Unified information system in the field of procurement. What is a unified information system in the field of procurement What is a unified information system

The topic of the article will be the same Information system in the field of procurement (EIS). This system is the basis of all public procurement carried out in the Russian Federation, regardless of the amount or terms of the contract. For this reason, the EIS cannot be ignored by any organization that expects to participate in a government tender. This material will not describe the details of the work or any features and secrets of the EIS; first of all, it is necessary to understand the purpose of the system, its basic rules and capabilities.

1. What is EIS?

The term UIS refers to a unified information system in the field of procurement. A more precise definition is given in clause 9 of article 3 Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as 44-FZ) a unified information system in the field of procurement - a set of information contained in databases , information technologies and technical means that ensure the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of the unified information system on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the official website).

2. EIS official website

The UIS was put into operation on January 1, 2016; from that moment on, all information about completed public procurements and current tenders for the supply of goods or provision of services must be placed in this system.

Pay attention to this moment The functionality of the EIS is not fully implemented. Submitting applications electronically through the EIS is not available. The official website of the EIS is located at www.zakupki.gov.ru

The purpose of introducing the system is to fight corruption, facilitate access to information about the activities of government bodies for citizens of the Russian Federation and conduct public control in the field of public procurement. The UIS data includes not only the tender stage, but also preparation for it, including planning.

Any Internet user can access the information contained in the UIS, with the only exception being records that fall under the category of state secrets. Access is completely free, regardless of the number of pages viewed or time spent on the site. Also, the information contained in the Unified Information System is the most complete; all data is checked and considered reliable before publication.

Module No. 3 “Effective search for tenders” will help you understand in all its intricacies the secrets of effective search for tenders in the Unified Information System, as well as using the functionality of professional search engines aggregators, you will be able to reduce the time spent on routine operations of searching for tenders and learn to find those purchases that customers are trying to hide from you. The most complete and detailed course in RuNet on searching for tenders (planned release date January 2017).

A description of the requirements for the functionality of the system, as well as the basic rules for its use, was carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (MED). The development of the system was carried out by the Federal Treasury, and this organization is also responsible for its operation.

Before starting work on the UIS, it was necessary to make a decision on the basic resource, based on the capabilities of which the development would take place. Two options were considered: improving the existing public procurement portal, which would make it possible not to radically change the rules for working with the system and cope with the improvement in a shorter time, or creating it from scratch. The first option was chosen because the development new system would require large expenses, and would also have to retrain personnel, which could significantly delay its implementation. After the launch of the EIS, the official website did not change its address - www.zakupki.gov.ru.
Find outdated version can be found at http://old.zakupki.gov.ru/.

Part 7 of Article 4 of 44-FZ provides the right to subjects Russian Federation, municipal or regional entities should develop their own systems that will be integrated with the Unified Information System. If information from regional systems differs from EIS data, then priority will be given to the federal system. From this we can conclude that the supplier does not have to turn to regional systems to obtain up-to-date data on government procurement within the framework of 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

3. Data included in the UIS

According to Part 3 of Article 4 of 44-FZ, a unified information system in the field of procurement must contain:
1) schedules and plans for purchases that will be made starting from January 1, 2017;
2) data on the implementation of planned tenders that will be held no earlier than January 1, 2017;
3) data on the conditions for the admission of foreign goods, existing prohibitions and restrictions on the import of goods or services, as well as an up-to-date list of states with which the Russian Federation has concluded agreements regulating joint public procurement, as well as the full terms of these agreements;
4) a register of contracts concluded between a government agency and a supplier, as well as information about them;
5) information about unscrupulous companies that have previously violated the terms of contracts;
6) a library of standard contracts and their conditions;
7) register of bank guarantees;
8) a register of complaints and claims, the dates of all inspections performed, regardless of whether they were carried out according to plan or without, as well as their results and the conclusions of the commission;
9) a list of international organizations created under an agreement to which the Russian Federation is one of the parties, or organizations with which contracts were concluded for the supply of goods or performance of work;
10) the results of monitoring, control and audit of public procurement;
11) customer reports in the form specified by 44-FZ;
12) catalogs of goods, works, services that are necessary for government organizations or other structures;
13) regulatory legal acts;
14) information about trends and the current value of the market price, as well as full list offers of goods, services or works available on the market, the purchase of which is carried out for the needs of government agencies or municipal bodies;
15) other data or documents that must be included in the Unified Information System in accordance with 44-FZ, Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services of certain types legal entities"(hereinafter 223-FZ) or other acts adopted on their basis.

4. Functions of the UIS

The unified information system in the field of procurement provides:
. placement of information through the interaction of the system with other resources or programs without the need for authorization in the UIS;
. control over documents or other data that need to be placed in the UIS, created using third-party means;
. transition to OKPD2 and OKVED2 standards;
. implementation of the capabilities necessary to conduct audits in the field of public procurement;
. use of an enhanced unqualified electronic signature to confirm the authenticity of electronic documents;
. creation and registration of electronic applications for participation in a tender to determine a supplier or contractor.
This list does not contain all functions of the UIS, but only the most essential ones.

