. Expectedly, the largest number of visitors comes from Russia: almost 95%, or 9.2 million visits every month. And all these visitors are presented with a fairly comprehensive database: 150 thousand vacancies and 7.3 million resumes.

Upd. 07/2019: It turns out that the “old guys” can very well compete successfully with younger competitors, displacing them from their former positions! The point is that is now included in the ranking of job search sites at number 5, moving the site from this position. Although the reason for this is the fact that traffic on has not fallen as much as that of Zarplata, nevertheless, the numbers speak in favor of the “old man”. In June, the resource was visited 8.41 million times, of which 94.89% were visits from Russian territory.

The information about the resource states that all posted materials undergo strict control and a spam filter. For those looking for a job (or employees), this is undoubtedly a positive factor: you don’t have to dig through a bunch of inadequate resumes or “tempting” vacancies designed for “simpletons.” Users themselves can also influence the moderation of the portal by sending a complaint about a proposal that seems incorrect to them.

In addition to the main functionality,, like its other competitors, has additional projects. For example, a very colorful and information-rich section of articles for job seekers and for those who are looking for these job seekers.

Also in the information about the site it was stated that unique project “Internships”, a link to which, unfortunately, we did not find on the main page. Maybe you will have better luck and you will understand where this “unique project” is hiding :)

Overall, the site is solid and worth it for you to add your resume to its seven-million-strong database.

7th place - website - thanks to the readers for the tip.

6.31 million monthly visits, of which the Russian audience is 94.7%, or 5.98 million.

What is this Internet resource? Everything is simple here - in the “About Us” section, the project owners directly indicate that Gorodrabot is an aggregator. And it collects resumes and current vacancies from 148 job search sites. In June, this figure was announced - posted on the website.

Because The site was created in 2014 (which is a very young age by the standards of recruiting resources), and its archaic interface will not scare you at all. Everything is convenient and modern.

However, why describe what you can see for yourself?

7? place – exotic

Upd. 07/2019: The rating of job search sites in the first edition included this resource, because no more serious competitors for 7th place were found. And now I just don’t want to remove from our review :) So we present to your attention a site “without a place”.

It remains a mystery to us why this site gets such high traffic from Russia. The fact is that this foreign aggregator, in comparison with other participants in our Top Job Search Sites, has the most controversial interface and localization.

Well, let's not dispute the numbers obtained from Similarweb: the site has quite a high popularity on a global scale (more than 50 million monthly visits), and Russia accounts for a 15 percent share of all this traffic.

Upd. 07/2019: Apparently, the interface seemed eye-catching not only to us - the site’s popularity is steadily declining. In June 2019, there were almost 2 times fewer visits than at the time of preparation of the review - only 27.78 million.

In “per capita” terms, it turns out that every month from Russia, 7.7 million people come to Jobrapido in search of work. Upd. 07/2019: in total, 5.16% of traffic came from the Russian territory of the site in June 19th, or just some 1.4 million visits.

The owners of this portal are a mixture of different European investors: British, Italians, Germans. It is all the more surprising that the main traffic comes from Russia. The history of the site’s creation is simple: once a programmer (apparently talented) Vito Lomele began looking for work on the Internet. It seemed to him that everyone’s search implementation was very crooked and inconvenient, so he decided to implement something more functional himself. No sooner said than done: now we can use

Now a few words about “how it works”. There is no opportunity to post your resume here at all. There is simply no such option as such - no button, no section. You can post a vacancy, but when you click the corresponding button, you are redirected to the page, from where we find out Jobrapido’s main partner in Russia. Well, at least that way.

There are no complaints about the direct work of the resource as an aggregator of vacancies - there is a really large database that was collected from all kinds of job search sites: both local and federal. True, there are certain questions here (not about the content, but about the technical implementation): some pop-up windows, requests for confirmation of actions, windows for entering e-mail. All this can be ignored and closed without filling, but a sediment still remains. And all this combined with an eye-catching color scheme.

Be that as it may, the numbers are inexorable: this site is used by millions of people. This is why the hr aggregator is in 7th place in our rating, although instead of it we could consider a much better one that we like

“Trud” is also an aggregator, but he is ours, “home-grown”. Its interface is more pleasant, and it is not annoying with all sorts of pop-ups. But this site only took 8th place, so we won’t talk about it in detail (even if it seems strange to you).

