Who proposed the concept of the world wide web. Do you know who invented the Internet? Questions and tasks

For any modern inhabitant of the planet, a computer without Internet access is a useless thing. The global web is fast, convenient and the best way interaction with the outside world, but this was not always the case. Back in the middle of the 20th century, this word did not mean anything at all.

Let's remember the past

So when was the Internet created, by whom and for what? The founders of the idea, oddly enough, are American specialists. It all started in October 1957 when the Soviet Union released artificial satellite Land, which prompted the Americans to take decisive action.

The US Department of Defense, sensing the clear superiority of the Russian nation, decided to create a reliable and operating system exchange of information. Such a system was supposed to help the country in the event of a sudden war. Leading universities in America have been given such a difficult responsibility.

Thanks to good funding, the Stanford Research Center and the universities of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Utah were able to bring the idea to life by 1969. The four educational institutions were merged into common network called “Advanced Research Projects Agency Network” (abbreviated ARPANET).

Date of "birth" of the world wide web

Already in the first months it was impossible not to assess the effectiveness of electronic innovation. The system began to actively develop, having received many approvals from many scientists and researchers of the last century. At the end of October 1969, the first successful communication session was held between the two universities.

Exactly October 29, 1969 is the date of the appearance of the Internet. Charlie Kline of California Institute established a remote connection, which via telephone conversation Stanford employee Bill Duvall confirmed. Of course, not everything went smoothly, but communication was still established.

Development process

As the saying goes, the good on the shelf lingers on. This expression was no exception for the web. Two years after the remote connection was established, our beloved email was invented. It happened on October 2, 1971 thanks to the works of Ray Tomlinson, a leading engineer at the BBN TECHNOLOGIES scientific corporation.

The idea of ​​the researcher is to create a separator between the username and the domain. Without hesitation, we still actively use this symbol, calling it a simple human word "dog". Ray has helped make the network widespread by engaging hundreds of thousands of interested people.

But even then, the concept and concept of the World Wide Web did not exist. There was only a cloudy space for the exchange of data over a considerable distance, which included the transfer emails and all sorts of mailing lists, news groups, private message boards.

The author of the true world wide web

From 1971 to 1989, colossal work was done to expand the capabilities of the Internet network. Data transfer protocols are actively developing, on which Jonathan Postel worked hard. A domain name system has been developed. A protocol has been successfully implemented that allows real communication.

And only in 1989, an employee of IMAGE COMPUTER SYSTEMS LTD, engaged in communication software and systems architecture online, offers the company's management the doctrine of "World Wide Web" ( The World Wide Web). The name of the founder of the idea is Timothy John Bernes-Lee.

Bernes-Lee is an honors graduate from Oxford University with a bachelor's degree in physics. The name of the concept "World Wide Web" he invented independently, based on his work and based on the name of the well-known protocol. We all used to call it "triple double" or "bbw" (www).

By the end of 1989, in the United States and Europe, not only email was in demand, but also real-time communication, various news feeds, commercial activity is developing. Tim Bernes-Lee does not stop there, but continues to modernize the newfangled system.

New face

A talented physicist-programmer develops a web server and the first-ever web browser. It was through his efforts that the page editor, the traditional way of writing the site address, the hypertext markup language (HTML), and data transfer protocols were created. In 1990, the Belgian Robert Kayo joined him.

Robert served at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). He was the head of the department that at that time dealt with computing systems in the data processing department. Caio's efforts were aimed at obtaining the core funding for Tim Bernes' project.

In addition to the financial part and organizational issues, Robert Kayo took an active part in the development and promotion of the Internet. However, he did not reserve the right of a co-author, as a result of which he was practically forgotten. In history, more and more often only the name of the explorer Tim Bernes-Lee sounds.


I wonder if all the people mentioned thought that in 2016 the world would literally plunge into the vastness of the Internet. Satellite communication, video communication and more will be established. Each country will have its own term for the global Internet, displaying language affiliation (RUNET) and showing national domains.

By the way, the first domain Russian Federation(RU) was registered in the spring of 1994. Now each of the readers knows when, how and by whom the Internet was invented and implemented. Today it is an advanced achievement of science and technology, which is an organic part of modern society.