5. Advantages of a unified information system

Improving the public procurement mechanism is aimed as much as possible at automating tenders and filing applications. This reduces the corruption component and provides more opportunities for entrepreneurs by simplifying participation in the competition. It will also reduce government costs, since companies whose proposals might previously have been rejected due to paperwork problems are given the opportunity to participate in the tender.

Unlike previous version system, all data entered into it is subject to exclusively automatic processing, and this significantly reduces the value human factor and increases the accuracy of operations, it also allows you to increase the speed of processing applications. Automation has even affected the placement of public procurement and summing up tender results. All documents are on the website, anyone can access them without any checks.

A unified information system in the field of procurement allows you to organize close communication with other regional systems, which simplifies the process government controlled and monitoring the work of local authorities. Usage unified system helps to obtain the most accurate and timely data, as a result of which it becomes possible to immediately respond to changes.

Another advantage is that all plans and schedules are placed exclusively in a structured form, this allows you to significantly simplify the search necessary information both entrepreneurs or other categories of citizens, and employees of regulatory authorities. If previously the official website was indispensable for searching through the EIS, then after the changes are implemented it will be possible to find information not only using a special form, but also using conventional search engines, for example, Google or Yandex. This standard comes into force only on January 1, 2017, which allows for training and preparation of personnel for new work standards.

The previous version of the public procurement system assumed the presence of scanned documents on the website, which made it almost impossible to search through them, and sometimes there were problems with recognizing certain sections of text not only software, but also a person. Innovations will allow suppliers of goods and services to improve demand planning for their products, which increases the efficiency of the enterprise.

Additionally, work was carried out to improve the performance of the system and ensure its resistance to high loads. Thanks to this, the likelihood of system failure is significantly reduced, which makes it a reliable tool for working with all types of government orders. The developers modified the internal search technology - new parameters were added to it, this will help reduce the time of access to the necessary information several times, and will also significantly reduce the number of clarifying questions. search queries. Changes have been made to the interface, they are aimed at reducing the access time to the most used functions, but it will be possible to fully evaluate the new capabilities of the system only from January 1, 2017, until then the final stage of testing will be carried out.

6. Legislative basis for the operation of a unified information system in the field of procurement

Requirements for the development and operation of the UIS are contained in Federal Law No. 44-FZ and in Government Resolutions of September 30, 2014 No. 996 “On the distribution of powers between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Treasury when creating the UIS” and of January 23, 2015 No. 36 “On the procedure and timing of commissioning the EIS.” If the article does not provide comprehensive answers, then you should turn to the primary source in the form of laws or other regulatory documents.

If you have any questions about the topic of the article, you can ask them on ours.

The introduction of the UIS was due to many factors. The main one is the combined publicly available data on the ongoing tender, its participants, the timing of the contract and its execution. Information must be open and publicly available. This will help control the targeted spending of the budget for planned purposes.

Since January 2016, the website zakupki.gov.ru officially serves as the Unified Information System.

A new structure was developed and additional functions, which made it possible to significantly expand the capabilities of the portal. Due to the fact that the data in the UIS is open, reliable and accessible to everyone (except for information that represents a state secret), procurement is carried out as transparently as possible.

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Government procurement - official website

The MED (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia) and the Federal Treasury are the responsible departments for the concept and development of the Unified Information System resource. UIS based on zakupki.gov.ru operates successfully.

44-FZ controls the functioning of the Unified Information System and also obliges to fulfill a number of requirements. This portal must contact and interact with other information systems and provide the following points:

Initially, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 23, 2015 No. 36, it was prescribed to implement the possibility of bidders submitting bids in electronic form through the Unified Information System before January 1, 2017. However, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2016 No. 1588, the deadline for completing this task was postponed to a date no later than January 1, 2018.

To do this, all procurement participants must register in the Unified Information System.

The Federal Treasury, financial authorities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, when placing procurement plans and procurement schedules, monitor the following data in planning documents:

  1. compliance of information on the volume of financial support included in the procurement plans with information on the volume of financial support for procurement, approved and communicated to the Customer;
  2. compliance with information on procurement identification codes and the amount of financial support for these procurements contained in:

a) in schedules, information contained in procurement plans;

b) in notices of procurement, in procurement documentation, information contained in schedules;

c) in the protocols for identifying suppliers (contractors, performers), information contained in the procurement documentation;

d) in the terms of draft contracts sent to procurement participants with whom contracts are concluded, information contained in the protocols for identifying suppliers (contractors, performers);

e) in the register of contracts concluded by Customers, the terms of contracts.