The rating of job search sites according to the version of the site is presented in full, the review has come to an end. We really hope that it helped you decide which job search site you would like to deal with. Now you don’t need to search on Google and run into incomprehensible advertisements: you know which aggregators to use and on which authoritative resources it really makes sense to place your offers. Therefore, we wish you good luck in your search: for some, a dream job, for others, a golden employee!

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The relevance of finding a job in our time not only does not decrease when compared with previous decades, but, on the contrary, is becoming increasingly higher. Some, others are fired, some want to change jobs for some reason, others simply face the need for change. But if previously everyone used, so to speak, the classical method: buying a newspaper - searching for advertisements - phone calls– scheduling interviews; then today the two, and more often than not, even the first three points of this method can be safely crossed out, because people have the Internet at their disposal.

Searching for a job via the Internet allows you to significantly reduce your time, avoid standing in queues and preparing documents, because you can simply find a vacancy you are interested in and respond to it, or write a letter to the organization, sending your resume by e-mail and briefly telling about yourself. Moreover, you can do this while sitting at home at your computer and drinking your favorite green tea.

However Special attention In this matter, attention should be paid to finding the most suitable site for finding a job, because you can find many options, but not all resources can provide professional services and help you finally find a job. Therefore, we decided to provide a list of what, in our opinion, are the best job search sites in Russia, which have already been tested over the years and by a huge number of applicants.

Below we will look at the “hot” ten sites, by turning to which, any person significantly increases their chances of finding a suitable job.


The site "" is one of the oldest job search sites - it has been operating since 1996. By contacting here, the applicant has the opportunity to find work in the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS, and the vacancy bank consists of over 100 thousand offers, updated daily. In addition, on the site you can learn how to competently write a resume with an employer, and find a lot of useful materials related to labor law and careers. All resumes received from applicants into the database are carefully moderated, so that requests from job seekers best meet the conditions of employers.


The resource “ (” occupies a leading position among resources working in the field of job search. On the site you can find over 300 thousand current job offers and more than 13 million resumes of applicants. Each applicant is offered the opportunity to take advantage of a very convenient search engine, learn about news on the labor market, get acquainted with the updated salary catalog, get help from a specialist online, as well as learn about various training and advanced training courses and visit the research section. Among other things, this site is very useful for employers.


The website "" is a portal that offers candidates over 180 thousand job offers in the regions of the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS, and employers - more than 3 million resumes. Searching for a job on this site is very convenient, fast and accurate, and its specialists are in touch 24 hours a day. A student, a storekeeper, a manager, a leader, or a specialist in any field can find a job here. However, the resource has fairly strict regulations for posting resumes and vacancies, which was done to avoid dubious publications, repetitions and spam. In addition, the site has mobile version And special application, which can be installed on a smartphone or tablet.


The database of the portal “” contains over 220 thousand vacancies from companies different scales and format, both from domestic and foreign ones. But the main activity of the site is not only the provision of job offers, but also useful materials and the most up-to-date information in the field of the labor market, salary reviews, career guidance tests, and even assistance from specialists in drawing up professional resumes. In addition, applicants have the opportunity to receive a list recruitment agencies, learn about various thematic events and find courses on training, advanced training or professional retraining.


The website “” has been working in the field of employment for 12 years and cooperates with the popular and well-known publication “Work and Salary”. The resource invites users to familiarize themselves with a huge number of offers - there are more than 40 thousand in total, and the number of people visiting the site daily exceeds 100 thousand. The site is equipped with a functional, fast and convenient search for vacancies, which are updated every day, news sections, reviews in the field of the labor market and analytical data, as well as the ability to post a resume and subscribe to updates. Moderating all incoming resumes allows you to quickly find vacancies that meet the specified parameters.


The portal "Rabota.Mail.Ru" is very well known to Russian job seekers and employers. Every day on the website you can find a lot of fresh job offers in all regions of Russia. Almost everyone can find suitable offers here, regardless of what their specialization is - there is work for everyone, from general workers and housewives to managers and specialists. In addition, site visitors have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with labor market news and all kinds of analytical data, and students can take advantage of a special section that contains very good and promising offers for people without work experience and who want to combine work with study.


