The role of human information activity in the economic sphere. The role of information activities in modern society. Flexible magnetic disks

Information activities- activities that ensure the collection, processing, storage, search and dissemination of information, as well as the formation of an information resource and the organization of access to it.

Information has always played an extremely important role in human life. Whoever has the greatest amount of information on any issue is always in a better position than others. It is a well-known saying that the one who owns information also owns the world.

For a long time, the collection and systematization of information about the world around us helped a person survive in difficult conditions - from generation to generation, experience and skills in making hunting and labor tools, creating clothes and medicines were passed on. The information was constantly updated and supplemented - each studied phenomenon made it possible to move on to something new, more complex.

Over time, large amounts of data about the world around them contributed to the development of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, the whole society as a whole - a person was able to learn how to manage different kinds matter and energy.

Over time, the role of information in human life has become more and more essential. Now, in the first half of the 21st century, the role of information in a person's life is decisive - the more skills and knowledge he has, the more he is valued as a specialist and employee, the more he has respect in society.

In recent decades, people have been persistently talking about the transition from an "industrial society" to an "information society".

There is a change in the methods of production, the worldview of people, their way of life. At the same time, changes are taking place in the nature of labor, which is an indicator of the degree of freedom of working individuals, an indicator of their attitude to work. This is expressed, first of all, in the "learning" of labor - in an increase in the scale of application of scientific knowledge in the production process, which leads to an increase in the creative principle in the labor process. Labor becomes more creative, the proportion of mental labor increases, the significance of its individual characteristics increases and, accordingly, the proportion of physical labor, exhausting the muscular strength of a person, decreases. New technology requires not standard performers, not robots, but individuals, creative individuals.

Information has become one of the most important strategic, managerial resources, along with resources - human, financial, material. Usage microprocessor technology, electronic computers and personal computers led to a radical transformation of relations and technological foundations of activity in different spheres ah social life: production and consumption, financial activities and trade, social structure society and political life, service sector and spiritual culture.

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The role of information activities in modern society The presentation was prepared by Musina Zh.M. The development of human society requires material, instrumental, energy and other resources, including information.

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An information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge. Information is one of the main decisive factors that determines the development of technology and resources in general. In this regard, it is very important to understand not only the relationship between the development of the information industry, computerization, information technology with the informatization process, but also to determine the level and degree of influence of the informatization process on the management sphere and human intellectual activity.

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Information problems in general and management as information process great attention is paid due to the following objective processes: humanity is experiencing an information explosion. The growth of information circulating and stored in society came into conflict with the individual capabilities of a person to assimilate it; development of mass communication processes; the need to develop a general theory of information; development of cybernetics as a science of management;

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Much attention is paid to the problems of information in general and management as an information process, due to the following objective processes (continuation): penetration of information technologies into the spheres of social life; research in the field of natural sciences confirms the role of information in the processes of self-organization of animate and inanimate nature; actualization of the problem of sustainable development, the formation of an information economy, the main driving force of which is information potential, information resources; the problem of the prospects for the development of mankind as an integrity makes it necessary to raise the question of the criteria for progress in modern conditions.

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Distinctive features: increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technology in the life of society; an increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services in the gross domestic product; the growing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media; creation of a global information space, providing: effective information interaction of people, their access to world information resources, meeting their needs for information products and services. At the end of the XX century. the terms information society and informatization have firmly taken their place, and not only in the lexicon of information specialists, but also in the lexicon politicians, economists, teachers and scientists. In most cases, this concept was associated with the development of information technologies and telecommunications, which allow, on the platform of civil society (or at least its declared principles) to make a new evolutionary leap and worthily enter the next, 21st century as an information society or its initial stage. Unlike the revolutions taking place in human society, each informational "leap" forward did not destroy, but absorbed and improved the achievements of the previous stages.

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The main characteristics of the information society are determined by the following criteria: Technological: key factor - information Technology, which are widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life. Social: information acts as an important stimulator of changes in the quality of life, "information consciousness" is formed and approved with wide access to information. Economic: information is a key factor in the economy as a resource, service, commodity, value added and employment. Political: freedom of information leading to a political process characterized by growing participation and consensus between different classes and social strata of the population. Cultural: recognizing the cultural value of information by promoting the affirmation of information values ​​for the development of the individual and society as a whole. The present time is characterized by an unprecedented growth in the volume of information flows. This applies to almost any area of ​​human activity. The largest growth in the volume of information is observed in industry, trade, financial, banking and educational spheres. For example, in industry, the growth in the volume of information is due to an increase in the volume of production, the complication of products, materials used, technological equipment, the expansion of external and internal ties of economic objects as a result of concentration and specialization of production.

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By combining diverse information networks it became possible to create a global information system Internet, which allows information services to be carried out according to the principle "always and everywhere: 365/366 days, 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world." Thanks to the rapid development of the latest information technologies, at present, not only has appeared open access to the world flow of political, financial, scientific and technical information, but it also became a real opportunity to build a global business in Internet networks.

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Now information technology has become an independent and rather profitable type of business, which is aimed at meeting the diverse information needs of a wide range of users.

Lecture number 1

Introduction. The role of information activities in modern society: economic, social, cultural, educational spheres.

    The role of information activities in modern society

    Communication channels

Lecture progress:

1. The role of information activities in modern society

Accumulated to today colossal information potential and the emergence of new information and communication technologies changed the socio-economic nature of modern society.

If until the middle of the twentieth century, society had a pronounced industrial character, then scientists characterize its current state as postindustrial, considering it as a transition to information society at.

The transition from an industrial society to an information society characterizes the redistribution of labor resources to the service sector and information sphere:

Services sector- part of the economy, which includes all types of commercial and non-commercial services; provided by enterprises, organizations, as well as individuals.