It turns out that when the Customer places planning documents on the EIS government procurement website, they are checked and approved by the relevant financial authorities. The verification is carried out no more than 3 working days from the date of sending the procurement plan and procurement schedule for posting in the Unified Information System.

Based on the results of the inspection, using the internal functionality of the Unified Information System, a mark is made on the compliance or non-compliance of the information provided in the planning documents.

If inconsistencies are identified, then information about the identified inconsistencies is sent to the Customer using the Unified Procurement Information System (and in some cases on paper), and until the violations are eliminated, planning documents will not be posted on the official government procurement website.

It is also worth noting that if the Customer does not have a connection through the UIS personal account with the financial control body, from January 1, 2017, the Customer cannot place a procurement plan and procurement schedule in the Unified Information System.

According to parts 37 and 38 of Art. 112 44-FZ,

customers, authorized bodies and institutions at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the municipal level located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol publish in the Unified Information System plans and schedules for placing orders according to the rules that were in force before the introduction of 44-FZ. That. It turns out that the two-stage planning system does not apply to the Customers of Crimea and Sevastopol in 2017, and instead of procurement plans and procurement schedules, an order placement plan for 2017 is formed and posted.

For the convenience of users, the ability to work with the site using touch screens, correct display of the portal on devices with different screen resolutions, a version for people with disabilities and automatic detection of the system user’s region have been implemented.

Changes in the UIS since 2018

In January 2018, information about updating the system was published on the website of the Unified Information System and explanations were given on the features of working with the new functionality.

1. Exercising control under Part 5 of Article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ

For federal-level customers, the requirement to place documents in the Unified Information System, depending on the results of the audit, has been renewed.

The customer must send documents from his personal account to the Control Authority for verification. If the verification result is positive, the documentation is automatically placed in the Unified Information System.

In case of a negative result, the customer must correct the violations and re-send the documents for verification. However, even if a protocol of non-compliance is received, the customer can manually publish the data in the Unified Information System, with a note that the object of control received a negative result during inspection by the Control Authority.

For customers at the regional and municipal level, the same work scheme will remain until the end of 2018.

Functionality has also been added to control federal state unitary enterprises that carry out purchases through subsidies for the purchase of real estate and capital investments in federal property.

Registration in the EIS

From January 1, 2019, suppliers will need to do three things to participate in electronic procedures:

  1. Register in the EIS;
  2. Place information in the Unified Register of Procurement Participants (URZ);
  3. Be accredited to the ETP (no later than the working day following the day spent on the first two points).

From January 1, only persons who have posted information in ERUZ will be able to open special accounts. An unpleasant situation may arise for the participant, so the EIS recommends not to delay registration and accreditation.

Those suppliers who are accredited to the ETP must register in the EIS within a year - until December 31, 2019. It is only necessary to update the information and documents provided for in Article 62 of Law No. 44-FZ on the ETP by January 1, 2019.
If a participant has nothing - no accreditation, no special account - then first you need to register in the Unified Information System, and then the information will be transferred to the sites for accreditation.

Details about what documents participants need to attach to register in the EIS

You can watch the process of registering in the UIS as a supplier in this video:

3. Display of the new section “Register of Sole Suppliers”

The federal executive body and the executive body of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have entered into special contracts providing for reciprocal investment obligations of the supplier-investor have access to the functionality of generating and sending information intended for inclusion in the Register of Sole Suppliers.

To ensure the operation of this functionality, the UIS has implemented a personal account of the executive authority, which provides information and documents for inclusion in the register.

4. Changes in the form of the annual report on purchases from SMP (for customers under 223-FZ)

In this regard, it is now possible to reflect in the UIS the following information in the form of an annual report on the purchase of industrial and industrial materials from SMEs:

    information about long-term contracts;

    information about small businesses.

Also, from January 1, 2018, changes to the requirements for the mandatory volume of purchases come into force, the participants of which ONLY small and medium-sized businesses can become participants. With 10% he increases to 15% from the total annual volume of purchases.

To simplify work, the UIS has implemented a function for automatically checking procurement plans and annual procurement reports for compliance established size procurement intended only for SMEs.

Checking for compliance with the 15% volume will be applied starting from annual reports for 2018; when checking reports for 2017, the indicator of 10% will be used

5. Formation in the Unified Information System of information on accepted budgetary obligations

In cases where the procurement is carried out for the purpose of implementing informatization measures, then in the information about the budget obligation sent for registration, it is now possible to additionally indicate the code and name of the informatization activities by selecting it from the “Informatization Activities” directory, rather than manually .

Consequences of changing the UIS

The introduction of all these changes has a beneficial effect on the search for tenders of interest, which can be found not only by purchase number, but also to view ongoing tenders, for example, by a specific Customer.

Ideally, the official website of the Unified Procurement Information System should combine all data from each trading platform at the federal level. Part 7, Article 4 of 44-FZ does not prohibit the creation of other information portals on a regional and municipal scale, which will be integrated with the Unified Information System. The main thing is that the data published on these portals coincide and do not contradict each other. Otherwise, priority is given to the Unified Information System and the information posted in it is considered reliable.