>> Computer Science: Internet and World Wide Web

§ 4. The Internet and the World Wide Web

The main topics of the paragraph:

What is the World Wide Web

The most interesting service provided to Internet users since 1993 is the ability to work with the World Wide Web information system (WWW for short). This phrase can be translated as "world wide web". It was working with the WWW that was meant when at the beginning of this paragraph you were offered all sorts of information wonders.

Brazil's criminal code has already suffered from a lack of more modern definitions and a lack of solutions to new problems created by new technologies. How to proceed, for example, when a virus is sent out and does not damage the car, but distorts photo files with emotional value? How do I classify important but simple virtual data?

Technological evolution was responsible for making the world evolve from an analogue world to a digital world, this change can be seen in new teaching methods. Before society was digitized, the class consisted of a teacher writing on a chalkboard, all searches were done in printed books and depended on the many books in the library, the notes in the class had to be done in notebooks using pencils or pens. We currently use digital classrooms in the classroom, surveys can be conducted online, where you can find instant results from an almost unlimited number of sources, and notes can be taken on computers or other electronic devices.

It is very difficult to give a precise definition of what the WWW is. This system can be compared to a huge encyclopedia, the pages of which are scattered across server computers connected by the Internet. To get the right information, the user should get to the corresponding page of the encyclopedia. Perhaps with this analogy in mind, the creators of the WWW introduced the concept of a Web page.

The huge change that can be seen is that traditional teaching activities have been modified by digitizing the world, similar techniques such as writing on photographs or documents and researching in printed books are being replaced digital methods that perform their functions faster and are efficient.

It is clear that many parts of the world still have to adapt to digital education, but the changes caused by it can already be noticed and are already changing the dynamics of teaching, in the future learning can be further modified by them as new technologies and how we can adapt to its implementation ...

Web server, Web page, Web site

The web page is the basic informational unit of the WWW. It is a separate document stored on a Web server. A page has its own name (like the page number in an encyclopedia) by which you can refer to it.

The information on the web page can be very different: text, drawing, photograph, multimedia... Advertisements are also placed on the web pages, background information, scientific articles, the latest news, illustrated publications, art directories, weather forecasts and much, much more. Simply put, Web pages have “everything”.

Today it is impossible not to notice how the Internet and new technologies are affecting our daily life. This new digital world is influenced by work, leisure, sports, hobbies and often even emotions and feelings. It is clear that the digital world has led us to more development, since distances have been reduced, the information is almost the same as the news of the explosion during the Boston marathon. In addition, the work has been changed and their relationship has been changed as well. The best thing? many say yes, but others say no, but of course the convenience and convenience of the digital world.

A number of Web pages can be linked thematically to form a Web site. Each site has home page, which is called home (Nome parge). It is kind title page, starting from which you can view documents stored on the server. Usually the home page contains a table of contents - the titles of the sections. To turn to the desired section, just move the mouse pointer over the section name and click mice.

But in order to take advantage of this world, he brought us the imposition of the always renewable, the great is never enough, and the most qualified is the one who must always be very well informed. On the other hand, the analog world, which has been replaced by the digital one, should not be ruled out. Of course, of course, it is replaced, but information bases this "world" is still used by the world of new technologies. Crimes and other types of acts that currently exist in the digital world were not known in the analog world until then.

WWW hyperstructure

However, you don't have to browse the Web pages in a row, flipping through them like in a book. The most important property of the WWW is the hypertext organization of links between Web pages. Moreover, these links operate not only between pages on the same server, but also between different WWW servers.

Usually keywords the links from which the hyperlinks originate are highlighted on the Web page with color or underlining. By clicking on such a word, you will go to the viewing of another document using the hidden link. Moreover, this document may be located on another server, in another country, on another continent. Most often, the Internet user has no idea where the server is located, with which he is in this moment communicates. Figuratively speaking, in one session of work, you can "fly" several times around the globe.

The big fear is whether he will be willing to handle this change. The digital world brings us great things and will be much more engaging and dynamic if this digital revolution were more democratic and better recommended. The analog system is still present today, but the digital system is more and more in vogue.

Responsibilities must increasingly be shared between public authorities and private authorities, making the digital world accessible to all, thereby contributing to society. Nowadays when it comes about development or discovery, it is simply impossible not to associate this fact with technology, because everything is connected with it. Technology moves the world that produces development, but destroys if used without care, as will be seen below.