The resource “” is very well known among Internet users and people who are specifically interested in remote work. This site is most suitable for people specializing in copywriting, text translation, article writing, infographics, web design, photography, programming, etc. By and large, the presented resource is one of the most popular also for the reason that it allows offline employees to present their works and creations for sale and opens up a very wide scope for anyone to work and with the possibility of receiving good financial rewards.


The website “” offers job seekers high-quality services and a convenient search for vacancies, the total number of which exceeds 170 thousand. Users can add their resumes to the data bank and look for work, both on the employer’s premises and remotely. The resource has been operating since 2000, and is currently considered one of the best. Sets it apart from the masses of others quick registration, the ability to post resumes and the presence of internal mail, which simplifies the interaction between job seekers and employers. In addition to this, we can note the opportunity to create your own archive of vacancies, subscribe and get acquainted with current news in the labor market.


One of the youngest job search sites is already included in the Top 7 most popular employment portals on the Runet. More than 8 million users choose every month. There are almost 1.5 million vacancies here. The portal contains vacancies from 150 verified sources, including the most famous job search sites in Russia. Employers can post vacancies on for free. Plus, it contains a database of candidates from 1.3 million resumes and services for quick search employees. There are also salary statistics, indexation calculator, latest news, useful articles, comments and expert advice.

Updated: 12/06/2018 17:53:04

Expert: David Lieberman

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

The Internet is one of the best platforms for finding a job if you want to find a highly paid, interesting position where you can show off all your professional talents. In this regard, it is superior to classical methods of detecting vacancies (Employment Centers, newspapers with advertisements, etc.).

Rating of the best sites for job search

Nomination place Name of product price
Rating of the best sites for job search 1 5.0
2 4.9
3 4.8
4 4.8
5 4.7
6 4.7
7 4.6
8 4.5
9 4.4

Why it is: The largest site with job offers.

Headhunter was initially created as a platform for searching for highly qualified employees - professionals in their field, experienced managers, leading specialists. However, over the many years of the project’s existence, its audience has expanded significantly. So, now even students and people without experience, as well as unqualified specialists, can find work on this site.

Headhunter is not limited to any one focus, offering a database of employer offers in any specialty and in all regions of Russia. The advertisements are well-developed - requirements, responsibilities and conditions are indicated in a clear and readable form. All proposals are checked by moderators.


  • The largest resource with advertisements for searching for employees in Russia;
  • Completely free for job seekers to use;
  • There are vacancies for both highly qualified and unqualified specialists.


  • A lot of messages from the site on email;
  • It is difficult to delete a resume;
  • Frequent responses from HR regarding unsuitable vacancies.

Why it: Huge database of vacancies and cooperation with the largest companies in the country.

“SuperJob” was originally created as an alternative to “Headhunter” - and has recently been confidently holding its position. While the latter has expanded its sphere of influence in the labor market, capturing unskilled jobs, this site continues to specialize in professional vacancies.

The portal presents the largest employers in Russia - banks, retail chains, insurance companies, manufacturing enterprises. That's why it's excellent for job seekers who want a highly skilled—and therefore highly paid—position. But it is also necessary to comply with it. SuperJob specialists manually check all offers on the site.

As of the time of writing this material, SuperJob offers about 400 thousand vacancies throughout Russia, and the company base includes 1.5 million enterprises.


  • An excellent platform for finding highly qualified work;
  • Manual verification of resumes and vacancies;
  • Convenient search.


  • It is difficult to find unskilled work;
  • Many similar vacancies from large employers;
  • Difficult access to direct contacts of employers.

Why it is: One of the best sites for finding “mid-skill” jobs.

On the website it is quite difficult to find a vacancy that requires high qualifications. This site is aimed primarily at so-called “middle management” or “working class” employees. Therefore, if you need just such work, you should look for it first on this site.

Also, students, people without experience, specialists who want to take part-time jobs, as well as employees looking for a position on some remote shift can easily find work on the resource. Finding a similar vacancy here is much easier than on other platforms in the ranking. The project has a team of moderators who manually check all proposals.