Information contained in the UIS

After final development and introduction of all functions into the Unified Procurement Information System, it will contain the following data:

Thus, it turns out that all the necessary information for selecting a tender and participating in it will be collected on one portal of the Unified Information System. This approach ensures transparency of any procurement from the beginning to the execution of the contract, which is beneficial for both an honest Customer and a contractor who wants to find a good order.

Certainly, important point is such a side of the issue as the technical component. After all, to ensure the stability of the system with high traffic there must be powerful servers and good software. Naturally, we took this point into account and prepared a good technical basis for launching the portal in full force.

OOO ICC"RusTender"

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without indicating the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with Article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Reading time: 9 min

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 N1752, from 2019 procurement participants must register in a unified information system along with the customer, otherwise they will not be able to submit applications.

Dear readers! Each case is individual, so check with our lawyers for more information.Calls are free.

Why do participants (suppliers) need to register on the unified information system website?

From the moment of adoption until 2018, only customers needed to register on the official government procurement website zakupki.gov.ru. But in December 2017, Federal Law-504 “On Amendments to Federal Law-44” was adopted. According to this law, from January 2019, procurement participants (contractors) will also need to register.

Until July 2018, they were carried out only electronically; today, customers can conduct electronic, requests, etc. Since 2019, all procurements have been transferred to electronic form, which is intended to ensure greater transparency.

Procurement in electronic format are held at approved sites, their list is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since everything has switched to electronic format since January 2019, the Unified Register of Procurement Participants has appeared in the UIS, which contains information about the supplier. The Federal Treasury will be responsible for its formation and maintenance.

As a result, registration in the Unified Information System is a mandatory procedure for everyone; without it, it is not possible to take part in auctions.

The supplier will initially be registered in the EIS, and the participant will be accredited for electronic platform is carried out automatically through information exchange.

Thanks to registration in the EIS, the supplier will be automatically accredited at all sites. However, the validity period of its accreditation will remain the same – 3 years. No earlier than six months before the expiration of accreditation, you will need to register for a new term.

When there are 4 months left before the end of registration, you will receive a notification requesting its extension for a new period. If the participant does not will be registered again, then three months before the expiration of its validity period he will be deprived of the opportunity to participate in the auction.

How to register in the EIS according to 44-FZ

According to Art. 24.2 44-FZ (came into force on January 1, 2019), registration of participants in the EIS and their accreditation will be carried out electronically based on information and submitted documents within the time frame determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Information about procurement participants who are registered in the Unified Information System is transferred to a single one. The Unified Register of Participants is a list of registered entrepreneurs, individuals and legal entities who can take part in public procurement. Such a register will be maintained from January 2019 by the Treasury, and the list will be posted on the website of the Unified Information System. It is intended to be placed in open access, and anyone can view it free of charge.

The procedure for registering suppliers in the EIS after the beginning of 2019 in general view will involve the following steps:

  1. The supplier undergoes the registration procedure in the UIS V in electronic format.
  2. The EIS transmits information to electronic trading platforms.
  3. Operators trading platforms will have to accredit the participant no later than the next working day.
  4. Registration will last three years.

Charging fees for registration in the EIS and accreditation on the electronic platform is not allowed. But from July 2018, according to Government Decree No. 564 of 2018, electronic platforms will be able to charge a fee for participation in the electronic procedure. The maximum fee is set at 1% of (but not more than 5 thousand rubles). When concluding a contract for SMP, the maximum fee cannot exceed 1% of the NMCC (no more than 2 thousand rubles).

Participants who were previously accredited on electronic platforms can also register in the unified information system from January to December 2019. The possibility of such registration will be provided until the end of 2019.

Also in Federal Law-44, according to the new clause 13 of Art. 4, the concept of “independent registrar” will appear. It is created for the purpose of recording the actions and inactions of participants in a unified information system. His tasks include:

  1. Monitoring the availability of the site’s unified information system and storage of such information.
  2. Recording (including real-time video recording) of inaction or actions of participants in the field of procurement.
  3. Storing such information about the actions or inactions of participants contract system, including information about electronic documents that are generated by participants in the contract system and signed by them using an electronic signature.

List of required documents

The list of requested documents for registration in the Unified Information System is similar to that required for accreditation on the electronic trading platform. In particular, the supplier will need:

  1. Charter of a legal entity or passport of an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for, which has a limited validity period (no more than six months before applying for registration).
  3. Documents confirming the authority of the manager(for example, an extract from the charter or an order on its appointment).
  4. Documents that confirm the owner's status(if the signature is not for the manager).
  5. Documents confirming the right to register in the UIS(power of attorney from the head of a legal entity or entrepreneur).
  6. Decision on approval of major transactions indicating the maximum transaction amount.