The role of a key for communication can be performed not only by text, but also by a drawing, photograph, or a pointer to a sound document. In this case, the term “hypermedia” is used instead of the term “hypertext”.

You can access the same Web page in a variety of ways. The analogy with the pages of a book no longer works here. In a book, the pages have a specific sequence. Web pages do not have this sequence. The transition from one page to another occurs through hyperlinks that form a network that resembles a spider web. This is where the name of the system comes from.

Technology has been the best invention of all time, as many others have sprung up through it, allowing researchers to make great discoveries that have saved generations and that have increased the number of jobs. Countries that are currently economic powers have also contributed to the development of technology.

It is noted that the Internet is an important tool that has grown rapidly over the years, so today it is practically necessary to know how to handle the technological tools that must be present in a working scenario. The professional of this century must understand that he must master other fields besides his own. Technological evolution has made the labor market more rigid. Improving professionalism in various fields.

Summarizing what has been said, we can give the following definition:

The World Wide Web is globally distributed Information system with hyperlinks, existing on the technical basis of the worldwide Internet.

Browser - client-program WWW. The problem of finding information on the Internet

The user is helped to navigate the "web" by special software called a Web browser from the English "browse" - "to inspect, study". Using a browser, you can find the information you need in a variety of ways. The shortest path is via the URL of the Web page. You type this address on the keyboard, press the enter key and go straight to the place.

He has a good side and a bad side. But they remember only the good, and the bad side is always forgotten, perhaps due to ignorance of the information that negligence has not very good consequences. The technology was created at the height of the war to be used as a weapon in military camps. Today it is a weapon in the hands of criminals who use the media to strike, someone has been killed and pedophiles who are using this weapon to destroy a childhood dream. The media requires caution in their use for their own safety.

Another way is to search. You can start moving with your home page on hyperlinks. At the same time, there is a danger of going in the wrong place, getting entangled in the "web", getting into a dead end. However, the browser allows you to go back any number of steps, continue the search along a different route. Such a search is similar to wandering in an unfamiliar forest (though less dangerous).

These days, the evolution of technology is insecure even for students who suffer from doubts about which profession to pursue because there is a list of future professions and the other they talk about will disappear. Workers are also a little afraid to imagine that one day he will replace people with machines, leading to massive unemployment around the world.

At this time, it is realized that the only way to always be open to new knowledge. It's amazing how in recent years the Internet has achieved high global significance, even when compared to many of the fantastic inventions that we now see. It can be said that the technological evolution of this beautiful network is that it has caused such distribution and use, but this is not only what makes the Internet what it is today. This success is due to the central idea of ​​the Internet, which is presented in its original concept: it is not a new invention, but a collection of various human needs, such as communication and dissemination of knowledge. organized and, above all, accessible and fast.

School of Informatics and Computer Science
On the topic: World Wide Web.

Work performed by student 190 (1)

Grigorieva Anastasia

The work is checked by the teacher Isaeva I.A.

Tallinn 2010

Introduction 3

History of the World Wide Web 5

Therefore, it is not surprising that this network has become a part of our life more than any other invention of our time. But some social reactions to the Internet inevitably raise interesting questions: How did Internet freedom take root for people? These are just a few of the current problems that the Internet has raised and that are likely to remain open for a long time.

A good example of these problems of dependence and freedom is when governments and states try to stop or control the flow of information on the Internet. The uprising of the population instantly, as if we passed into the private possession of each of the population, but a possession that at the same time is communal: in the history of mankind there is something that covered so much of the entire human population, it looks like a super-community: countries and connecting all US.

Traveling on the world wide web 7

Link Hypertext Pages 8

Prospects for the development of the World Wide Web 9

Figure 1.1

The structure and principles of the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is formed by millions of Internet web servers located around the world. A web server is a program that runs on a computer connected to the network and uses HTTP protocol for data transmission. In its simplest form, such a program receives an HTTP request for a specific resource over the network, finds the corresponding file on the local hard disk and sends it over the network to the requesting computer. More sophisticated web servers are capable of dynamically allocating resources in response to an HTTP request. To identify resources (often files or their parts) on the World Wide Web, uniform resource identifiers (URIs) are used. Uniform Resource Identifier). Uniform URL resource locators are used to locate resources on the network. Uniform Resource Locator). These URL locators combine URI identification technology and the DNS domain name system. Domain Name System) - Domain name(or directly the IP address in a numeric notation) is part of the URL to designate a computer (more precisely, one of its network interfaces) that executes the code of the desired web server.