The service sector in economically developed countries makes up the bulk of the economy in terms of the number of employees (more than 60%).

The scope of services includes the following services: financial, information, housing and communal, household, rental services, travel, legal, hotel security, translation services, trade, transport services.

Information sphere is a set of information, information infrastructure, entities that collect, form, disseminate and use information, as well as a system for regulating the resulting social relations.

Examples of the use of computers in various fields: ACS, robots, communications, CAD, construction, banks, science, trade, education (DB, distance learning), medicine, law enforcement, agriculture, army, art, social sphere, everyday life.

Thus, society has information resources. Sectors of employment in the USA in 1983 services 30% industry 20% agriculture 5% information services 45%

The information resources include :

Libraries (more than 150 thousand in Russia, electronic catalogs are being created, books are being digitized);

Scientific and technical information centers (registration of new inventions and discoveries),

Archives (being converted into electronic form),

Industry resources (computer centers of enterprises, organizations for information processing and management),

Social resources (health care, education, pension fund, insurance system, tourism, etc.).

For the development of human society, material, instrumental, energy and other resources are needed, includinginformation ... The present time is characterized by an unprecedented growth in the volume of information flows. This applies to almost any area of ​​human activity. The largest growth in the volume of information is observed in industry, trade, financial, banking and educational spheres.

At present, the dissemination of information in the information sector of the economy cannot be imagined without the use of new information technologies (NIT). The use of modern IT provides almost instant connection to any electronic information arrays coming from international, regional and national information systems and using them in the interests of successful business.

Thanks to the rapid development of NIT, currently not only has an open access to the world flow of political, financial, scientific and technical information, but also the possibility of building a global business on the Internet has become a real possibility.

The growing popularity of the Internet is due to the fact that using this technology it is possible to implement almost all business processes in in electronic format: buy and sell goods and services, invest money, receive information, conclude agreements, etc. The present moment in the development of the Internet is associated with the avalanche-like development of e-commerce.

    Information transmission channels.

A person constantly has to participate in the process of transferring information. The transmission can take place during direct conversation between people, through correspondence, using technical means of communication: telephone, radio, television, etc. Such means of communication are calledcommunication channels ... Information channels are divided into two types: biological and technical.

Biological information channels - these are the human senses. There are five of them:sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch ... According to the way a person perceives, information is visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, muscular and vestibular.

Technical information channels - this is a telephone, radio, television, computer, etc.

The process of transferring information is always two-way: there is a source and there is a receiver of information.A source transmits (sends) information, andreceiver it receives (perceives). Each person is constantly moving from the role of a source to the role of a receiver of information.

A person almost continuously has to deal with information processing.

Information perceived by a person in speech or writing is called symbolic (or sign) information.

Human speech and writing are closely related to the concept of language.

Language is a sign system for presenting information, exchanging information. Smells, gustatory and tactile sensations are not limited to some kind of signs, cannot be conveyed with the help of signs. Of course, they carry information, since we remember them, we recognize them. This information is calledfigurative information ... The figurative also includes information perceived through sight and hearing, but not limited to languages ​​(wind noise, birdsong, pictures of nature, painting).

Although information is associated with a material medium, and its transmission - with the cost of energy, one and the same information can be stored on various material carriers (on paper, in the form of a photograph, on a magnetic tape) and transmitted with different energy costs (by mail, by phone , by courier, etc.).

As a means for storing, processing and transmitting information scientific and technical progress offered the society a computer (electronic computer, computer).

Literature: Tsvetkova M.S., Velikovich L.S. Informatics and ICT: textbook. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012, 1.2



Completed: 1st year student Gr.


Moscow, 2014
Introduction: ………………………………………………………… .3
1. Information Society: …………………………………… ..4
2. Information problem: ………………………………………… ..4
3. Distinctive features: ………………………………………… ... 5
4. Main characteristics: …………………………………… .... 6
5. Information processes in nature, society, technology:… .7
6. Interesting facts: ………………………………………… ... 12
Conclusion: ………………………………………………… ...… 12
Sources of information: ……………………………………… ... 13


This essay will talk about activities and about a society in which information plays an important role.
Information (from Lat. Informatio - "explanation, presentation, awareness") - information about something, regardless of the form of their presentation. Currently, there is no single definition of information as a scientific term.
Activity - the process (processes) of active interaction of the subject with the object, during which the subject satisfies any of his needs, reaches the goal.
Society, in a broad sense, is a part of the material world, isolated from nature, but closely related to it, consisting of people united by historically established forms of interaction.

Information society

The information society is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

Information problem
The problem of information in general and management as an information process receive great attention due to the following objective processes:
humanity is experiencing an information explosion. The growth of information circulating and stored in society came into conflict with the individual capabilities of a person to assimilate it: the development of mass communication processes;
the need to develop a general theory of information;
development of cybernetics as a science of management;
penetration of information technologies into the spheres of social life;
research in the field of natural sciences confirms the role of information in the processes of self-organization of animate and inanimate nature;
actualization of the problem of sustainable development, the formation of an information economy, the main driving force of which is information potential, information resources;
the problem of the prospects for the development of mankind as an integrity makes it necessary to raise the question of the criteria for progress in modern conditions.

Distinctive features
increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technology in the life of society;
an increase in the number of people engaged in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services in the gross domestic product;
the growing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media;
creation of a global information space that provides:

1.effective information interaction of people,
2.their access to world information resources
3. meeting their needs for information products and services.

Characteristics of the information society according to the criteria:
Technological: the key factor is information technologies, which are widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life.
Social: information ...