Registration procedure: step-by-step instructions

Registration in the Unified Information System must be carried out by all organizations that plan to participate in the system of state and municipal procurement. The general procedure for registering in the UIS is as follows:

  1. registration of an electronic digital signature of a qualified (enhanced) type(allows you not only to work in the Unified Information System by posting procurement plans and schedules, but also to carry out work on signing posted protocols of completed electronic trading procedures, as well as electronic contract forms). It is necessary in order to carry out all legal actions in the UIS. Simultaneously with the execution of the digital signature, information is entered into the Consolidated Register of Participants in Public Procurement. The presence of a participant in government procurement procedures in such a register allows for the implementation of various trade procedures. Instructions for receiving and installation of digital signature By ;
  2. registration of an authorized representative companies on the State Services website.
  3. direct registration in the EIS within your personal account. It is carried out in several stages and is carried out directly on the website zakupki.gov.ru.

The registration itself looks like this:

  • in the upper right corner of the UIS information portal you should select the option to log into your personal account(in the proposed menu you need to go to the personal account tab under 44-FZ);
  • personal account is registered to the head of the organization(since the initial work is carried out only with his qualified digital signature). An exception is cases when the authority to sign a particular contract is assigned to a special employee of the organization, to whom they are granted on the basis of a specially drawn up power of attorney;
  • when you first enter your personal account, the site functionality will prompt you to fill out the necessary information about the organization (all sections should be filled out only on the basis of official data contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the organization’s statutory documents);
  • registration of the head of the organization or a specially authorized person occurs as the administrator of the organization in the Unified Information System only after filling out all the necessary information about the organization;
  • the final stage is checking the issued EDS certificate , for which you will need to sign a special registration form.

The final login information (login and password) will be sent to the administrator at the address specified during registration. Email.

Error during IP registration

Nuances of registering suppliers in the EIS

The following nuances of registering suppliers in the UIS can be cited:

  1. Registration occurs in electronic format no charge.
  2. Information about the participant and the documents submitted by him will be entered into a single register.
  3. Registration is valid for three years, again this procedure made no more than six months before the end of registration.
  4. If there are up to three months left until the end of registration, the participant is not entitled on participation in new procurements.
  5. When registering, it is unacceptable to request information and documentation, not provided for by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  6. Registration of offshore companies in the EIS is not allowed.
  7. The list of documents for registration is specified in the Government Decree and additional information may not be requested.
  8. Procurement participants who have registered in the Unified Information System will be able to participate in all held on electronic platforms.
  9. Procurement participants who have been accredited but not registered in the EIS will be able to submit applications until the end of 2019. New procurement participants and those who have three months left until the end of their accreditation at the site will not be able to submit applications.

EDS and requirements for it

To register in the EIS, the participant will need a qualified electronic signature. Today, a non-qualified signature is not used for bidding.

The signature must be obtained from a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Reinforced digital signature created using special programs encryption that ensures the safety and immutability of information.

An enhanced signature confirms the authority of the signatory. It is used not only during registration, but also during the procurement process. EDS allows you to sign documents placed in the UIS.

The EDS certificate contains data such as the owner’s full name, name and details of the organization, EDS certificate number, details of the certification center and a unique key that allows you to verify the authenticity of the signature (on the State Services website).

Transition period

The new procedure for admitting participants to the EIS involves a transition period during which the following stages are planned:

  1. From July 2018 to January 2019 accreditation of procurement participants on electronic platforms for participation in tenders remains the same (in accordance with Part 49 of Article 112 of 44-FZ).
  2. From January 2019 participants on electronic platforms are accredited only after their registration in the EIS.
  3. Accreditation of participants on the ETP must be carried out after their registration in the EIS in accordance with Art. 24.2 44-FZ (part 48 of article 112 44-FZ).
  4. From January to December 2019 accredited participants on electronic platforms must register in the Unified Information System (under Part 47 of Article 112 of 44-FZ) to participate in electronic procedures.
  5. Until December 31, 2019 submission of applications for participation in the auction is carried out by persons accredited earlier than January 1, 2019 on the electronic platform. They will not need registration in the Unified Information System during this time frame under Part 50 of Art. 112 FZ-44. Except for those who have three months left until the end of their accreditation at the site.
  6. From January 1, 2020 Registration in the Unified Information System will become mandatory for everyone.