To view the information received from the web server, a special program is used on the client computer - a web browser. The main function of a web browser is to display hypertext. The World Wide Web is inextricably linked to the concepts of hypertext and hyperlinks. Most of the information on the Web is precisely hypertext. To facilitate the creation, storage and display of hypertext on the World Wide Web is traditionally used HTML language(eng. HyperText Markup Language), hypertext markup language. Work on hypertext markup is called typesetting, a markup master is called a webmaster or a webmaster (without a hyphen). After HTML markup, the resulting hypertext is placed in a file, such an HTML file is the most widespread resource on the World Wide Web. Once the HTML file is available to the web server, it is referred to as a “web page”. A collection of web pages forms a website. Hyperlinks are added to the hypertext of web pages. Hyperlinks help users of the World Wide Web to easily navigate between resources (files), regardless of whether the resources are located on local computer or at remote server... Web hyperlinks are based on URL technology. (2 link)

For obscurity, in addition to controlling the shocks arising from "truth", it chooses how people will think and behave. Despite its recent openness and adopted economic model, China remains one step further in its recent past. However, like society itself, the Internet requires norms and control. The false notion of anonymity leads many people to commit criminal acts that must be curtailed with the same energy and hard work of the "real world." We have spent so much time on the fact that it is unthinkable not to turn the Internet as the main character in our lives.

History of the World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee and, to a lesser extent, Robert Kayo are considered the inventors of the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee is the author of HTTP, URI / URL and HTML technologies. In 1980 he worked at the European Council for Nuclear Research (fr. Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, CERN) a software consultant. It was there, in Geneva (Switzerland), that he wrote the Enquire program for his own needs. « Inquire» , loosely translated as "Investigator"), which used random associations to store data and laid the conceptual foundation for the World Wide Web.

Many legal assets are associated with the virtual world, and their protection is necessary for adequate coexistence for all. For this, there must be reasonable control by the government. First, create security in the virtual world, and second, provide freedom of expression and free traffic information - as long as it is not offensive.

Already today, the number of Internet users reaches 3.5 billion people, which is almost half of the world's population. And, of course, everyone knows that The World Wide Web has finally enveloped our planet... But until now, not everyone can say whether there is a difference between the concepts of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Oddly enough, many are absolutely sure that these are synonyms, but well-trained guys can give reasons that will diminish this confidence.

What is the Internet?

Without going into complex technical details, we can say that The Internet is a system that unites computer networks Worldwide... Computers are classified into two groups - clients and servers.

Clients are called ordinary custom devices which includes personal computers, laptops, tablets, and, of course, smartphones. They send a request, receive and display information.

All information is stored by servers, which can be classified according to different purposes:

  • web server,
  • postage,
  • chats,
  • radio and television broadcasting systems,
  • file sharing.

Servers are powerful computers that run continuously. In addition to storing information, they receive requests from customers and send the required response. At the same time, they process hundreds of such requests.

Also in our brief educational program it is necessary to mention it is worth mentioning internet providers that provide communication between the client and the server. A provider is an organization with its own Internet server to which all of its clients are connected. Providers provide communication over a telephone cable, a dedicated channel or wireless network.

This is how you get to the Internet.

Is it possible to do without a provider and connect directly to the Internet? Theoretically, you can! You will have to become your own provider and spend a huge amount of money to get to the central servers. So do not scold your Internet provider for high rates - these guys also need to pay for many things and spend money on equipment maintenance.

The World Wide Web has entangled the whole world

The World Wide Web, or simply the web - the "web". Actually it is represented by a huge number of linked pages. This link is provided by links through which you can jump from one page to another, even if it is located on another computer connected to.

The World Wide Web is the most popular and largest service on the Internet

The World Wide Web uses special web servers for its work. They store web pages (you see one of them now). Pages linked by links having a general theme, appearance, and usually located on the same server are called a website.

For viewing pages and documents, the cobwebs are used special programs- browsers.

It is the World Wide Web that includes forums, blogs and social networks... But directly its work and existence is provided by the Internet ...

Is the difference big?