The resource is quite large - at the time of writing this material, about 200 thousand vacancies in various fields were presented on it. In addition, it offers internship programs for students in cooperation with large companies.


  • Well suited for students and semi-skilled professionals;
  • Convenient search;
  • Internship program.


  • There are few vacancies for highly qualified specialists;
  • Few proposals from top managers.

Why it: Aggregator of vacancies from other sites with job offers.

"Yandex.Work" is not a site with job offers. For example, companies will not be able to post a vacancy here. "Yandex.Work" is an aggregator of vacancies from other popular sites with offers.

In particular, he collects offers from Headhunter, SuperJobs, and several dozen other platforms, including those also represented in the rating. However, it also has unique ads. For example, thanks to cooperation with our own Driver Recruitment Center, it is through this platform that it is easiest to get a job in a branded taxi service - Yandex.Taxi.


  • Huge database of advertisements with various services;
  • Simple and quick way;
  • Good cataloging and classification of vacancies.


  • There is no uniform ad standard;
  • No system single sign-on;
  • You cannot post your resume.

Why it: Cooperation with recruiting agencies, reference materials, verified vacancies.

“” is a major project about work in general. A lot of information articles and reference materials will help you prepare for finding a new position or changing your current one, the Salary Meter tool will tell you the average salary in your specialty, and cooperation with recruiting agencies increases the applicant’s chances of successful employment.

The main advantage of the project is manual selection and verification of vacancies. That is why only real jobs are presented here, no “temptations” with high salaries and obscure responsibilities. Therefore, of course, the site’s database of offers from employers is slightly smaller than that of other platforms - but it is honest.

Thus, at the time of writing, the site’s vacancy database contains more than 100 thousand advertisements posted by 32 thousand employing companies.


  • Large database of information and reference materials;
  • Verified vacancies;
  • Verified employers.


  • There are few vacancies for people without work experience or students;
  • Lots of offers from recruiting centers.

Why it is: An ideal place to find unskilled work.

Avito is one of the largest private classifieds platforms in Russia. And she also has a section with job offers. True, unlike the previous platforms on the list, Avito does not concentrate on the labor market, and therefore advertisements for the search for an employee or a job offer look like... just advertisements. No resume or other complications.

Actually, this is why Avito acquired the “specialization” of a site with vacancies for unqualified employees. It is well suited for people with secondary education, no work experience, who do not need positions with high level liability or serious demands.

However, Avito is one of the largest sites with job advertisements. In particular, at the time of writing this material, the portal posted more than 230 thousand vacancies throughout Russia.


  • Maximum ease of job search;
  • Convenient and intuitive interface;
  • Most of the functions are available even without registration.


  • Difficulty finding qualified work;
  • There is no verification of vacancies and employers;
  • There is no uniform standard for posting vacancies.

Why it is: The best platform for finding your first job with subsequent career growth.

The Career specialization is reflected in its name. On this site, it is easiest to find a job for students who have just graduated from university - or are still continuing their studies - but are already ready to create their career. It also offers many internship programs that will help you find employment in large companies or government agencies in the future.

However, thanks to cooperation with the rating-leading portal Headhunter, this site also has quite familiar vacancies that are suitable for people with work experience or simply wanting to change their current position. Also on “Career” there is a large information base of useful materials that will help students in their job search.

According to official information, more than 50 thousand vacancies are posted on the project. The company base includes over 90 thousand organizations from Russia and abroad.


  • Large database of internships;
  • Large database of vacancies with part-time or remote work;
  • Useful materials for students and job seekers.


  • There are few vacancies for professionals; Most internships are extremely low paid;
  • Many internship advertisements don't even list the salary.

Why it: Huge database of job offers.

“City of Works” combines the functionality of a regular website with job offers and an aggregator of portals with vacancies. Therefore, it contains both “own” publications and links to materials from other sources. In addition, the site has a large database of information articles that help job seekers write resumes, prepare for interviews, and even protect against employment scams.

In addition, the advantages of the resource indicate the so-called “vacancy map” and a unique search mechanism, thanks to which the applicant will be able to choose an excellent job for himself. workplace without lengthy resume mailings.