Thus, in 2018, participants in public procurement did not have to register in the Unified Information System. This requirement for them has acquired legal force since January 2019, and from that moment it ceases to apply. old order accreditation in the contract procurement system. Until this point, participants had to be accredited on each of the 6 electronic trading platforms. From 2019, they will be automatically accredited based on the results of registration in the Unified Information System. Registration will take place electronically according to a similar algorithm with accreditation on the ETP. To register, a person must obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

From November 20, 2017 the following are available: functionality unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the UIS).
1. Ensuring the possibility of archiving procurement plans that have not passed control
Available for all customers new feature archiving of draft procurement plans that are in the “In preparation” status, including those that have not passed control. This function will allow customers, based on a previously saved archived version of the procurement plan, to generate a new draft procurement plan to send it for control.
Also, customers who generate procurement information in external order placement systems (hereinafter referred to as EPS) now have the opportunity to archive draft procurement plans that have not passed control, which allows users of EPS to send to the UIS new plan procurement, and not just changes to a procurement plan that has already been formed and has not passed control.
2. Ensuring the possibility of indicating in the register of EIS contracts in a structured form information about contracts with subcontractors, co-executors from among small businesses (hereinafter - SMB), socially oriented non-profit organizations (hereinafter - SONCO) in information about the contract (its amendment).
On November 1, 2017, subparagraph “and (1)” of paragraph 2 of the Rules for maintaining the register of contracts concluded by customers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1084, came into force, according to which information must be included in the register of contracts of the UIS on agreements between suppliers (contractors, performers) with co-executors and subcontractors who are SMP and SONCO.
Such information is included by customers in the register of contracts in the event of a contract being concluded on the terms of mandatory involvement by suppliers (contractors, performers) of subcontractors, co-contractors from among the SMP and SONCO in the execution of such a contract.
In this case, the register of contracts should contain the following information about contracts between suppliers (contractors, performers) with co-executors, subcontractors from among the SMP and SONCO:
- name, trade name (if any) of the subcontractor, co-executor;
- location of the subcontractor, co-executor;
- TIN of the subcontractor, co-executor;
- subject and price of the contract;
- date of conclusion and contract number (if available).
Since November 20, it has been possible to place the above information in the EIS contract register in a structured form.
3. Providing detail by budget classification codes (hereinafter referred to as BCC) of the volume of financial support for the positions of procurement plans, procurement plans and schedules, special procurements as part of planning documents.
In accordance with the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73, in procurement plans, procurement schedules, special procurements as part of planning documents, the volume of financial support for the procurement must be detailed for each BCC.
From November 20, when creating procurement plans, procurement schedules, and special procurements in the Unified Information System, planning documents provide the opportunity to detail the volume of financial support for procurement for each BCP.
Information on other changes in the functioning of the UIS is provided in the version log.

Journal of versions of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement 44-FZ (version 7.3)

Composition of changes in version 7.3

Unified information system in the field of procurement


ChangesUnitedinformationalsystemsin the field of procurement (EIS)



Registryschedulesand purchasing plans

"User guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause



Improved advanced search in terms of:

Adding search parameters for long-term contracts “Volume of payment long-term contract and currency" and "Volume of attraction of small and medium-sized businesses and currency"

"User guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause



Improved advanced search in terms of:

Adding a search parameter “Subcontractor, co-executor, who is a small business entity, socially oriented non-profit organization”

"User guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause

Changing the display of the contract card in part:

The “Information about subcontractors, co-contractors from among SMP, SONO” block has been added to the “Contract Information” tab.

"User guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause

Changing the printed form of the contract in accordance with the above changes

"User guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause




Developing a function to send error messages to Personal account user

Improvement of the page displayed when an error occurs in the system, in terms of adding a link “Generate a support request”

“UIS User Guide” (clause 4.22)


Procurement plans (44-FZ)

Providing a breakdown by code of budget classification of financial support for positions and special purchases in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73

"User guide. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement plans-schedules" (clause,

Security automatic translation procurement plans posted by federal government customers for 2018-2020, which were not generated in the “Budget Planning” system of GIIS

"User guide. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement plans-schedules" (clause,



Providing a breakdown by budget classification codes (BCC) of financial support for positions and special purchases in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73, as well as filling out information on the BCC based on the final indicators of the procurement plan,

Ensuring automatic translation of schedules posted by federal government customers for 2018-2020, generated on the basis of procurement plans and which were not generated in the “Budget Planning” system of GIIS

« Electronic budget", into the archive, as well as the ability to manually transfer such schedules to the archive in the status "In preparation"

"User guide. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement plans-schedules” (clause.,


Integration and Routing

Changes to schemes are contained in the files “EIS Integration. Description of version 7.3",

“TFF Album 7.3”, “Schemes of version 7.3”, “Advantages and requirements of changes 7.3”, “Description of improvements to the integration of the UIS with EP, VSRZ, RMIS for

implementation of Part 5 of Article 99", "Controls of RPG 7.3", "Controls of RPG 7.3",

"Controls of RK 7.3".