In fact, the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web is quite large. If the Internet is a huge network that connects millions of computers around the planet for sharing information, the World Wide Web is just one of the ways to exchange this information. In addition to ensuring the operation of the World Wide Web, the Internet allows you to use e-mail and various instant messengers, as well as transfer files via FTP,

The Internet is what connects numerous computer networks.

The World Wide Web is all pages that are stored on special servers on the Internet.


Now you know that the World Wide Web and the World Wide Web are different things. And most importantly, you will be able to show off your mind and explain to your friends what the difference is.

What does WWW mean? This is the World Wide Web, and the acronym stands for World Wide Web. Its appearance can be compared in importance with the first book that laid the foundation for book printing, although in the 21st century Information Technology penetrated into all areas of activity. Humanity is unlikely to be able to do without it.


By definition, the World Wide Web is a distributed system for accessing files on different computers, provided that the latter are connected to the Internet. It is formed by tens of millions of web pages, the vast majority of which are based on hypertext technology.

In everyday life, the world wide web is called the Internet, therefore, when users refer to the Internet, they usually mean the web.

Thanks to the Queen

The invention of the Internet is partly the merit of the brilliant Soviet designer Sergei Korolev. He did not study computer systems and everything connected with them, and developed intercontinental missiles. The Americans were seriously afraid of his achievements and pondered how to respond to Korolev, Khrushchev and the Soviet Union.

So in the offices of the Pentagon, the idea of information network that no missile can destroy. This happened in 1957, when the USSR launched a new satellite into orbit capable of covering the distance to the United States.

Then the American government commissioned the creation of the ARPA agency, which was involved in the implementation of the idea. The civilian institution was funded by the Pentagon: the task was to develop and present an invulnerable computer system.

4 major universities participated in the project - Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Stanford and Utah. Now it is no longer possible to recall the names of those who invented the world wide web, because there were no results for a long time.

Scientists have been working on the structure for a long time, more than once they ran into dead-end situations. It happened that explosions destroyed computers, ruining circuits built for months. In 1968, the first working ARPANET appeared. It took another year to get a practical result.

October 29, 1969

On this day, at 21 o'clock, the first session took place between two computers located at a distance of 640 km from each other. Charlie Cline in Los Angeles was behind the first car, and Bill Duvall was behind the second at Stanford.

Cline passed the word “logon” to a colleague one letter at a time. Duvall received the message and reported over the telephone after the next reception. The first session turned out to be short - only 3 letters were transmitted, after which the connection was interrupted. It took 1.5 hours to recover, and Duvall at Stanford successfully accepted the remaining 2 letters.

In 1971, a network of 23 users appeared, as well as the first service Email... Two years later, civil servants in Norway and a university in London were added to the American network - so it entered the international level.

The number of Internet users has increased every year: if in 1977 there were 100 of them, then in 1989 - more than 100 thousand. In 1997, the number approached 20 million users. Today every European and Russian family has a computer with Internet access - and more than one.


With the one who invented the world wide web, figured out, but each project has specific goals. They also stood in front of the researchers who developed the ARPANET.

When the Pentagon invited Lawrence Roberts to lead the project in 1966, he faced the following tasks:

  1. Study the means of communication and the possibility of maintaining them in the event of a nuclear strike.
  2. To create a concept of decentralized control in case of war, which would allow the normal functioning of civil and military objects in the event of damage to several of them.

It is clear why the world wide web was needed at that time. The US military needed a communication channel that could work even if the nodes and communication lines were destroyed.

The work carried out by the Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA proved to be promising. In the future, the communication channel, invulnerable to nuclear strikes, was repeatedly improved.


Today, the Internet is needed not only by the military, but also by civilians. It is actively used in the business environment, education, medicine, financial sector, beauty and entertainment industries. The tasks of users are different - communication, exchange of information, improvement of the quality of service, and much more.

On the modern Internet, everyone finds something of their own, but this was not always the case. Until 1993, the network was boring, its functionality was limited to the exchange of letters, reading news and announcements. There were no photos, videos or pictures - only black font on a white background.

The Internet has become a part of our life today. But the name Tim Berners Lee is not familiar to anyone. Meanwhile, this is exactly the person who created the Internet - the World Wide Web, without which many cannot even imagine their life.