Thanks to the aggregator function, “City of Works” is one of the largest portals with relevant advertisements in the RuNet. So, according to official information, at the time of writing this material there are more than 1.2 million vacancies on it.


  • Large database of information materials;
  • Optimal search mechanism;
  • Editable, downloadable resume examples.


  • There are many duplicate and “junk” vacancies;
  • There is no moderation of proposals.

Why it: One of the oldest job search sites.

The “Vacant” portal is one of the oldest job search portals in the ranking and at the same time Russian segment Internet. It was created in 1999 - and since then, unfortunately, has changed little. However, despite the outdated interface, it is still popular among “old school” HR professionals.

As a result, “Vacant” is a good site for finding reliable, stable and permanent employment. And the vacancies presented on it mainly describe specialists of the so-called “working class”. Although there are quite a few offers from the regions on it.

According to official information, at the time of writing this material, about 25 thousand vacancies are open on “Vacant” throughout Russian Federation. The site also offers information base from articles devoted to various aspects of employment.


  • There are many proposals for representatives of the so-called “working class”;
  • The offers are mainly from “old school” companies.


  • Outdated interface;
  • Few vacancies in the regions;
  • Few high-paying vacancies.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Whatever path you choose, our selection will be useful in any case.

Best sites to look for work abroad


One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular message boards in the world. Here you can search not only for vacancies, but also for housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest job search engines (in 2010 it surpassed in popularity in the USA), represented in 50 countries and available in 28 languages.

One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Job vacancies are published here both for those who have a work permit in the EU and for future candidates.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities to receive grants for study or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

“BBBB are vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners of the planet. BBBB are responsible projects with meaning, where work means caring for nature and caring for the world,” write the creators of the project.

The capabilities of the resource, originally created for finding a place to stay overnight while traveling, are actually much wider. There are separate groups here where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, well-paid and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

"It is difficult to find a job in Germany without knowing German, but in Berlin it is possible. It all depends on the field and profile of the candidate: if we're talking about about a startup, then it is possible to get a job without German, in some more conservative areas without knowledge of the language it is more difficult. In Munich and Hamburg you can also meet a lot of guys who speak German well,” say local IT specialists.

The two main sites for finding a job in Germany are Stepstone and Experteer.

Startup resources.

Online job searching has become so popular over the past decade that even the most old-fashioned employers are using this method to find new employees. The number of vacancies has increased significantly, and with it the number of job search sites. The number of visitors to the most popular of them reaches more than five hundred thousand people. Now many of these resources, in addition to standard services, provide additional ones. These are training courses, all kinds of articles on employment topics, statistical observations and other useful products.

Websites for “classic” job search are made according to the same principle. There are two main sections: the first is vacancies coming from employers; the second is resumes written by applicants. On large job portals, employers are required to confirm their official status to avoid fraud. For applicants, there are special electronic forms that help you quickly fill out the required fields and upload a photo. Such resumes are often complete and can be printed if necessary.

List of leading sites in this direction:


Separately, we can highlight the large ad exchange It has a separate section called “Work”. The advantage of such a site is a large number of vacancies, as well as their relevance. The downside is the lack of ability to verify a potential employer.

Websites for freelancers

A freelancer is a specialist who is able to perform work on a temporary basis, at a time and place convenient for him, while working for several customers at the same time.

To make it more convenient for freelancers and clients to find each other, special exchanges have been created. Such services allow users to post tasks with a specified level of difficulty, deadlines and payment. And potential performers provide information about their skills and earn a reputation by correctly completing orders.

Popular sites for finding remote work include:



Rating of job search sites in Moscow

Internet resources for finding work in the capital differ little from all-Russian sites. The only difference is the narrower geographical scope. Their advantage is that you can find a vacancy in your or a neighboring area of ​​residence.

List of job search sites in Moscow:


The given ratings of sites for finding work on the Internet are only part of a huge number of such resources. There are a large number of regional job search exchanges, and it is also worth noting specialized portals for searching for vacancies in certain industries.

U modern man there are many opportunities to find a job. The main thing in this matter is to adequately assess your own strengths, be persistent and beware of scammers.

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