Controlin accordance with Part 5 of Art. 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ

Displaying the name of the control object from the information of the OPPI protocol (the “Protocol” field) on the “APPI Protocols” tab

"User guide. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ" (clause 4.2.6)

Ensuring the display of several winner prices and unit prices when monitoring protocols for determining the supplier (contractor, performer)

"User guide. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ" (clause

Improvement of control over procurement plans and procurement schedules in terms of adding a field


"User guide. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ" (clause 4.2.1, 4.2.4)

Ensuring a ban on the generation and signing of control results based on an outdated version of the control object

"User guide. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ (clause,


Registrycontracts concludedcustomers

Ensuring the possibility of indicating information about contracts with subcontractors, co-contractors from among the SMP, SONO in information about the contract (its amendment), provided that the scope of involvement of subcontractors, co-contractors from among the SMP, SONO in the execution of the contract was indicated

User guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

Ensuring the inheritance of information about the procurement object - a medicinal product from items of the procurement schedule or notification related to information about the contract

User guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

Ensuring that information about the termination of supplier obligations secured by a bank guarantee is displayed in the section

“Fulfillment of obligations to guarantee the quality of goods, works, services” on the “Information on the execution (termination) of the contract” tab of the contract card

User guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause 4.7.3)

Providing the ability to fill in information about registered maximum selling prices in information on the execution (termination) of a contract from the directory

“Maximum selling prices of medicines”

User guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

Error correction


Procurement plans (44-FZ)

An error has been fixed whereby when viewing details of a purchase plan item on the " tab General information position" in the "Expense type code" field the value "Purchase through several inventory items" could be displayed if the "Purchase through several inventory items" attribute was not set when creating the position.

Schedules and procurement plans

Fixed an issue where, when viewing schedule details on the Schedule Items tab in the Item List table, the Contract Details column could display an incorrect contract status.


An error has been fixed whereby when performing an advanced search across several subjects of the Customer's Russian Federation, search results could be displayed only for the first specified subject.

Register of bank guarantees

An error has been fixed that could result in some users receiving the message “The requested page is temporarily unavailable” when unloading advanced search results. Please try again later."

Closed part Procurement register

An error has been fixed that resulted in some users receiving an error when sending a protocol for the consideration and evaluation of applications for a notice with two lots, for one of which all applications were rejected

"org.springframework.integration.transformer.MessageTransformationException: org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException."

An error has been fixed as a result of which, when adding a new item to the procurement plan of an organization whose IKU has changed, a control could be triggered that requires you to indicate the old data of the organization if the current IKU was specified in the IKP.

An error has been fixed that caused some users to "<>"according to the position of the IKZ schedule"<>", on the “Purchase Object” tab, which is filled in automatically based on the information entered in plan-schedule, when you click on the “Save and check for violations” button, the message “For technical reasons, the “Register of Schedules” subsystem is not available at the moment. Information generated on the basis of the schedule cannot be updated."

Register of procurement plans

An error has been corrected as a result of which a new position could be added to the procurement plan published in the UIS, identical to a previously added position, with the same IKZ number, purchase number and amount, as a result of which this position could also be duplicated in the schedule.

Register of procurement plans and schedules

An error has been fixed whereby when trying to make changes to a procurement plan position by clicking the “change” button, the IKZ procurement plan position "<>", the focus could be moved to the top of the page without changing the data.

Register of schedules

Fixed an error that resulted in IKZ numbers in the text of the automatic control of the schedule “Item numbers in the schedule were filled in incorrectly: “<>", Check that schedule positions with the specified IKZ are assigned numbers from the range 001 - 999, unique within the corresponding procurement plan position" could be displayed without spaces.

A bug has been fixed that could cause the system to display the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable” when placing and sending a schedule for control. Please try again later."

A bug has been fixed that resulted in the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable...” when making changes to a posted schedule by adding a new schedule item, when clicking “Finish.”

Request for prices

An error has been fixed as a result of which, when uploading a price request package for an alternative integration, after successful processing and placement of the price request in the Personal Account, the upload might not be available in FTP.


An error has been fixed as a result of which, when sending changes to the procurement plan to the UIS, the control on the BSC for the positions of the procurement plan “IDE” could be triggered. The following budget classification codes are not unique to procurement plan totals: "<>"».

An error has been fixed that resulted in some users, when loading changes to the schedule with a schedule item, the object of purchase of which was a medicinal product presented in text form, which had the attribute “Included in Vital and Essential Drugs (VED)” set. , the specified sign “Included in Vital and Essential Drugs” may not have been indicated.

An error has been fixed that could result in the error “UE. The required “Telephone” field in the block “Information about the state (municipal) customer, budgetary, autonomous institution or state (municipal) unitary enterprise” has not been filled in.

Fixed a bug where when uploading to ftp in the summing up protocols electronic auction The modification block might be missing.


An error has been fixed that could result in some users receiving the error “Access to the UIS is prohibited” when logging into their Personal Account through the unified identification and authentication system. The presented certificate is not assigned to account authorized person of the organization in the UIS."

Register of scheduled inspections

A bug has been fixed that could result in the error “ Error 500: javax.el.ELException: Error reading"signatureValid" on type ru.lanit.pgz.checks.web.pagecode.beans.CheckPlanCryptoSignBean".