Timothy's biography is quite simple: he was born in 1955, in the month of June, on the 8th. His homeland is London. Tim's parents were mathematicians-programmers Conway Berners-Lee (father) and Mary Lee Woods (mother). Both parents worked at the same university (Manchester) on the creation of an electronic computer with RAM- "Manchester Mark I".

It goes without saying that little Tim, seeing the adult classes, played by constructing small dummies of computers from empty boxes. And Tim drew mainly on computer punched cards - a kind of cardboard with holes, the first information carriers.

Years of study

Tim Berners studied at the prestigious Emanuel School, where his passion for design and mathematics, success in study, surprised everyone. His biography has the following record: "Years of schooling - 1969-1973"

However, after leaving school in 1973, Tim Berners decided to become a physicist when he entered King's College at Oxford University.

And here again Tim Berners-Lee's childhood craving for computers woke up - in the biography of the future discoverer of the Internet appears interesting fact... Taking a Motorola M6800 processor and a regular TV, Tim managed to solder his first computer from them.

Like any mischievous boy's biography, Timothy John Berners-Lee's biography has fascinating pages that reveal the personality from a not-so-pretty side. Actually, it was rash to condemn the young man for hacking the university computer database - it was just a fact of curiosity and a test of his strength. But as a result, Tim received a stern warning from the rector and a ban on the use of computers at the university.


In 1976 Timothy Berners-Lee graduated cum laude from Oxford University with a bachelor's degree in physics. After moving to Dorset, the future Internet creator gets a job at the Plessey Corporation. Here Tim Berners is engaged in programming systems of information transmission, distribution of transactions and creates barcode technology.

In 1978 Timothy John Berners-Lee changes jobs. At D.G Nash Ltd, his responsibilities are also changing: now Tim Berners creates software for printers and multitasking systems.

Tim Berners-Lee was invited to Switzerland in 1980, where the future creator of the Internet works as a software consultant at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. It is in Switzerland that Tim Berners after work begins to work on the Enquire program - the foundation of the World Wide Web.

In 1981, Tim Berners-Lee joined Image Computer Systems Ltd, where he successfully engaged in graphic and communication software and real-time systems architecture. Later, in 1984, the future creator of the Internet begins to develop a real-time system, which is designed to serve to collect scientific information. In parallel, Tim Berners-Lee is developing applications computer technology accelerating particles; and other scientific equipment.

When asked what year the World Wide Web - Internet was created, one can answer that in 1989. It is then that Tim Berners-Lee proposes to his leadership the idea of ​​the World Wide Web, which is based on the concept of Enquire. This was the beginning of the invention of the Internet. The name "World Wide Web" was invented by himself, relying on the linking of various hypertext web pages with the help of hyper-links, a data transfer protocol. Previously, these protocols were used in the US military network ARPANET. It, as well as the protocol of the university network NSFNET, became the forerunners of the World Wide Web, thanks to them the Internet appeared.

And now the speech of the one who created the Internet in the video (in English, but with subtitles):

The birth of the World Wide Web

In the remarkable year of 1989, the protocol received a new sphere of activity: they began to use it for the exchange of mail and communication in real time, for commercial purposes and for reading news groups. The idea, which Tim Berners-Lee came up with, was adopted by CEO Mike Sandell. But Tim Berners did not receive large funds for the work, only an offer to conduct experiments on one of the personal computers by NeXT.

Despite the difficulties, Tim Berners successfully copes with the task before himself: he develops the first-ever web server and the first web browser. His talent as a developer owes its appearance to the WorldWideWeb page editor, the standardized way of writing the site address on the Internet, the HTML language and the application layer protocol.

The following year, Tim Berners-Lee received an assistant - the Belgian Robert Kayo. Thanks to him, the Internet project received funding. Also, Robert took over all organizational issues. Despite active participation in the development and promotion of the project, the main creator of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee, whose name is revered by all programmers of the world, went down in history. Robert Kayo did not reserve the right to charge a fee for the use of the invention and was undeservedly forgotten.

Later, in 1993, Tim Berners-Lee created several browsers for different OS, which increased the share of the World Wide Web (WWW) in total Internet traffic.

An interesting fact is that earlier the University of Minnesota developed the Gopher protocol, which could well become an alternative modern internet... But Tim Berners-Lee disputes this fact, putting forward the opinion that the protocol would not compete with the World Wide Web (WWW) due to the fact that the creators of this project demanded fees for its implementation.