Register of control results

An error has been fixed as a result of which posted information about the order, as well as draft information about the order, might not be displayed in the closed part for control results with identified violations.

Register of contracts

Fixed a bug where after receiving positive result control under Part 5 of Art. 99 44-FZ in the Personal Account of the control body, contract information may not have been posted.

An error has been fixed whereby after placing initial information about a contract in printed form contract may not have displayed a unique schedule position number.

A bug has been fixed that could cause the error “Page is temporarily unavailable” to appear when making changes to contract execution information. Try reloading the page."


A bug has been fixed that could result in an unexpected error occurring in the RGK integration adapter when processing contract executions. java.lang.NullPointerException."

A bug has been fixed that resulted in two identical contracts being loaded for a placed purchase. (letter from FC)

Fixed an issue where uploading a contract change with an out-of-date International Nonproprietary Name of a drug could result in the following error: “An unexpected error occurred during processing. Unexpected error in the RGK integration adapter. A medicinal product with a unique external code"<>" must be up to date in the singular in the directory "Medicines" (field positionsTradeName\positionTradeName\positionTradeNameExternalCode of the nsiFarmDrugDictionary document) and this medicinal product must correspond to the international nonproprietary chemical or group name (INN), the unique external code of which "<>" is transmitted in the MNNInfo block."

Find out what the UIS is, what information it contains and who can become a user of the UIS system in public procurement. Download the current version of the EIS user manual.

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What is EIS

The EIS is a platform on which government customers place their orders, documents, schedules, etc., which in turn can be found by suppliers, customers and other procurement specialists. All information is accessible (excluding that which contains state secrets), free and reliable. Access to the site does not require registration, with the exception of persons taking part in the discussion of the procurement of goods and works.

A little about the history of formation. Before the creation of the EIS, the Official Procurement Placement Site occupied its place from 2001 to 2014 and worked in accordance with Law 94-FZ, and since 2014 the transition to compliance with Law 44-FZ was made.

Despite the fact that the functionality of the official website has undergone significant changes, its address - zakupki.gov.ru - has remained unchanged. In addition, in 2016, a portal operating in accordance with Federal Law 223 was merged with this resource. Thus, now at the address zakupki.gov.ru there is a single information space for the entire procurement sector.

What does the EIS contain?

Why was the EIS created on the basis of the Official website?

The costs of creating an unified information system as part of the modernization of the environmental protection system amounted to 150 million rubles. Creating a unified procurement system from scratch would require more than 3 billion rubles, as well as more than 2.5 years to complete all technological work. Using the Official Website saved time and federal budget funds.

The EIS website contains 2 categories of information:

  • information on the execution of contracts;
  • background information (for example, by-laws and current information on restrictions (bans or special conditions) of access to bidding for goods or services of foreign origin);
  • registers (of already concluded contracts, complaints, inspections and orders, bank guarantees, unscrupulous suppliers);
  • library of standard government contracts;
  • results of audits, monitoring in the field of public procurement, etc.
  • various lists and catalogs.

These sections can be found on the website by clicking on the “house” button in the upper left part of the screen. A menu with drop-down categories will open. Use the arrows to expand the section you are interested in.

Important: State procurements with state secrets are not posted on the EIS website.

EIS functionality

The full functionality of the EIS website is described in Article 4 of Law No. 44-FZ. It includes:

Database. The system not only generates, processes and stores all information about orders, specific purchases, plans and reports, etc. In it you can also find all the applied information of interest, right down to by-laws and samples of standard contracts collected in a special library.

Federal budget spending control tool. Control is carried out both during the planning process and during the procurement procedure.

Document flow in electronic form. Customers have the opportunity to sign notices and documents in the system with an electronic signature, as well as exchange electronic documents. Necessary for registration and subsequent work electronic signatures are issued in certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Since 2017, federal customers are required to formulate procurement plans and schedules first in the Electronic Budget system. After these documents are verified by the Federal Treasury, they should automatically appear in the unified information system. But both of these stages - filling out forms on the budget.gov.ru website and integrating it with the Unified Information System - cause many difficulties. How to deal with them

Who can become a member of the EIS

UIS participants are divided into subjects and users (clause 5 of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1414 of December 23, 2015). The subjects are:

  • government customers purchasing goods, works, services;
  • participants in government procurement - organizations and individuals applying for such supplies;
  • other participants in the contract system;
  • other persons using the system to exercise their powers. An example is the employees of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia who exercise control over government procurement.

To use the site they must register.

Users of the unified information system website are legal entities and individuals who use the information contained on it. They have access to the functions of searching for the necessary information and viewing published documents (Treasury of Russia dated December 30, 2015 No. 26n). Users also include persons participating in mandatory discussions on public procurement. In addition to the above functions, they can also post their suggestions and comments on the site and receive messages from the site.